How a boy turned into the Lion from THE WIZ durin' the Texas/Baylor fight! "Fleetwood"

"Where's that dun Fleetwood at?" No #68 in the picture bruh!" 
Kevin Garnett once said, "I'm not the type of person to give up just because something gets rough. That's a coward. That's not me." Mahatma Gandhi gave it to us like this, "A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave." Then General George S. Patton broke it down like a hustla standin' in the shoe shine joint on 25th Ave. in the G. when he spit, "Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood." 

Well playas...I don't normally call out college kids for doin' something stupid but I gotta blast this dun, Ishmael Wilson No.68 from Baylor, for bein' a coward in the middle of the Texas/Baylor fight in the first half of their ball game. With Baylor down 17-0 in the first half. Their 4th team quarterback, Lynx Hawthorn, threw a dull pick to Duke Thomas of Texas. Ole boy was so mad about throwin' the pick that he body slammed Thomas to the ground on Texas' sideline after he'd clearly stepped out of bounds. Obviously, the good ole boyz from Texas took exception to it and started pushin' and shovin' Hawthorn. 

Ishmael the dun from Baylor then leads the charge across the field with his helmet off and naturally boyz aren't gonna let him run across the field by himself so the entire team follows him. Then all of a sudden this dun stops once he gets to the middle of the field but his boyz keep goin'! 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st!  Rule 1, Section 1, Article 1 of the "Street Code of Conduct" says, "Always protect the duns that are rollin' with you!" So if he was runnin' over their to protect his boy even though he shouldn't have left the sideline. I'm cool with that! Why? Because the code of the street always takes over on a boy in situations like that when you're young. So I get it! I grew up in the hood too! It took a minute for me to start usin' sound judgement comin' right out of the ghetto when I was in college. So I'm not blastin' him for that. 

And don't try to tell me that they're highly educated kids studyin' at Baylor. The street code takes over when your boy runs into danger. You gotta go with him because you've got to have his back. Black folks are communal  like that bruh. You're not gonna let your boy go down without you even though he's DEAD wrong.  

Well...ole Ishmael gets to the middle of the field and STOPS! However, the rest of his teammates don't see him stop and they run into the fight to get their boy Lynx like they should have! I'm not mad at them for goin' to get Lynx! I mad at Ishmael for punkin' out like the Lion in the Wiz when he saw 60 plus brothers in burnt orange and white foamin' at the mouth waitin' for him. 

Listen up young playa, once you jump out of the boat you gotta swim! Once you pull the trigger you can't get the bullets back. Once you pull a Russell Crowe in Braveheart and sound the alarm you gotta go! You were the very reason that the rest of the team cleared the bench in the first place. When you took off boyz were like...dang bro! Now we gotta fight! Why? Because they can't let you run over there  by yourself. The refs were gonna take care of Lynx and the Texas players but you escalated the situation and then punk'd out on a boy. 

So you pulled a Fleetwood Coupe De Ville on a boy! That's the Lion in The Wiz in 1978 not that foolishness that they just had on TV the other night. From now on that's your new nickname bruh! Fleet!!!! Stop me when I start lyin! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) The G: noun - Gary, Indiana, home of the original gangstas and hustlas
2) Spit: verb - to say

Holla At Ya boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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