The REAL reason black folks supported O.J. when they knew he was guilty! "Ya Boy"

"You already had me figured out bruh?" 
Ismail Haniyeh, a senior political leader of Hamas, once said, "Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away." Galileo Galilei gave it to us like this, "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." Then Buddha broke it down like an ole playa at a pimp convention when he spit, "Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." 

Well playas...truth is always sittin' somewhere in the cut in plain sight but boyz typically want to act like it's not there. You don't have to search for it, beg it to come out and play or force it to introduce itself. You've just got to chose to acknowledge it. On Saturday night these duns from ESPN actually had the audacity to do a 30 for 30 entitled O.J. Simpson "Made in America" to tell the story of how the Juice came to be and how the trail became so fascinatin' to America. Great idea right because it teaches? Well only if you're white in American or black and naive with your head stuck in the sand. Okay I'll give everybody under 40 years old a pass but only slightly. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! EVERYBODY in black America that's older than 40 knew the drill on O.J.! He was what black folks called a sellout way back in the early to late '60's and beyond. O.J. was no different than both Michael's, Jackson and Jordan!  They refused to identify with black folks and the struggles of our communities. I'm preachin' but y'all ain't listenin'.

You're not tellin' black folks anything new by revealin' in a 30 for 30 that O.J. was in it for himself and didn't want to identify with bein' black because it would hurt his bread. The crazy thing is, he was as black as they came at the time by growin' up in the projects of San Francisco. When I say black as they came, he grew up with all of the conditions of racism, poverty and segregation that every other black person in America dealt with at the time. 

So to become rich and famous and never identify with the struggle of bein' black in America was insultin' to all of the folks that came before him and those havin' to deal with that foolishness at the time. 

Don't give me or any other black folks a history lesson on O.J. because we peeped that dun years ago. Just like we peeped both Mike's. 

Michael Jackson left Gary, In. in the late 1960's, my stompin' grounds, and never came back not even to say "Boo" to a boy! He had the nerve to record a song that told the world that it didn't matter if your black or white! When you and I know that that only applies to white folks. Why? Because race plays a huge factor in our everyday lives because we don't own major corporations that run this country. Why? Because those companies were built and grown out of the slave trade. Look it up playa. 

Mike didn't look for love from black folks until everybody else turned their backs on him when he was accused of the child molestation charges. C'mon bruh I'm talkin' but y'all ain't listenin'! 

I'll save you some time from havin' to sit through this foolishness that ESPN has put together. I saw an article on their web site stating that now most black folks believe O.J. was guilty. What!!!? MOST BLACK FOLKS KNEW HE WAS GUILTY AT THE TIME OF THE MURDERS BRUH!! They weren't cheerin' for that fool to get off because they thought that he was innocent. Most black folks could care two dead flies smashed about O.J. because he cared nothin' about them. 

The black community wanted to at least get on the score board. It's sad but it's true. For more than 400 years in this country black folks have been kidnapped, enslaved, raped, tortured, beaten, tarred and feathered, burned alive, denied the opportunity to go to school, work etc,etc,etc. Durin' the Civil Rights Movement people were killed for protestin' the right to be treated fairly. Many of our young men had been wrongly convicted of crimes that they didn't commit. Many of them were even executed for those same crimes. All of this foolishness thrown our way in this country and no one has gone to jail for those crimes against an entire race of people. 

So when O.J. went on trial for killin' a two white people boyz chose sides based on race and not on whether they thought he was guilty or not. Why? Because black folks were tired of bein' abused and just wanted see one person of color, guilty or not, get off because of the millions of brothers that  didn't.  Boyz just wanted to say at least one person "walked" in this crooked system of injustice we call justice. 

When people can be tortured and abused, families sold away, little girls can be killed at Sunday school in Birmingham, cats like Emmett Till can be beaten to death and maimed for lookin' at a white woman in Mississippi and so on and so forth and NOBODY goes to jail for it people get fed up. 

Naw playa, it could have been any high profile case in 1995 where a black man was charged with killin' two white people and reaction would have been the same. It's sad but it's true. But the powder keg had been loaded for more than 400 years bruh. Think about it playa, the Rodney King beating and the exoneration of the police officers that beat the brakes off of him along with the LA Riots had just occurred 3 years before that in '92. 

So the black community was already in edge because it was clear that we've been punched in the gut yet again in this country. So when O.J. went on trial it was bigger than freakin' O.J.! Black folks didn't even like O.J. but he was black and that was good enough for them to get into the ride. And he had Johnny Cochran, a brother, givin' them the business. It didn't get any better than that. Boyz just wanted to see an educated black lawyer outsmart the powers that be in court and get a boy off. 

Black America just wanted white folks for the first time in this country to feel the injustice that they've felt for 400 years. Screw O.J.! He was just a pawn in the game. It's sad but it's truth. All we all want in this country is to be treated fairly regardless of the color of our skin. 

So you don't have to waste your time watchin' a long and drawn out 30 for 30 to understand why the O.J. trial captivated America along racial lines you've just got to Holla At Ya Boy! 

Oh and don't think that I was goin' to get out of here and not address Jordan. I hope that he never gets into trouble because you'll see him crawlin' back to the black community lookin' for some love too. He can act like we don't exist if he wants to but we're right where he left us 32 years ago. And you can add Tiger Woods to that list too. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say 
3) Sittin' in the cut: verb phrase - to be low key and out of the way
3) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
4) Walked: verb - to get set free, to beat the case

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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