Why I'm in the ride with Frank Vogel ALL day! "Ridin' Deep"

"Really bruh? Y'all blamin' me?" 
Jackie Mason, the stand up comedian, once said, "I don't believe that anybody has come to a conclusion on why something is funny. It's funny because it's ridiculous and it's ridiculous for different reasons at different times." Edward Albee, the well-known playwright, gave it to us like this, "I have a fine sense of the ridiculous, but no sense of humor." Then Moliere, the 17th century French playwright, broke it down so that it would forever be broken when he spit, "People don't mind being mean; but they never want to be ridiculous." 

Well playas...you need to come over here and holler at some of these Indiana Pacers fans! These duns have lost their minds after the Pacers were beaten in a Game 7 "Po Pimp" situation in Toronto on Sunday night. Not only did I see fans callin' for this dun's job but even some of the fake media-types were askin' the question as to whether he should be fired!! What!!!?

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! It's INDIANA bruh!!!! You're not gonna win a championship here! Let's put that on the table up front! You've got to have superstars to win championships! Not only do you have to have superstars but you have to have multiple superstars!!! It's Indiana and you've only got one and he's not a dog!!! Makin' the playoffs is about as good as it's gonna get. To take the No.2 seed to a Game 7 and you barely made the playoffs is overachievin'. Stop it! You sound crazy suggestin' otherwise! 

Oh, I'm talkin' crazy? Detroit got ran out of the gym in a clean 4 games by the Cavs! That's what was supposed to happen in a 2 vs. 7 matchup and it didn't. Frank Vogel is cool in my book and he can ride with me all day long. He can even turn my radio stations in my car. I know you remember what Chris Tucker said, "Don't EVER touch a black man's radio boy!!!" Frank can listen to country music in my ride because I've got TALL respect for him. 

Please don't give me the "This is Indiana and we expect championships" line. It's freakin' Indiana bruh! You don't have what it takes to win championships here. Name me one franchise that has won a championship with only one superstar? I'll wait. The freakin' team barely made the playoffs and they took the No.2 seed to the brink! Vogel handled his business relatively speakin'. 

How and why on earth would a boy be in danger of losin' his job? Now if they decide to fire him it would be the dumbest thing known to man. Because who are you gonna get that will do a better job than Vogel with what he's had to work with. He took a team that had probably the worst center to EVER play the game of basketball to the Eastern Conference Finals two years in row. He's been makin' cornbread with jelly beans for years bruh! And he should be fired? 

I told you boyz last week when the Pacers went up to Toronto in Game 5 and wet the bed that it wasn't on Frank!! Larry Bird and Co. has done an excellent job of assemblin' a team full of nice guys tryin' to get away from the Jamal Tinsley, Steven Jackson, Ron Artest foolishness. A team full of nice guys isn't goin' to cut it playboy.

His best player scored 37 points in the first three quarters and finished the game with 39!! He's like the dog that barks at the kids Ridin' bikes up and down the street from the window but as soon as they ring the door bell he runs under the bed. Reggie Miller would have finished that game with 50 points! Why! Because he was a dog!!! He was a nice guy but he was a DOG!!! 

I told you back in November that you couldn't win with a team full of nice guys but you ignored me! The only alpha male in the buildin' is Monta Ellis, he's on the back end of his career and it was his first year. So he wasn't goin' to walk into the buildin' jammin' boyz up! 

So Frank gets these cats to the playoffs as a 7th seed and takes the No.2 seed to a "Po Pimp" situation and you boyz want him gone? You sound like a darn fool! And that's the edited version!!! Should they have won this series? Sure, they should have! If they didn't have a team full of nice guys they would have! They were far more talented than Toronto but they didn't have the dog to take what the Raptors were tryin' to give them. Toronto tried their best to give that series away but the dun's in the Pacers locker room didn't want it either. That ain't on Frank!! That's on the cats playin' the game! Who's buyin' the groceries? Larry Bird and Co.! 

If anybody should be fired it's Bird!!! But again, how much would that help? Because it's Indiana!!! No superstar free agent is goin' to voluntarily come to Indiana to play. The only reason that you have Paul George is because you drafted him. Just like Reggie Miller! No free agent with crazy options is comin' to Indiana! There's nothin' here!

Think about it bruh! It's a middle of the road franchise in the middle of nowhere. Why is it middle of the road? Because it'll always be good enough to make the playoffs. So it'll always get middle of the road draft picks. Middle of the road draft picks will always just get you to the playoffs.  Young superstar free agents want to play in big cities with crazy culture and night life. If they wanna play in a small market they'll go to San Antonio because they've got the best coach, the best owner and front office with 5 championships. Otherwise, they would rather go to Chicago, New York, LA, Miami or even Boston. They aren't linin' up to play in Indiana. So you're always goin' to have a middle of the road team. And that ain't Frank Vogel's fault bruh! 

Frank has done an excellent job with the personnel he's been given. When Paul George score's 30 points or more in a game they lose more often than not. Why? Because everybody's standin' around watchin' him play. That ain't Frank's fault!  So to even suggest that he should be fired is asinine! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Po Pimp situation: Verb phrase - a do or die situation. Taken from the song "Po Pimp" by the rap group "Do or Die" 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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