Why the Lakers are waitin' on Kobe to sprain an ankle or simply sneeze bruh! "Stairs"

"What? I'm just gettin' started bruh!" 
As the fellas and I are sittin’ around talkin’ crazy and eatin’ leftovers these three cats started arguin’ about boyz statin’ the obvious. Edward Dmytryk, the famous film director, stood up and shouted, “In art, the obvious is a sin.” Confucius broke it down like this, “When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” Then George Orwell, the English author that published the dull novel 1984, shut the buildin’ down when he spit, “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” 

Well playas...since I'm an intelligent man it's my duty to restate the obvious around this piece. Why?  Because some of you boyz includin' Byron Scott wants to act like you can't see it. Kobe Bean Bryant is washed up bruh! Stop tryin' to act like it ain't what it is! This dun told boyz that he would NEVER consider benchin' Kobe because of his performance even though he's shootin' a career worst 31.1 percent from the field and freakin' 19.5 percent from behind the arc and he's gunnin'!!!! Ole boy said, "I would never, never, never do that! That's not an option whatsoever. No, that's not an option."

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I know that it's not an option to bench that dun because he's makin' more bread than anybody in the freakin' league! I get it!! So the Lakers are stuck with him. They created the monster when they signed him to the extension for an additional $48M when he was still recoverin' from the Achilles joint and he was makin' $30M the year they extended him and half playin'! NUTS!!! 

But I bet Byron and the rest of the duns in the Lakers front office are just sittin' around waitin' for him to come up gimp, snake bitten or to just trip down the freakin' stairs so they can have an excuse to sit him down. 

Kobe's not gonna sit down on his own and nobody's got the gonads to bench him. So they've gotta wait for him to get hurt. Ask the boyz out in Denver how great it feels to be able to sit Peyton Manning's butt down. You couldn't just bench him for Brock Osweiler bruh! They had to tell boyz somethin' so that it didn't just sound crazy! "Your foot hurts bruh? Aw you can't play with that!  Plantar Facsia!!!! That's it! You're out for the season playboy!  YOU DEFINITELY CAN'T PLAY WITH THAT!!" 

You already know that boyz in LA are waitin' for Kobe to fall down the stairs or slip on a banana peal. If that dun sneezes they're goin' to sit him. Let him cough and fart at the same time pimpin'. He'll be out for the rest of the year with a season endin' injury to the sphincter muscle. 

Every time the player formally known as the "Black Mamba" touches the rock boyz are cringin' because he's gonna dribble all of the air out of the ball and then launch a brick or an air ball. It's embarrassin' to even watch.  He's known as the "Garden Snake" now bruh! 

Don't look at me crazy for sayin' what 90 percent of you duns are thinkin'! Nobody wants to see Kobe make a fool of himself but we can't change the fact that he's got no self-awareness. So just because we know that he's makin' a spectacle of himself  doesn't mean that he knows it. Therefore, the only thing that can put him out of his misery is him gettin' hurt or fallin' down the stairs or both. And I wouldn't be surprised or mad at a boy if somebody close to the situation pushes that dun as he's gettin' off of the bus one night. Nothin' serious bruh just a high ankle sprain that'll do it.  Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2)  Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
3) Gimp/Snake Bitten: verb - to be slightly injured or hurt. Nothin' serious but just enough for a boy to be uncomfortable. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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