Just Ask G-Baby (Hernandez lookin' bad early)

"I should've just let it go to voice mail playa!"
The Greek philosopher, Diogenes, once said, “As a matter of self-preservation, a man needs good friends or ardent enemies, for the former instruct him and the latter take him to task.” Jose Marti, the famous Cuban poet, gave it to us like this, “An insatiable appetite for glory leads to sacrifice and death, but innate instinct leads to self-preservation and life.” Samuel Butler, the English author, kept it all the way 100 when he said, “Self-preservation is the first law of nature.”

According to court documents released on Tuesday in the Aaron Hernandez case, Carlos Ortiz, one of the alleged accomplices in the case, says that he was told that Hernandez said he killed Odin Lloyd. Ole boy told police that Ernest Wallace, a second alleged accomplice, told him a day after the shooting that Aaron admitted to killing Lloyd.

See everybody is down when some fool comes up with a plan to get into some foolishness but when it gets thick boyz start singing. It’s all good when cats are committing a crime and they’re filling like real G’s driving back from the joint smoking a square. However, when the police show up and start jamming boyz up, only the real gangsta holds his ground.

See some cats don’t care anything about going to jail. Boyz will look you in the face and tell you, “Man going to jail ain’t nothing playboy! I can do 10 to 15 standing on my head cuz all my boyz and my daddy is in that joint.” However, the cat that’s just pretending to be a G will start singing like Luther at the first sign of prison!

As soon as they closed the door to start interrogating that dun Ortiz he put on a pair of pink Prince Pants with the butt out and started singing bruh! Why? Because of the first law playboy! He was like G-Baby, “Let me break it down to you right quick!” Everything that the police wants to know about the night in question Ortiz is gonna tell them pimpin’ because he apparently wasn’t at the scene but helped to cover it up and it just got real thick real quick.

When I saw that dun, Ernest Wallace, being brought into court what I wanted to know is why was he even hangin’ out with these young cats in the first place? This stud had a head full of gray hair! Why is a man that’s darn near 50 anywhere near some cats that are 23 and 27 years old? Wheredeydodatat?

Like Big Momma used to always say, “If you get you some business you can stay out of trouble!” There is no explanation for a cat that old hangin’ out or even helping some idiot execute or cover up some foolishness of any kind.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st. If you’re 45 or 50 years and some young cat that’s 23 years that you happen to know, whether he’s a relative or not, calls you and says, “Hey man this dude that I’ve been hangin’ out with just pissed me off because he was talking to some cats that I don’t like. I need you to come up here ASAP to ride with me so I can kill this dun.” The first thing you’re gonna do is take the phone away from your ear and look at it. Then you’re gonna hang up on that fool and keep eating.

When he calls back you’re going to let it go straight to voice mail. That’s what a grown man with some business would do playboy but a clown without anything on his plate, no woman or wife and most importantly no bread will jump in the ride because he wants to be down with a cat because he’s famous. This is what happens when folks wanna tell boyz that they know somebody famous and that they’re in the know but when it gets thick they pull a G-Baby and tell it all. Why? Because they ain’t bout that life. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk! 

1 comment:

  1. The lesson of the day is…If you’re a person that seems to repeatedly make idiotic decisions and choices, it’ll be in your best interest to surround yourself with a person(s) that think and respond much differently than you do. If Hernandez had rational and responsible Cats in his circle, he would not be in this position which is being a hotheaded “Quick Draw McGraw”. People with sense don’t allow their Boyz to do stupid stuff especially when it could affect a person’s lively hood!! So instead he’s surrounded with followers that has just as much sense as he does not to mention are tattle tells that don’t have the fortitude to go down with the ship. I’m not condoning murder nor irrational shooting, but if I’m down with the idea of the crime, I’m at the crime, and help with the cover-up, I have to be down and go down when "we" get caught! Why you ask…because I would be a Dumb Ass for being with this dude in the first place. Even if I don’t pull the trigger, it becomes “we” in the eyes of the law. In my best G-Baby voice, “Alright let me break it down to you real quick…Dumb Asses tend to hang with Dumb Asses!”


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