Why Blake Griffin won't EVER follow another boy outside again! "Pockets"

"Yep! That was stupid!"
George Bernard Shaw, the Pulitzer Prize winnin' Irish playwright, once said, "When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty." John Wayne gave it to us like this, "Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid." Then Maxim Gorky, the Russian and Soviet writer, broke it down like a playa at a pimp convention rockin' the ole Goldie perm when he spit, "A good man can be stupid and still be good. But a bad man must have brains." 

Well playas...Blake Griffin must not have been in the room when ole boy was spittin' that wisdom because he dove off of the deep end on a boy. On Saturday durin' the Clippers' road trip to Toronto this dun got into it with the freakin' assistant equipment manager at a restaurant and ended up firin' on him and breakin' his hand. Not only did the dun dive off of the freakin' roof and fire on ole boy but ole boy didn't wanna scrap with him so after he hit him the first time the dun walked outside. Blake followed him outside and blasted him several more times breakin' his hand!!! You read that right playa!!! Followed the dun outside and broke his hand. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The word is, Blake and ole boy are REALLY good friends so they were "just on one" when they got into it. However, anytime a boy walks away after gettin' fired on he doesn't won't anymore. So for Blake's big "A" to follow the dun outside and give him a two piece with mild sauce on the side was completely out of line. Cats get into it all of the time with their boyz and it just stops when one of them walks off or when the fellas break it up. 

But for Blake to jeopardize his playin' time with another injury is just plain ignorant. He's been out with a quadriceps injury and they were lookin' for him to return durin' this road trip. Now they're sayin' that he'll be out for another 4 to 6 weeks which isn't realistic accordin' to Doc Rivers durin' the pre-game presser in Indy before takin' on the Pacers. That dun won't back in 6! Who's the genius puttin' that foolishness out? 4 to 6??  

Boyz need to really check themselves on that foolishness bruh. Now everybody is sayin' that these two cats are such great friends but let's see how great of friends they really are when the lawyers finish pumpin' that dun's head up with the amount of bread he can get from the Clippers. Why? Because he got the breaks beat off of him on the job by another employee. Yeah, that dun won't even recognize Blake when they show up in court playa. I bet ole Blake will keep his hands in his pockets from now on and he sure won't follow a boy outside for the rest of his life! What's crazy is that he jumped on a dun that's 5'9" but when ZBo and duns like that start chirpin' he's not followin' them outside. I'm just sayin'! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Fire: verb - to hit, to assault
3) Just on one: verb - trippin' bruh
4) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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