Trump's leadership is like a mean DRAGON runnin' wild in America! "Leadership Says"

"The dragon is runnin' wild out here bruh and it ain't good!" 
Steve Jobs once said, "Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected." Alexander the Great gave it to us like this, "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." Then Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald's, broke it down so that it would forever be broken when he spit, "The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves." 

Well playas...if the leader sets the standard of bein' reckless and irresponsible then the duns followin' him will be reckless, out of control and irresponsible. If leadership says that it's okay to be a racist and a bigot then the sheep followin' him will think that it's okay to be racist and bigoted. Boyz in the GOP are now shocked and appalled that the Trump rallies have suddenly turned into specticales from the 1960's civil rights era. On Friday night Trump had to cancel his rally in Chicago because boyz in the Chi weren't havin' that foolishness in their town. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Donald Trump flunked his first test in domestic policy playboy right here in the midwest He planned a rally to preach the racist and bigoted propaganda in the heart of a Democratic city smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood where nothn' but blacks and Latinos live. He's lucky that nobody was seriously injured or killed. If he can't make good decisions on schedulin' a rally on American soil in the right place he's in trouble internationally. How can he be trusted to handle REAL foreign policy when he can't figure out where his base actually lives. Stevie Wonder, Helen Keller and Blind Mellow Jelly could see that it made no sense to fall off into the Chi for a rally. I could have told him that he needed to take that joint on up to the Northwest suburbs somewhere at least out of the innercity. CHICAGO IS A DEMOCRATIC CITY BRUH! IT'S ALWAYS BEEN!!!!  

But the real question is, why are his rallies becomin' increasingly more volatile? It's because his leadership has unleashed the dragon! When the cat runnin' the joint is tellin' people to punch folks or to throw them out and in some cases he's even told them to carry them out on stretchers. That gives the fool in the audience the green light to act a fool bruh. And what blows my mind are all of the media-types and political talking heads that are sayin' that Donald Trump can't be held responsible for the actions of people at his rallies. What!!?

When the leader is condonin' foolishness the dragon runs wild. Oh, am I just talkin'? The 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham was bombed killin' four little girls at Sunday school because leadership said that it was okay. Bull Connor allowed water hoses and police dogs to attack human beings for wantin' civil rights. Why? Because leadership said that it was okay. Three civil rights workers were abducted and murdered in Mississippi because leadership said that it was okay. Medgar Evers was shot in the back because leadership said that it was okay. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated because leadership said that it was okay! 

Why do I say that leadership said that it was okay? Because NOBODY actually paid the price for this foolishness. When leadership does nothin' to stop fools from bein' fools they are sayin' that it's okay. When Donald Trump tells folks at his rallies to punch people that disagree with him, folks get punched! He's appealin' to the dark side of the United States and he's given them a voice that they thought had been silenced. 

Leadership dictates how much the dragon will eat. When Freddie Gray can be killed by the Baltimore Police on a ride to the station and his family receive $6.4 million. When Eric Garner can be choked to death by the New York City Police for sellin' loose cigarettes and his family receive $5.9 million. When LaQuan McDonald is shot to death by the Chicago Police Department and his family receives $5 million but Erin Andrews can be secretly filmed through a hotel peep hole naked and receive $55 million leadership says that it's okay to kill unarmed black men but it's not okay to film white women naked. 

Now don't get it twisted, what Erin went through was emotionally devastatin' and she deserves EVERY penny they awarded her. However, she's still alive and well. And like my man D.L. Hughley said on his radio show, "I bet Marriott doesn't have any more peep holes on their doors!" If they had awarded those men that were wrongfully killed by the police $55 million that problem would quickly go away. 

So that's why there is a need for a campaign that says #BlackLivesMatter because leadership says that they don't! Why? Because when a person can get 10 times the amount for bein' filmed naked than an unarmed black man killed by the police we've got a problem. It's sad but true. 

If Donald Trump can't lead folks to act like decent human beings at a freakin' rally then how on earth is he goin' to lead a nation full of different nationalities, ethnicities, colors, creeds, religions etc, etc, etc.? This cat is preying on the ignorance of his followers to support him. He's encouragin' the "us against them" rhetoric and it's workin' bruh! He hasn't told a single person what his platform is!!! 

We haven't heard a single word about jobs, foreign or domestic policy, taxes, employment or unemployment! Nothin' but "I'm goin' to build a wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it!" Just a bunch of foolishness as we watch the dragon eat! Why? Because HIS leadership says that it's okay to be reckless. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Facebook: TheJayGravesReport 
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn"t real but its REAL talk!  

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad someone from the media finally had the courage to talk about the hypocrisy behind the Erin Andrews ruling vs. all those other "wrongful death" suits


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