How LeBron lost ALL hood cool points gettin' mad at Draymond! "Dozens"

LBJ: "Hey I ain't gone be too many more of them B's bruh!" 
C.S. Lewis, the British novelist and poet, once said, "If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair." Theodore Roosevelt gave it to us like this, "The unforgivable crime is soft hitting. Do not hit at all if it can be avoided; but never hit softly." Then Talib Kweli, the rapper, broke it down like a G at a gangsta convention when he said, "You have to know when to be arrogant. You have to know when to be humble. You have to know when to be hard and you have to know when to be soft." 

Well playas...there's never a time for a grown "A" man competin' in the NBA to be soft, let alone the NBA Finals! However, as much as I respect LeBron's game that dun came off as soft as drug store cotton candy when he got upset that the homie Draymond (Day-Day) called him a B**** durin' Game 4 in Cleveland. What blows mind is that this isn't the first time he's reacted this way. Remember when Joakim Noah called him one and he threw a fit talkin' about "I've got wife and kids and how dare a boy call me that in front of my family!" What!!? 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Man yo family "ain't" thinkin' about a boy callin' you something crazy! C'mon LeBron pull ya pants up and put on your big boy girdle bruh! You can't be that big and soft! That's the "Game inside the Game" that boyz have been playin' since the beginnin' of hood time. It's called gettin' into a boy'z head. So if he knows that callin' you a B***** will set you off! Then guess what playboy? You're about to be a whole lot more of those joints in Game's 5, 6 and 7 if need be. 

In the hood yo momma, girlfriend, old handicapped grandmother and everything else a boy could think of to set you off and get your head out of the game is fair game bruh. When a boy gets on yo momma etc. It's called "Playin' the Dozens" and the "Game Inside the Game" is his cousin! Where did LeBron grow up? Akron? Well, you and I know that he's heard a boy call him far worse than that. So stop tryin' to act brand new bruh! Draymond was just followin' standard hood protocol when he popped that joint your way. 

And guess what playa? Even if Day-Day is suspended for Game 5 after the league reviews his foolishness from Game 4 everybody else on Golden State's squad are gonna be callin' you a B****! Trust me on that because all they're tryin' to do is win a championship and if callin' you a B**** helps them get there. Then you're about to be tee'd up pimpin'! Because if you get upset enough to be out of rhythm then you just made it easier for them to win a second straight NBA title.  Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific
3) G: noun - short for gangster, real cat that can hold his own in the streets

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