How Larry Bird did the UNTHINKABLE to Frank Vogel after lettin' him go!

"Well I can't fire myself bruh!" 
Stephen Covey, the author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," once said, "Accountability breeds response-ability." John Thune, the US Senator, gave it to us like this, "I just think we need more accountability and more transparency." Then David Brin, the well-known scientist, took a big chunk of Big Momma's sweet potato pie when he spit, "When it comes to privacy and accountability, people always demand the former for themselves and the latter for everyone else." 

Well playas...ole Larry Bird demanded accountability from Frank Vogel but privacy for himself when it comes to buyin' the groceries that Frank had to cook with. So he fired a boy for not bein' able to make seafood gumbo out of french fries and potato salad! Then he pulled the ultimate sucka move on Thursday by tellin' cats that he didn't fire ole boy. He just didn't renew his contract. So now we're dealin' in Semantics bruh? But more than him tellin' the media that Frank wouldn't be back. He did the UNTHINKABLE and broke the code that ALL real G's live by! He exposed that man's vulnerable side and threw his dignity into the middle of traffic by sharin' pieces of a private conversation that he had with Vogel beggin' for his job! 

Now let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! All a man's got is his pride and dignity outside of his family! At some point we're all gonna lose a job for one reason or another. If you haven't lost one yet playa, Ima tell you what Big Momma used to always say, "Keep on livin'!" So Frank gettin' fired isn't just the reason why I'm so fired up. It's the way Bird drug this man through the dirt once he did let him go. 

In the middle of the press conference Thursday, Bird told boyz that Frank was beggin' for his job bruh. Now even if the dun was beggin' that was a private conversation playboy. That man has a wife and kids. You don't EVER expose a man bein' less than great in front of his own family!!! That was a sucka move and there are no excuses for that! You've already fired him but to tell the media that he was beggin' for his job was unnecessary. 

What kind of person does that bruh? Really? Like Big Momma would always say, "It's not what you do! It's how you do it. Or better yet, it's a way to do things." Tell the media that you parted ways with Frank and that you wish him the best of luck. If any of the fake media-types ask you what, if any conversation you had with Frank, you tell them that that conversation is between you and him. Next question!!! 

Now let's get into the reason why this dun said that he fired ole boy in the first place. He starts off by tellin' boyz that Frank was a great leader and coach but he fired him anyway. That makes sense!! Then he says that the the team didn't score enough points. But nobody in the freakin' room asked him how is that Frank's fault if they've only got one consistent scorer on the roster? Nobody asked the follow up question of, "What are you goin' to do goin' forward Larry, to ensure that the new coach has the scorers that he needs to put up more points?" 

Why? Because you can change coaches every other year and if the roster is still the same or has the same type of duns on it the results are gonna be the same playa. Are you goin' to blow up the team and start from scratch as you bring in the new coach or will you ask him to perform the same type of miracles that Frank performed to make the playoffs and advance to the Eastern Conference Finals two years in a row? 

Oh am I talkin' crazy? In 2013 and 2014 Frank took teams with the worst center to EVER put on basketball shoes to the Eastern Conference Finals. He also took them with a dun that was the loosest cannon in the league and figured out how to maximize his potential. Lance Stephenson has been an absolute train wreck since he's left Indiana! Frank made seafood gumbo out of spoiled horse raddish and foot fungus bruh and you fired him. He made the playoffs every year but one of them. 

They just took the No.2 seed to the brink in a 7 game series. Sure, they should have won the joint because they had them on the ropes in Game 5 but they wet the bed in the fourth quarter. But was that Frank's fault or your fault playboy? They wet the bed because they've got no dogs in the locker room. That ain't on Frank bruh! That's on the dun that bought the groceries. I've been tellin' you boyz since November that the only Alpha Male in the buildin' was Monta Ellis and he's on the back end of his career. 

You and your boyz in the front office have made a concerted effort to get away from the likes of Ron Artest, Steven Jackson and Jamal Tinsley. So you've assembled a team FULL of nice guys. Well playa, nice guys with no dog in them tend to watch the ice scream melt for 12 minutes in Game 5. Nice guys with no dog in them tend to be at the bottom of the league in scorin'. Dogs demand a fight and put the ice scream back in the freezer. That ain't Frank's fault bruh! 

So again, what are you gonna do to ensure that the next coach isn't fightin' the same battles Frank had to fight? Since it would be unreasonable for me to think that you would hold yourself accountable and fire yourself. So you're just gonna set another boy up only to fire him 3 or 4 years from now. Why? Because you can't make seafood gumbo with french fries and potato salad. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

And if you really wanna know how I feel check out my podcast: "Ya Boy goin' OFF about Larry Bird firin' Frank Vogel!" 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and it's non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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