Why havin' money didn't insulate the Mizzou grad student from campus racism! "Privilege"

"My daddy's pockets may be greener but my skin is still the same bruh!"
Frederick Douglas once said, "Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe." George Bernard Shaw, Pulitzer Prize winnin' Irish playwright, broke it down like this, "Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance." Then Sarah McLaclan stood up and spoke it like a G at a hustlas convention when she spit, "People's ignorance really pisses me off. Stupidity is when you can't help it -ignorance is when you choose not to understand something." 

Well playas...the ignorance in America seems to be at an all-time high and is pushin' to set the world record! Over the last 24 hours or so the dun that started the University of Missouri protest by goin' on a hunger strike, Jonathan Butler, has come under fire because his daddy is rich bruh! What?!!! They are several racist websites that I refuse to mention to give the extra pub to that have the audacity to say that ole boy shouldn't have been protestin' racism on his campus because his daddy is worth $20 million! Really bruh!!? That's where we're goin'?

His father is an Executive Vice President with Union Pacific Railroad in Omaha so these fools are sayin' that he doesn't experience racism because he's rich and therefore was wrong for runnin' the president of the university system out of town.  

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Most , if not all, folks that are racist in this country are racist out the pride of 'white privilege!' That means that a boy wants to keep him or herself on a pedestal above black folks by any means necessary. Even if that means lyin' to him or herself about why it makes sense that black folks are beneath them. So the fact that this dun's rich exacerbates the situation. 

If some white racist kid on campus rolls up on him and he's gettin' out of a newer and more luxury whip than him then he's pissed and more likely to call him the N-word out of frustration than the dun jumpin' out of the Big Big Chevy with the busted tail light. If ole boy pulls out his black card in the union to pay for his lunch and the dun from rural America that thought that ALL black folks were beneath him and poor because that's what is ignorant "A" parents have always told him that they were, that's a problem. So he's gonna experience way more foolishness than the average black kid from urban America on campus. 

When he walks into Saks or the Louis Vuitton store the security guards are followin' him around like he's a thief because they don't think he's supposed to be in their store buyin' anything! When campus police pulls him over and runs his plates every third day because he's drivin' a better car than they do he's experiencin' racism. Why? Because of the 'white privilege' that told them that black folks shouldn't be doin' better than they are. 

Now these are simply examples of why it's ignorant to assume that because he's rich he isn't experiencin' racism on campus along with the rest of the black student body. Just because his daddy is rich doesn't make his skin look any different than the dun from the projects of St. Louis bruh! So to insinuate that he shouldn't protest foolishness on his campus is asinine! That fact that people can't and won't even try to understand what black folks go through in this country when it comes to racism further tells me that the problem isn't knowledge. It's the lack of tryin' to even understand the knowledge that's sittin' on the freakin' table beggin' to be appreciated. 

Now I will say what I've been sayin' all week about this situation. All of the duns that applauded the football team for walkin' off of the field still don't understand that not everybody in that locker room was on board with that foolishness. Only 32 black players initially walked out and there are more than 60 brothers on that team. Therefore, those 32 strong armed the other 70 plus total players. If the entire team wasn't initially on board the 32 were wrong to jump out there. Why? Because a team has to roll as a team. And you and I both know that everybody's situation ain't the same. 

See Jonathon Butler already has a degree and a daddy that can pay for him to go to grad school if he gets kicked out. The dun on football scholarship from the projects of Chicago can't afford to lose his scholarship if this joint goes south and it could have. Not EVERYBODY in that locker room both black and white are at Mizzou to get an education. Some of those cats are ONLY there to get to the NFL. So don't tell me that EVERYBODY was on board followin' some cat who's daddy is rich down a rabbit hole that NOBODY knew how it would end. Boyz on that football team got lucky that Tom Wolfe didn't dig in his heels and post up for 3 or 4 weeks. I'm just sayin'!  

Now should the students have protested! You darn right that should have! And that's the edited version bruh! But the football team didn't have to strike to get boyz attention but it's easy for 32 cats to quit if you're 4-5! Would they have walked out if they were 8-1 and in the hunt for an SEC title? I doubt it playboy! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
2) Whip: noun - car or vehicle 
3) Big Body Chevy: noun - 1985-90 Chevy Impala bruh

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!   

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