Why playin' BIG or small isn't the Pacers biggest problem bruh! "Alpha"

"What ch'all lookin' at me for bruh?" 
John Quincy Adams once said, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." John C. Maxwell, the famous author and speaker, gave it to us like this, "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." Alexander the Great broke it down like a G at a hustlas convention when he spit, "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

Well playas...some cats are forced to lead because they're the best players but aren't necessarily leaders of men. Then there are duns that are leaders of men simply because of their DNA but aren't necessarily the best players. The Indiana Pacers have that scenario playin' out right now bruh. Paul George is there best player by far but he isn't a leader. The leader walkin' around this piece is Monta Ellis! However, he's yet to become the Alpha male/leader that they NEED for him to be in order for this team to get to the level that their talent suggests. 

On Sunday night Indiana showed up in Denver short handed with only 10 players suited and booted. However, they jumped all over the Nuggets in the first half only to give up 75 points in the second and a ridiculous 45 points in the fourth quarter to take the "L" 129-126 on the first stop of a four game road trip. Why couldn't they close the deal? Because there is no LEADERSHIP on the freakin' team!!! Frank can't coach and play at the same time bruh! Somebody in that locker room has to be the Alpha male and lead!! Point blank! I said this same thing at the beginnin' of the season but you boyz wouldn't listen! "The success of the Indiana Pacers will greatly depend not on how dominant of a player PG is but how great of a leader Monta Ellis becomes." 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! We all know that PG is the go to on this team and normally the go to is the cat that is naturally the leader. But that doesn't apply in Indianapolis playboy. Paul has been the best player on the team for the past 3 seasons easily. However, David West was the Alpha male but he was gettin' too old to wrestle with boyz about always doin' what they needed to do. In other words, he lost his fire to be combative enough to force his will night in and night out in the locker room. So he bounced and now all you've got is a bunch of talented young cats without a leader. That's not a knock on PG! It is what it is. He's a nice guy that can hoop! But bein' a nice guy that can hoop doesn't get you very far when you've got to compete against teams that have cats that can hoop and monsters in the locker room that are leaders.  

With the combination of Paul George's ability to take over a game and Monta's ability to score and his natural fire, this Pacers team has the ability to be very good bruh. However, Monta has yet to take over as the true leader. I realize that boyz have complained in the past about his attitude etc. in Dallas. However, was it his attitude or were there other Alpha males in Dallas that he just clashed with? We all know that there can only be one Alpha in a room! Otherwise, it's called chaos and that's never good for a team. 

I've been coverin' the Pacers for more than 5 years now and let me keep it 100 with you pimpin'. Larry Bird has done a great job of buildin' a team full of nice guys. It's a compliment to the organization and the coachin' staff. However, you always need to have a bully or a dun with some degree of edge to himself that has the ability to ball that boyz respect that will lead the team. Monta is that dude but he's not takin' on that role completely and at what point will he?

He's got the edge, he's got crazy swagger! Now he's got to get in a boyz grip to get the best out of them and that includes PG too! We're officially at the half way mark of the season. Boyz keep on trippin' as to whether they'll play the spread with a small line up or with a traditional big line up. It doesn't matter if you've got no leader out there or in your locker room. They keep sittin' around lookin' for PG to be that guy but he ain't that guy bruh! Monta is the closest thing you've got to a leader and if Frank doesn't demand that he leads they're in trouble and maybe Frank has but it's ultimately up to Monta to bring it. 

When the Pacers are healthy they've got a cart full of shooters willin' to come out of the trunk on you. Duns like C.J. Myles, George Hill, Rodney Stuckey, even Glenn Robinson III along with PG. They just need a boy to step up and be that dude from a psychological standpoint. The Pacers have always lacked edge! 

"Follow my lead lil' bruh!" 
Yeah they had Lance Stephenson a few years ago but that dun was more edge than hooper and he wasn't disciplined enough to lead blind mice to limburger cheese. So he became a detriment to the betterment of the team. You need a cat with just as much edge as he has game and in this case PG will make up for whatever game is missin because you don't necessarily need more game. You need more LEADERSHIP!!! Monta Ellis is that dude. Now what is he gonna do with it? 

It's like bein' in the in the ghetto. There's always a stud walkin' around that boyz respect. It doesn't matter what hood you're in there's a cat walkin' around like him. He's got crazy attitude and confidence, more swagger than he really needs and will get at you in a heartbeat. Now he may not be the baddest dude in the hood but because he's got so much of the rest, all of the baddest cats run with him and respect him. Therefore, they'll do ANYTHING for him. If Monta would just step up and lead he could get more out of his teammates than they're gettin' right now. All the Pacers have to do is win the games they're SUPPOSED to win and they'll be fine. Stop takin' "L's" to boyz that they shouldn't be losin' to. 

Monta needs to be more like Tupac! See Pac wasn't the baddest dude he was just the cat with all of the edge that all the baddest dudes wanted to hang out with. So it made him seem like the baddest dude. If Monta takes advantage of what God has already blessed him with this could be his best year as a pro. If he jacks it away he'll sadly underachieve and so will the Pacers. Everybody doesn't get talent, swag and edge at the same time. And they darn sure don't get to play with a dun as talented as Paul George that isn't an Alpha male. So it's his locker room to run and he's got less than a half of a regular season to do it.  Stop me when I start lyin'!

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and it's non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!  

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