Why Hood Protocol created the Draymond/LeBron beef! "Game Inside of the Game"

"It is what it is bruh!" 
Roy H. Williams, the best selling author, once said, "A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether. " Franklin D. Roosevelt gave it to us like this, "I'm not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues." Then Byron Dorgan broke it down like a playa at a pimp convention when he spit, "Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things." 

Well playas...since everybody is still talkin' about Draymond Green and LeBron gettin' into lightweight squab in Game 4. I believe that I need to educate some of you boyz on how cats get down in the ghetto and how all of this foolishness is the "Game Inside of the Game." I've got tall respect for Draymond for bein' the agitator at all times. However, he needs to understand where the edge of the cliff is so that he doesn't fall off. And ole dull LeBron needs to remember what the ghetto rules of engagment are and that he's used them in the playoffs too. 

Remember when he laughed in Kevin Garnett's face a few years ago in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference Finals?  That was no different than Draymond callin' him a B***** in Game 4 playboy. It's called "backin' a boy up off of you!" It's standard hood protocol! I tripped because I saw so many people on Twitter that were actually upset with LeBron for laughin' at KG because they felt like he was bein' disrespectful. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? The same way LeBron had the nerve to act brand new when a boy got in his ear and challenged his manhood. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Every single person that felt like boyz either laughin' in a cats face or Draymond callin' a boy a B**** either grew up in the suburbs or is actin' brand new! Let me put it where the goats can get it. When kids first learn how to play ball in the hood, they are taught by the older kids that the game is played between the ears. See everyone in the hood has talent, speed, agility and quickness. So the playin' field/court many times is level. How can a kid get an advantage? By gettin' inside of the other cat’s head. Duns like KG, Dennis Rodman and Draymond are specialists at doin' that bruh!

It is as simple as that. If you want to compete in the hood you have to be able to hold your own. Playin' in the ghetto is where the best games are played. That's why you see guys that have been able to escape the hood and move to the suburbs take their kids back to the hood to play ball. It's the only way you're goin' to know if your kid is good enough! Ballin' some nerdy kids in the suburbs where everybody get's a turn and is told that they're doing a great job means absolutely nothin'. Can he ball with some kid talkin' about his momma and tellin' him how bad he's about to school him? Can he ball with a kid in his face tellin' him that he's garbage for the sake of sayin' it and none of the adults in the buildin' are goin' to stop the abuse. That's the litmus test bruh! All of these guys in the league have passed that test already. You would think!

 If you aren’t strong mentally you won’t make it. So kids in that environment have learned to be tough early on because those are the ground rules. You can’t afford to get labeled as the kid that can’t take the trash talk because you’ll get targeted daily. Guys will intentionally go after you just to break you down mentally. Those are the rules and they don't stop once you get to the NBA bruh.

It’s more than just a game it’s about who’s tougher between the ears. Those that are the toughest mentally usually become the better players. Those that aren’t, typically quit before they got out of middle school. That’s just the way it is. This is the way guys are taught to play the game. The question has always been, how can I get an edge on a guy that has the same amount of talent that I have? There’s no secret formula or magic potion, just rattle him until he breaks. KG has always been a master at doing that! Now Draymond is doin' it to boyz but here's the problem bruh. He can't take it comin' his way. That's why he's kickin' and hittin' boyz and gettin' suspended in the darn Finals. 

Also the game is a lot more fun to play when everyone understands the rules of engagement. The weak players were eliminated in middle school so that the real trash talkers make it to high school. Then the celebrations and talk gets even louder and more harsh. By the time guys make it to college it’s at a fever pitch. Why do you think that the Miami Hurricanes were so successful in the 1980’s through 2001? In a span of twenty years they won 5 national championships! Yes, they were obviously better than other teams but they also got into their opponents heads and wore them down.

 It's much easier to beat guys that are internalizing the taunting and taking it personal. It’s called “gamesmanship”. In the hood it's called, "backin' a boy up off of you!" I can beat you as long as I’ve got you doubting yourself and many times that means trying to embarrass you in the process. If I'm successful at doin' that, I'll beat you 100% of the time. So that's why LeBron laughed at ole boy and got into HIS head. That's why Draymond called LeBron a B***! It's the Game inside the Game bruh!

Muhammad Ali was the king at doing it! Michael Irving “The Playmaker” and Deion Sanders “Prime Time” were very affective at doin' it as well. Remember when Billy “White Shoes” Johnson would do the crazy legs in the end zone and people would go crazy? That made the game more fun to play and watch. It's entertainment isn’t it? But more importantly he was tryin' to get into the other teams head. Why are people tryin' to take the attitude out of the game? That’s what makes the Game the Game! 

I hear commentators so many times demonizin' players for celebratin' or talkin' trash by sayin' that they’re disrespectin' the other team. That’s exactly what they’re tryin' to do! They’re tryin' to get into the heads of the opponent so that they can WIN the game. However, the only people that make comments like that are people that didn’t grow up in the Hood. If the ghetto didn't exist we wouldn't be watchin' the NBA because there wouldn't be any talent in the league bruh! 

If you took all of the guys out of the league that grew up in the ghetto that clearly understand the rules of engagement it wouldn't even be a televised sport! So for all of these folks that are offended by LeBron laughin' at KG or Draymond callin' LeBron a B*****.  I'm just glad you didn't grow up in my hood because you never would have played organized or street ball because you would have been too soft to get on the court or field. Also, your folks would have gone broke tryin' to replace your sneakers every night because boyz would have taken them from you daily. Believe me playboy, Draymond has the permission of the hood to call LeBron or anybody else whatever he wants to call them. As long as he gets into their heads. Stop me when I start lyin'!  

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Squab: verb - to fight
3) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender  specific.

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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