Speaking Hearts!

The Jordan residence, "No hater's allowed!"
When you were a child your parents, especially your mother, would always say, "Think before you speak baby. Don't just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind." As I’ve gotten older I've learned that blurting isn't saying what's on your mind. It's really saying what's in your heart. The word of God says, "For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks" in Luke 6:45. So when you hear people that just say anything without a filter they're really speaking their hearts and they just can't help themselves.

I saw where Michael Jordan's suburban Chicago home was put on the market yesterday for a cool $29 million. Fully furnished the secluded compound, built in the mid-1990s and renovated in 2009, encompasses more than 56,000 square feet and includes nine bedrooms, 15 full baths, four half baths and five fireplaces spread between a main house and a connected 3 bedroom guesthouse. The property also includes an indoor-outdoor entertaining and pool area, an outdoor tennis court, a putting green, a deep water pond and three climate-controlled garages that hold 15 cars. It was a home fit for a guy worth more than a half billion dollars bruh!

So why were so many people leaving comments from the heart yesterday on blogs or on the newspapers web sites that announced the sale saying that it was a complete waste? People were saying that it's a shame that pro athletes make all of that money. Why do they get paid like that and the real hero's like school teachers, policemen and firemen don't? That's a complete waste for someone to have all of that. These are examples of blurting bruh!

If the guy is worth more than a half a billion dollars he can easily afford to live in a home like that. Don't hate on him for being able to splurge and still live within his means. If we're being honest here those same folks that were hatin' on Jordan are in violation when it comes to their personal residences and finances. How many folks do you know that make less than $100K a year and live in a home worth more than $300K? Let's keep it real or all the way 100, which ever comes first. Mike could handle that note or as a matter of fact, he probably just paid cash for the joint with an endorsement check early in his career.

Let me address the blurter that made the comment, “Why do pro athletes make that type of money just for playing a stupid game and teachers, policemen and firemen don't?” I know you can't help what's in your heart right now but try to use your brain for just a minute bruh. Teachers, policemen and firemen are paid out of taxes not by some other revenue stream. Therefore, they can only make what people are willing to pay in taxes. I have this conversation all of the time with folks. If you want to pay these guys more money, people have to be willing to pay more in taxes. Otherwise, where are you going to get the bread to do it?

The Jordan Estate
People that make the most money in the world are those that typically generate revenue. Unfortunately, teachers, policemen and firemen don't have the ability to directly do that and pro athletes do. It's really is just that simple! Athletes don't make money for simply playing the game. They generate revenue for all parties involved like the organization, the apparel and shoes companies, video game manufacturers etc. Not to mention all of the ancillary folks getting paid as well. Do you realize that before Mike signed with Chicago 1984 the city was making less than $90 million off of the team and by the time he retired they were making more than $180 million annually. Those numbers include all of the bars, hotels, restaurants etc. Therefore, the athlete has to get a piece of that pie if he plays a part in generating the revenue.

Adidas didn't just give Derrick Rose $200 million because he could play ball and was humble. They’re selling a lot of sneakers because he's wearing them joints and kids are running out and buying them. I know you've been watching the news while folks have been camped out in front of malls all over the country waiting for the new Jordan's to come out? Agree with it or not, that's how MJ can live the way he's living. So don't just be a hater and start blurting on behalf of the teacher, policeman and fireman because I’m quite sure they knew what the salaries were before they accepted those jobs.

Don't speak for them because if they were in it for the money they would have chosen a different profession. It’s not always about the money for some people but don’t hate on those that are getting paid. I’m just waiting on Derrick Rose to put a bid in on that joint because he’s the only one in Chi that could handle that price tag without blinking right now.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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