How the Trump Movement is pushin' America back 100 years! "OFFICIALLY"

"I'm runnin' game and none of these suckas can't see it!" 
Jean Baudrillard, the French sociologist, once said, "The world is not dialectical - it is sworn to extremes, not to equilibrium, sworn to radical antagonism, not to reconciliation or synthesis. This is also the principle of evil." Harri Holkeri gave it to us like this, "My opinion on who's wrong or who's right has nothing to do with the fact that we have to bring together people who are against each other, to transform antagonism into cooperation." Then Mark Hanna shut the buildin' down when he spit, "Don't organize in the spirit of antagonism; that should be beneath your consideration." 

Well playas...It's obviously not beneath the consideration of Donald Trump and his Presidential campaign. Once ole boy jumped out the birthday cake and said that he would propose a ban on Muslims enterin' the United States until he "figures out what's goin' on" it was morally down hill from there. Then all of the outright bigots in America jumped in the car with this dun and it was like Chris Brown up in this piece. "On and Poppin'!" 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! To have a cat winnin' primaries and caucuses in these United States of America in 2016 tells us that this country is no better off racially than it was in 1932 or for that matter playboy, 1832. What we're seein' is a candidate appealin' to the dark side of America that felt for so long like they had no voice. I was watchin' a show on television the other night where they were interviewin' some Trump supporters that were fightin' mad. The commentator asked the question, "why are you so upset?"  In their own words, they felt like they couldn't really say what they believed anymore because they would be called a bigot or a racist. 

Well playboy, if you believe that it makes sense to stop a group of people from enterin' this country based on their religious beliefs, the color of their skin or the pronunciation of their names you sir, or ma'am are a bigot. 

Now what blows my mind is that folks in this country for more than 350 years kidnapped, enslaved, tortured, raped and destroyed black families by sellin' them off separately in the name of Christianity. Now we all know that those weren't Christian values that were bein' exhibited. However, nobody wants to admit that those were extremists runnin' a muck. So when the extremists create chaos in the name of religion today we should be smart enough to know the difference. Therefore, to label an entire group of people as bad and unwanted because of the actions of a few is asinine. 

Whenever it becomes unsafe for a fellow American to attend a rally for a Presidential candidate because they happen to look different than the vast majority of people in attendance, we officially have a problem. When the group becomes an angry mob because someone decides to disgree with the popular sentiment in the room, we officially have a problem. When a young black woman gets pushed around in the crowd just for bein' there, we officially have a problem. When a Latino kid can be spit on just for bein' in the room, we officially have a problem. When the former grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and the several CURRENT white supremacists groups endorses the campaign of the Presidential candidate and he does nothin' to separate himself from them, WE OFFICIALLY HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!  

It's a shame that people have died in the fight for civil rights in this country both black and white and we've got a dun runnin' for President that believes that it's okay to be a separatist and he's leadin' in the GOP polls, winnin' primaries and caucuses. What does that really say about the country that we call America?  What it says to me is that very little has changed! Ole boy keeps sayin' that he wants to Make America Great Again. The only thing he's makin' America do at this point is turn back the hands of time 100 years. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

And let me say this before I get out of here. In every campaign the candidates always try to be relatable to regular Americans. Even though most of these cats are rich they try to down play it. However, Trump is gettin' off on tellin' all these suckas how rich he actually is without givin' them a real platform to run on other than bein' reckless. Therefore, it has been more important for him to be reckless to them than to actually run on some substance and that's a shame. 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Facebook: TheJayGravesReport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!  

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