"The Infamous Trait!"

"It's 4.5 seconds left so I gotta get my teammates involved, right?"

When we all started kindergarten we were taught to share and play nice. At the beginning we wanted the other kids to like us so we did everything we could to make friends. When we learned to play sports we passed the ball around so that all of the kids could get a shot because it was the right thing to do. Then one day the game got real when they started keeping score and your whole outlook changed.

Somewhere along the line when the game changed from being fun to real LeBron was asleep. He's still trying to share the ball with all of the kids instead of being selfish at the end of games when he should be taking the shot.

On Friday night LeBron passed up yet another opportunity to take the last shot with 4.5 seconds left. Instead, he passed to a WIDE OPEN Udonis Haslem as he missed the long jumper just before the buzzer. The Utah Jazz held on for a 99-98 victory snapping the Heat's nine-game winning streak.

The problem isn't that the Heat lost the ball game bruh! The problem is that LeBron's got to realize that all great athletes, business people and natural born hustlers have the same trait. You've got to become selfish when the game is on the line. You have to believe in your ability to get it done over anybody else's and not care what your teammates think about it when it's over.

"I just try to make the right plays and do what it takes to win basketball games," James said. "At the end of the day, games are not lost on one shot at the end or me not taking a shot. But I know the chatter will begin. I wanted that game as bad as anyone else on that floor."

Yeah, I realize that D. Wade missed a free throw with 14 seconds left and Haslem missed the jumper but now it’s on you. If you wanted it that bad bruh you've got to trust yourself to close the door. You can’t keep wasting opportunities trying to get people to like you. Michael Jordan is probably one of the most selfish and self-centered people on the planet and while you're at throw in Kobe Bryant too. Of course, that is a huge flaw for them off of the court but on the court it's ideal. Fortunately, having that trait made them the best finishers in the game.

I wouldn't hang out with either of them because of it. I know ya'll remember when Kobe got caught up with the whole sexual assault case and he brought up Shaq's infidelities to the arresting officers. That was that trait bruh! You wouldn't want him in the car with you if you got pulled over because he'll do whatever to make himself look good and throw you under the bus. Well, it works on the court but not in real life.

Don't think for one minute that their teammates loved either of them. They tolerated them because they won games bruh. I applaud LeBron for trying to play the game the right way but that doesn't win big games down the stretch! At some point you have to take over at the end of games.

I thought he was about to because he had 35 points with 17 of them joints in the fourth quarter along with 10 rebounds, six assists and three blocked shots for the game. Then somewhere along the way caring about his teammates got in the way.

At the end of games everybody in the building knew who was getting the rock including the other team when Phil was coaching. The instructions on the sideline with both Jordan and Kobe were simple, "Everybody else just get out of the way!" That’s what LeBron’s got to do to get over the hump regardless of what play Spoelstra calls.  As a matter of fact, he shouldn't be able to call the play! LeBron should be calling the play bruh! Phil just called the timeouts for everybody to rest in those situations.

You gotta stop worrying about whether people like you or not because when you're good very few people will anyway. I always say, if 50% of the people in the room aren't hatin' on you, you need to step your game up. So since more than 90% of people in the joint are hatin' on LeBron anyway, take the shot and then he can reduce it back to 50% bruh! Most cats don’t like him because he won’t take that joint.

Social and civil rights activist Benjamin Mays once said, "The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled but it is a calamity not to dream. It is not disgrace to reach the stars but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure but low aim is a sin." What he’s saying in ghetto basketball terms is this, "Not taking the shot when you had the rock in your hands is blasphemous bruh!

Let me break it down this way young blood! Your teammates just want to win titles they don't want to hang out with you. Do you honestly believe that Steve Kerr, Dennis Hopson or Cliff Livingston liked Jordan? Do you think that Adam Morrison, Luke Walton and Josh Powell ran around LA with Kobe? Not at all, but they love the rings that both Jordan and Kobe helped them win. So pull out the selfish trait and start finishing games bruh! You're the best player in the league! Now that won't keep the Heat from winning the title because they're the best team in the league and normally the best team wins the best out of 7 game series.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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  1. Great article cuz! Dude does not have that heart, too busy trying to be liked by everybody. He's not a killer like Kobe or MJ! Please don't put this cat on their level until he gets some heart.

  2. Agreed....I have always felt Lebron just dont have no heart! he may have taken his talents to south beach...but he needs to take his butt to the wizard and get some heart! He doesnt wanna take that shot. He is NOT that dude. If Lebron doesnt get it together, the fame, admiration, and mega endorsements will pass him by. So now he has a big "Decision" to make. D. Rose is a predator and the fans love him, the league loves him...and his butt cashed in with the mega deal he just signed. Lebron is gonna let the clock run out on his 15 minutes if he doesnt deliver THIS YEAR.


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