DeAndre Jordan outta his mind sayin' Gold Medal is above NBA Ship! "Cease and Desist"

"I know I was talkin' crazy bruh but that's how I get through the day!"
Jim Rohn, the author and motivational speaker, once said, "Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion." Richard Dawkins, the English ethologist and biologist, gave it to us like this, "A delusion is something that people believe in despite a total lack of evidence." Then Christian Nestle Bovee, the famous writer, broke it down like a G in the projects when he spit, "No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities." 
Well playas...DeAndre Jordan is not only delusional but he's completely lost his mind in order to find happiness. Earlier this week this dun told ESPN that winnin' a Gold Medal was better than winnin' an NBA Championship. Don't take my word for it bruh here's what this dun said out of his OWN mouth about Gold Medals: 
"I think they're above NBA rings. I may get in trouble for saying that, but I believe that. I feel like this is more special. You're not just playing teams in the U.S. You're playing teams from all over the world. And this is even more special because there's an NBA champion crowned every year, but this is every four years. You've got to really think about that, man, because it's extremely special."
Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! DeAndre has been over there  makin' Big Momma's Kool Aid out of the drinkin' water, standin' in dirty water butt naked gettin' stung by mosquitos if he's to the point where he believes that a Gold Medal is above and NBA title. Now that dun doesn't really believe that he's just convinced himself of it because it's easier to function in the world knowin' that he'll probably never win an NBA championship. 
He plays for the freakin' Clippers for cryin' out loud!!! He's not winnin' the darn Western Conference semifinal let along a Finals on that team bruh. So ole boy is merely psychin' himself out by sayin' some foolishness like that. 
How on earth would a Gold Medal be above an NBA title when you're playin' against competition from the rec league in the suburbs. Some of these countries are showin' up with boyz that have regular jobs that had to take off to play in this foolishness. Some of these duns had to fill out an FMLA form or lie to their wives to disappear for two weeks to play! And the teams that are playin' with professionals. They're all tryin' to get to the NBA!!!  But you're tellin' me that beatin' these fools is above beatin'  the best in the world? Stop it! You sound crazy! 
DeAndre!!! I need you to put the blunt down bruh because there's somethin' in it that you aren't accustomed to smokin'. You don't have to say ignorant stuff just to justify in your mind feelin' good about winnin' something. And that's the edited version. It's cool bruh! A Gold Medal is a big deal. It just isn't bigger than winnin' an NBA Championship. I need for you to cease and desist on that foolishness! 
It's okay to play in the NBA and not win a title. Everybody isn't goin' to win one but EVERYBODY can get paid. It's just what it is bruh. Only one team per year can win a ship and it normally goes to the duns that play on the BEST TEAM. Or in the case this year, the dun that completely took over the Finals, put the team on his back and won the joint. But not everybody can do or even has the DNA to pull it off. 
And please don't start listenin' to so many of these fake media-types that are sayin' that everybody that plays in the NBA is tryin' to win a championship because that's simply NOT true. Everybody isn't tryin' to win a championship because everybody can't win a championship. In order to win one you've gotta be on a team that is capable of winnin' one bruh. If you're in places like Denver, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Utah, Philly, Sacramento, Detroit, LA, pick one bruh etc. You ain't winnin' jack squat and you've gotta be cool with that. Let's keep it 100 bruh! If you ain't playin' for whatever team LeBron is on and the Warriors you ain't winnin' until they finish playin' with the ball. 
So DeAndre, you don't have to make up some foolishness to feel good about not winnin' a ring. Why don't you start with shootin' free throws at a higher than 40 percent clip. Let's start there. That can be your ring. Stop me when I start lyin'! 
Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say 
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
3) Put it where the goats can get it: verb phrase - to make it as elementary as possible. To put it at ground level so everyone can understand it. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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