Why David West would have been better off stayin' in Indiana bruh! "Kizzy"

"Even I can say it now bruh! You that didn't make no sense!" 
Queen Latifah once said, "I made decisions that I regret, and I took them as learning experiences... I'm human, not perfect, like anybody else." Laurence J. Peter,  the Canadian educator known for the formulation of the Peter Principle, gave it to us like this, "Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret." Then Jim Rohn, the author and motivational speaker, broke it down like a playa at a pimp convention when he spit, "We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment." 

Well playas...ole David West is sufferin' the pain of both disappointment and regret this mornin'. He's  probably kickin' himself square in the hind parts after leavin' Indiana and a GUARANTEED $12.5 million on the table this past offseason to chase a championship in San Antonio only to make the veterans minimum of $.15 million. On Thursday night the "Young Thunder Cats" from OKC sent he and the duns from the River Front Senior Citizens Home to the crib to play shuffle board. 

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Ole boy may as well have pulled a "Kizzy" and stayed put because he only got one round further than the darn Pacers did bruh! Sure, they won 67 games and only lost 1 time at the crib durin' the regular season but none of than means jack squat if you're at the crib with the Pacers right now anyway.

This dun took an $11 million pay cut to ride the neighbor's bike because it had a softer seat. He still ended up fallin' off of the joint and bendin' the rim. Outta the playoffs is outta the playoffs!

Think about it bruh, the Pacers lost to Toronto because they had no dog in the locker room! They lost because they had no leadership! They lost because they had nobody that was intense enough to overcome the foolishness that kept creepin' up on boyz at the end of games. That dog, leader and intense cat was David West!!! They literally could still be in the playoffs right now and the Pacers would be payin' him $12.5 million to be there. Instead that dun went down to San Antonio and got taken advantage of.

And PLEASE don't get it twisted playboy, I’ve got TALL respect for D. West so don’t think for one minute that I’m blastin’ him for takin’ less bread on his quest to win a championship. However, the duns in San Antonio saw a boy gettin’ out of the ride down the street when he walked in with his emotions on his sleeve and they took FULL advantage of it. Rule No.1 of the Hustla’s Handbook says, “Never show your hand to a boy that you’re tryin’ to negotiate with.” Rule No.2, “Never tell a boy everything you’re thinkin’!” And Rule No.3, “ALWAYS leave your emotions in the ride with the gun!” Why? Because if you have both with you, you'll end up doin' something stupid.

D. West ain’t no minimum wage type of cat! He averaged 14 points and 7 rebounds per game durin' his four seasons with the Pacers! I know because I covered him the entire time. He was the freakin’ leader in the locker and he was guaranteed to make $12.6 million this upcomin’ season.

So when a boy says that he wants to win, the hustla sittin' on the other side of the table wants to know how bad? R.C. Buford went straight gangsta on him and told him that he’d be happy to have him for nothin’. Unfortunately, D. West let his emotions tell himself that he wasn’t worth who he actually was; a leader, a dog, an enforcer, a productive presence and a grown “A” man that has earned that respect both on and off of the floor.

All he had to do was look at the roster. San Antonio was an average age of 146 years when he showed up. In order to win a championship you've got to be able to play through the darn middle of June. That roster was a mess from an age standpoint. I wrote it last summer when he decided to jump on that bike. Had he not just seen the young boyz at Golden State just win the joint? Did he not know that the West was loaded? He had to know that OKC was goin' to be back in the playoffs right?

To know all of that and still let a boy take advantage of him was crazy. I could see if they had offered him $8 or $9 million. I would have understood if he were goin' out there for $7 million but $1.5 million? Naw bruh, don't get me to lyin'. The No.1 rule in the Hustla's Handbook Edition 2 says, "NEVER TAKE MONEY THAT YOU'VE ALREADY EARNED OFF OF THE TABLE!"  He should have stayed in Indiana and got his bread and then jumped on somebody else's bike next year. That way if a boy wants to pay him the veteran's minimum he's lost nothin'! Stop me when I start lyin'!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific.
3) Kizzy: noun - the name of the daughter of Kunta Kinte from the movie and novel "Roots." Her name means to "Stay Put."

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!   

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