Fool's Gold

"Maybe I should just stop wearing this shirt!"

H.P. Lovecraft, the science fiction author, once said, “I am disillusioned enough to know that no man’s opinion on any subject is worth a damn unless backed up with enough genuine information to make him really know what he’s talking about.” E.O. Wilson, the famous biologist, was a G when he said, “We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make choices wisely.” Then my boy Albert Einstein got frustrated and shut the building down when he said, “Information is not knowledge.”

What frustrates me more than anything is when so-called sports journalists just get information and run with it without putting it into context. Then ESPN drives the freaking train of misleading folks all over the world. A couple of days ago these duns ran with a story written by Selena Roberts about the Auburn football program  bribing players and changing grades. The same person that jumped the gun on the Duke Lacrosse scandal without evidence in 2006 and had boyz messed up. So now we're listening to her again? Then on yesterday ESPN the Magazine publicized a new article about players flunking drug tests for spice 2 and 3 years ago.

Whether that information is true or not is irrelevant but what’s most important here is where they got the information. These cats are talking to clowns that are already in prison or awaiting trial for armed robbery to go to prison. What do you think they’re gonna tell you? Antonio Doodwin is sitting in an Alabama prison right now for the next 15 years on a robbery charge, Dakota Mosely is on deck and Mike McNeil will go to trial next week. Were you expecting them to say good things about Auburn after they dropped them like a bad habit for being criminals?

I’m not an Auburn fan at all playboy! I’m just a cat that grew up in the hood that can see some snitches a mile away trying to take the program down because they've already gone down. How in the world do you take the word of a convicted felon and run with it playa? Any lawyer in America would eat you alive for even trying to use that clown’s testimony. His character has already been tainted by the nature of his past behavior. That’s law 101 pimpin’ and I didn't go to law school but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!

Oh yeah, we’re not in a court room so they can use whatever a dun says to write a freaking story. They’re also trying to insinuate that because Dakota Mosely failed 6 drug tests for spice that that was the reason he was involved in the aforementioned robbery. So now because this fool was smoking spice that wasn’t yet on the banned substance list; it’s Auburn’s fault he’s going to prison? Wheredeydodatat?

In 2010 the entire country was inundated with the spice epidemic because they were still selling it in convenience stores. It was legal to sell, so therefore, the athletic departments hadn’t added it to the banned substances lists yet. You couldn't suspend players for violating a rule that didn't yet exist bruh! In my Big Momma in her house coat voice, “If you’re gone to tell it, then tell it.” Stop misleading folks with bad information homie.

Sure, they had 12 players test positive for spice but there are 100 cats on the team! That’s 12% of the football team smoking spice. I don’t know where you’re from but those numbers are excellent for a group of 18-22 year olds anywhere.  The program performed more than 799 drug tests for spice and had 18 positives while 12 were on the football team. Again, those numbers are excellent if you’re telling me that 2% of the athletes tested positive in a college program for anything. Am I justifying kids smoking weed or spice? Not at all! I'm just explaining to you that this is some foolishness. So again, why is this even a freaking story? Not to mention the fact that Chizik has already been fired and the NCAA has already investigated them to death and found nothing.

These cats keep bringing up Michael Dyer’s name as well. Isn’t this the same dun that couldn’t stay out of trouble and eventually got kicked out of both Auburn and Arkansas State for being a fool? So how is it Auburn’s fault that he’s a fool? Stop me when I start lyin’!

I’m the first to talk about ole dull Gene Chizik but to go holler at some cats that are clearly trying to ruin the program because they’re about to spend the next 15 years in the pen for being stupid is asinine. It just seems like if you’re the World Wide Leader in Sports you’d lead by example and publish better articles than that playboy because everybody out here ain't crazy enough to fall for the Oakey Doke!

Lastly, anybody that thinks their program isn't guilty of this same foolishness is on crack! So before you run out into the streets laughing at Auburn look in the freaking mirror! You got the same 18-22 year olds wearing your jerseys too and the same coaches trying to keep the water out of the boat! If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
The quotes under the caption aren’t real.

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