Choppin' It Up (NFL Arrests)

"Slow down with the criticism playboy! It ain't as bad as you think!"
The Roman philosopher, Emile M. Cioran, once said, “Criticism is a misconception: we must read not to understand others but to understand ourselves.” Edgar Allen Poe was a “G” when he said, “Stupidity is a talent for misconception.” Then Big Momma said, “Quit listenin’ to all these fools out here just talkin’ out the sides of their necks because they’re just listenin’ to somebody else that was guessin’ when they told them!” What? You’ll catch that one on the ride home playboy.

Ever since Aaron Hernandez has been arrested for murder boyz in the media have been all over the NFL for the number of arrests this off-season. As a matter of fact, 31 players have been arrested since the Super Bowl in February. That number just jumps off of the page at boyz that are listening to cats that don’t know what they’re talking about.

On some real talk playboy, that’s nothing! Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Let me chop it up for you. There are 53 players on each team, right? There are 32 teams. Are you still with me? So therefore, there are 1,696 total players playing in the National Football League. If 31 of them have been arrested that’s 1.8% of the league that has gotten into trouble. I’m still looking for the problem playa!

According to the New York Times in 2011 researchers have found that 30.2% of 23 year olds have been arrested for an offense other than a minor traffic violation. That’s up from 1965 when that number was 22%. Now granted that's during their life but we're talking during the current players off-season.  The NFL is comprised of young RICH cats bruh and you’ve only got 1.8% of duns getting arrested and many times less than that. Wheredeydodatat?   You would expect for 20 to 30% of duns to be arrested not 1.8%!

The NFL was founded in 1920 so that makes the joint 93 years old. How many duns in those 93 years have been arrested for murder? All I can name is 2 and there may be more but I’m only so old pimpin’ but it can't be too many more. They are Aaron Hernandez and Rae Carruth’s ignorant trunk hiding butt. O.J. Simpson quickly comes to mind but he was acquitted of all charges and that dun wasn't even playing. By the time he acted a fool he was some old man that had nothing to do with the NFL.

Now I’ll go to my grave saying that the prosecution tried to frame a guilty man and lost. Everybody and their momma knows O.J. did it but they got too jiggy and tried to plant evidence and put a racist cop on the stand and it back fired on them. Not to mention ole Johnny Cochran ate their freakin’ lunch with those elf gloves they tried to put on O.J.. Again, wheredeydodatat?

Now over that same 93 years how many cats playing in the league were from the ghetto? Ima make it real easy for you playboy, a lot! Black and white! So for all of those clown journalists that tried to blame Urban Meyer or any other coach, for that matter, for the foolishness that is Aaron Hernandez check yourself. So if only 2 current duns have ever been arrested for murder out of the more than 100,000 players that have worn an NFL uniform you sound and look like a fool.

Think about all of the cats that were fools going into the league that came out as productive citizens. I wish that only 1.8% of these young thunder cats running around out here in these streets were getting arrested. It would be a safer place. Do you realize that 86 people were shot in Chicago and 12 of them died over the July 4th weekend alone bruh? Now that's a problem for you.

So before you listen to some clown on the radio today or read some fake wanna-be journalist’s column that isn’t creative enough to find topics to fill the gaps between the NBA and NFL seasons, trying to tell you that the NFL is full of thugs, remember that Ya Boy already broke it down for ya!

Here is the fool on the roof top again screamin', "They're supposed to know how to act! They're being paid millions of dollars to play a freakin' game!" Now where in that millions of dollars did they get injected with some drug that stops them from being young and human. If regular cats that are young and broke are getting into trouble wouldn't you expect for young rich cats to get into even more trouble? However, the young rich cats are getting into less trouble than the regular broke cats. Good luck with that theory playboy!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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