How the media blows my mind pickin' and choosin' who they'll label a terrorist! "Tags"

"We're prayin' for you bruh! Stay strong!" 
Pope Francis once said, "Human rights are not only violated by terrorism, repression or assassination, but also by unfair economic structures that creates huge inequalities." Vladimir Putin broke it down like this, "Terrorism has no nationality or religion." Then Tony Blair stood in the middle of the cypha and spit the realist 16 bars ever spoken, "The purpose of terrorism lies not just in the violent act itself. It is in producing terror. It sets out to inflame, to divide, to produce consequences which they then use to justify further terror." 

Well playas...if terrorism lies not in just the violent act but in producin' terror that sets out to inflame, divide and produces consequences which is used to justify further terror. Then why don't these boyz reportin' the news and recordin' history call ALL terrorism what it really is? While I'm watchin' boyz talk about the terror attacks in Paris on EVERY news outlet on TV, I can't help but ask the question. What classifies certain acts of violence terrorism and certain acts of violence random acts of violence? Is it the act or the person committin' the act? 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! What happened in Paris is DEFINITELY an act of terrorsim playboy! Any time a boy rolls up on a group of people and terrorizes them it's terrorism. To shoot and kill folks for the sake of kicks and giggles or to hide behind some sort of group or set is terrorism. However, why is it that acts of terrorism are ONLY labeled acts of terrorism when the dun carryin' out the foolishness is non-American or more specifically non-white? 

If we've agreed that terrorism is to produce terror that sets out to inflame and divide and like Tony Blair said that it has no nationality or religion or to quote Pope Francis again "But also by unfair economic structures that creates huge inequalities. Then terrorism is terrorism regardless of the color of a person's skin or country they're from. 

So why is it that the dun that walks into a Connecticut school and kills 33 children not called a terrorist? Why do we call him sick? Why isn't a boy that goes into a Charleston, South Carolina church and kills folks havin' bible study not called a terrorist? How is the dun in Colorado that walked into a movie theatre and shoots up the joint any different from the duns that walked into a concert hall in Paris and killed folks? How is it that you can call a bunch of cats in Paris terrorists that drive past a restaurant and shoot it up and not call folks in this country terrorists that drive past churches or civil rights leader's homes like Martin Luther King Jr. and throw a bomb through the window? 

 How do you miss the opportunity to call folks that have tarred and feathered black folks for years terrorists? How do you not call a dun walkin' around in a street gang a terrorist if he and his boyz are striking fear into everybody in the neighborhood? These are ALL acts of terrorism bruh! Not just when the person is non-American or more specifically non-white.  

It's not just middle eastern folks pullin' stunts like that, it's white folks, black folks, Asians, Latinos, etc. etc. etc. Growin' up in the hood I saw terrorists EVERY day! Like I just said bruh, street gangs were terrorists! They terrorized the neighborhood selling  drugs, pullin' drive-by shootings, takin' little kid's lunch money and sneakers on the way to school Etc. That's terrorism!

The Ku Klux Klan are terrorists! They've instilled fear into black folks in this country for darn near 100 years. Stop actin' like this is brand new because folks that don't look like you are actin' a fool too. Those specific police that harass folks for no reason and those that are killin' unarmed black folks are terrorists!!! Don't try to make it any thing that it isn't. ANYBODY that is instilling fear into people is a terrorist I don't care what color they are or where they're from. The act is what labeled a person a terrorist not the color of their skin or their nationality. It doesn't matter if the dun's name is DeQuan, Hector, Jacob or Abdul from rural, suburban, Hood City, USA or from the Middle East! If he's instilling fear into groups of people he's a terrorist. We've got to learn how to love one another and the differences that make us so unique. Then and only then will the labels, names and tags not separate us. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Cypha: noun - when rappers get into a circle and freestyle lyrics. One person starts the rhyme off and then hands it off to the next person. It goes until someone messes it up. 
2)  Dun: the person in question, dude, guy, etc, It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The cation under the photo is real today playa!     

1 comment:

  1. I have listened to you on various occasions and normally I agree with what you have said but this is the most ridiculous thing ever to come out of your mouth. Number one, there have been times that the media has used the word terrorist, for example, Timothy McVeigh (home grown terrorist), the white supremists groups have also been labeled terrorists. I think maybe you should own up to the fact that these individuals who operate alone and kill, steal create mayhem on their own are nothing but thugs. Whether they are white, black or whatever. The terrorists who created the mess in Paris operated as a unit and killed themselves for a cause in the process.
    Sorry but you sounded ignorant yesterday on the radio and that bothers me because you clearly are not an ignorant person.


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