How some of the NBA Elite has gotten "TIRED" of USA Basketball! "Heist"

"Hey we gone let KD get robbed by himself next time bruh! Aight bet"
Byron Dorgan, the former US Senator, once said, "Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things." John Wooden gave it to us like this, "Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll argue with you." Then Roy H. Williams, the best-selling author, broke a boy off with some street knowledge when he spit, "A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether." 

Well playas...U.S. Men's Basketball will be officially announcin' their final 12 man roster for this summer's 2016 Olympics in Rio on Monday. However, the joint is already out on the street because every organization has a buster  workin' for it that will leak any and everything for the right price. And when I at look at the joint I'm glad to see that there are a lot of superstars that aren't on the team for varies "reasons." Duns like LeBron, Kawhi, Andre Drummond, Young Russ and The Beard all told these boyz that they were goin' to "rest" this summer.  Which in my opinion is code for "Y'all ain't makin' no more bread off of me for free patna! Pay me or kick rocks!" Other cats like Steph, John Wall and Blake Griffin are dealin' with injuries or recoverin' from surgeries. But if they were healthy I'd like to see them tell a boy to kick rocks too. 

The Current USA Men's Basketball Roster: 
1) Kyrie Irving
2) Harrison Barnes
3) Kevin Durant
4) Draymond Green
5) Klay Thompson
6) Paul George
7) Kyle Lowery
8) DeMar DeRozen
9) Carmelo Anthony
10) Jimmy Butler 
11) De'Andre Jordan
12) DeMarcus Cousins 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The duns on the '92 Dream Team started this foolishness off by allowin' boyz to completely take advantage of them. Why? Because they were out to prove to the world that America had the best players and that they did. Unfortunately, they got hustled in the process!

It was like Don King promotin' a prize fight in Vegas. They hyped up the players with one hand and sold them the foolishness of playin' for free and called it patriotism with the other. Yeah they came in with the, "We've got to prove to the world that we're the best" speech! Got those boys fired up and nobody thought about the bread that they were leavin' on the table. It's easy to do that when you're rich. Now let's be honest, none of these guys are strugglin' twenty four years later but it's the freakin' principle homeboy! Hood Hustle Rule No.1, "Never let a boy talk you into workin' for money that he wouldn't work for."

However, these young boyz don't have anything to prove to the world now because the Dream Team already did it for them. It's a proven fact that players in the NBA are the best on the planet. And more often than not they're from America. So now the Oaky Doke shouldn't be able to be ran because the Dream Team has already been the guinea pigs! But you still have some cats gettin' in line to get hustled like Paul George and Kevin Durant. What, of all people, is PG thinkin' about bruh? He already broke his leg on a basket stanchion a couple of years ago messin' around with this clowns and missed all but 6 games of the 2014-15 season. 

Over the past twenty four years we've seen the amount of bread generated from the Olympics and especially the income generated by the USA Basketball Team skyrocket! So why would a boy sign up  to play for free? That's why I was in complete agreement with both Dwayne Wade and Ray Allen when they said a few years ago that players should be compensated for playin' in the Olympics! As a matter of fact, I said it when the Dream Team got in line for that foolishness! Just because these cats make millions of dollars as players doesn't mean that they should become Pons in the game and continue to be taken advantage of.

D. Wade told a boy, "It's a lot of things you do for the Olympics -- a lot of jerseys you sell. We play the whole summer. I do think guys should be compensated. Just like I think college players should be compensated as well. Unfortunately, it's not there. But I think it should be something, you know, there for it." 

Ole boy was the leadin' scorer on the 2008 Olympic team that won a gold medal in China. So he's not speakin' about somethin' that he's heard. He's watched folks take advantage of him. These guys aren't stupid, not to say that the Dream Team was. They just got caught up in the hype and didn't pay attention to the money. So yeah, they were a bit naive and unfortunately all of the other teams were, includin' this current roster. 

It blows my mind when I hear people makin' the reference that duns like Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt aren't askin' to be paid! Let me put it where the goats can get it bruh! Cats like Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt get paid as a RESULT OF the Olympics. Nobody watches swimmin' or track but every 4 years playboy. They wouldn't be makin' the money that they're makin' now if it weren't for the Olympics! The Olympics MADE them famous! You didn't know who those guys were before the Olympics. Mary Lou Retton(1984 Gold Medal) became rich and made it to the cover of the Wheaties box because OF the Olympics. Gabbie Douglas did the same thing. She's got a freakin' reality TV show because of this foolishness now.  When was the last time you watched gymnastics on television? When the Olympics were on 4 years ago!  

The NBA players are already famous so the Olympics needs them not the other way around. It's called leverage and leverage is power all of the time. Why do you think Money Mayweather refused for so long to fight Pacquiao? I used to think that he was runnin' scared but it's all about the bread. Mayweather didn't want to split the purse of the fight 50-50 and Pacquiao did. They didn't fight until Money got most of the money! Why? Because Mayweather owned the company that promoted the fight. It's called leverage bruh and an already famous, elite NBA player has it all when it comes to leverage. So why play for free?  

Believe me, the most disrespectful thing a person can do to you is to take advantage of you. When your boss/manager/supervisor comes to you and asks you to work optional overtime this weekend. What's the first thing you ask him? "Am I gettin' paid for this?"  Now if he starts running the "company line" by sayin', "No my man, do it for the team! Look at the big picture etc!" You'd immediately say, "No thanks I would do it but I've got a family commitment this weekend!" Or like LeBron and the rest of these cats just told USA Basketball, "I need to rest!" 

So why do we try to run that same "be patriotic" line on the players just because they're rich. Rich or makin' good money is all relative. Don't you hate when folks try to size you up when you say, "No I can't spend money like that" and they come back with the "Man you got it!" response.  Don't be countin' my money bruh! 

How are you goin' to run the "be patriotic" line on a boy and you're sellin' his jersey right in front of him? Be patriotic and give up some of that bread that you're makin' when you fly them around the world chargin' people to see them play in what are called "Exhibition Games." They should play for free when there's no admission fee to the games and when they start givin' away jerseys. Otherwise, they're gettin' hustled just like the Dream Team did! Accordin' to Forbes magazine the Brits stand to make more than $26 billion dollars off of the Olympic Games thru 2017 because of the new construction projects etc. and that was off of the 2012 Olympics!!! 

The Original Dream Team (1992) was the biggest heist in sports history because guys continue to feel obligated to play for free as the money keeps pilin' up! If the Dream Team hadn't fallen for the Oakey Doke these cats today wouldn't still be gettin' taken advantage of. Let's keep it real! None of the media coverin' the joint is workin' for free nor is the Olympic committee workin' for free. So why do these cats keep gettin' in line to get screwed? I'm just glad to see more and more superstars backin' out. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say 
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
3) Put it where the goats can get it: verb phrase - to make it as elementary as possible. To put it at ground level so everyone can understand it. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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