Why this Lamar Odom situation is NUTS & the Beard is actin' like a side chick! "Gump"

Carl Sagan, the astronomer and cosmologist, once said, "Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep thoughts can be winnowed from deep nonsense." George Santayana, the Spanish philosopher and poet, broke it down like this, "Nonsense is so good because common sense is so limited." Then Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology,  shut the buildin' down when he spit, "The pendulum of the mind swings between sense and nonsense not between right and wrong."

Well playas...there's so much nonsense surroundin' this whole Lamar Odom situation that it can make a boy nauseous. Now this dun is layin' up in a Los Angeles hospital with brain damage resultin' from a stroke brought on by his recent drug overdose last month. Accordin' to his wife in an interview that aired Monday on the talk show "Ellen" ole boy is havin' trouble speakin', recognizin' family and friends and he's really confused a lot. She goes on to say that he's learnin' how to walk again and feed himself again. That's just the set up bruh! I told you all of that to paint the picture that this dun is in bad shape.

That's not the foolishness here bruh! The foolishness is that the Nye County Prosecutor's office is considerin' hittin' this dun with a felony drug charge for, get this, unlawful use of cocaine! 

Now let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! This cat is sufferin' from BRAIN DAMAGE and a boy in the prosecutor's office is tryin' to make a name for himself? What sense does it make to prosecute a boy for gettin' high when he's jacked up from gettin' high? Talk about kickin' a man when he's down! 

This dun doesn't half know his name, can't speak well, can't half walk, can't recognize a soul and you're tryin' to send him to jail? That's like takin' a boyz favorite pair of Jordan's from him after he loses his legs in a car accident! He can't do anything with them but he still wants them next to his bed in the shoe box.

And who's the genius in the prosecutors office that thinks that it makes sense to send a boy that needs around the clock medical attention to jail for the state to pay for? Really bruh?

Excuse my grammar but he got his OWN self high! He overdosed on his OWN supply and now he's pretty much an invalid. Who are you protectin' him from by sendin' him to jail? This is Tom Foolery at it's finest! 

But hold on a second playa, it gets worse. He's still married to Khloe Kardashian and she's right by his side like a wife's supposed to be, right? But she's datin' James Harden!!!! Now again, she would be a low down dirty dog to leave Lamar hangin' in the middle of all of this. So you can't expect for her to bounce now. 

However, the sucka in this whole situation is the freakin' Beard! When Khloe was on "Ellen" she told ole girl, "I'm just gonna say I'm, like, part of polygamy now. I have a husband. I have a boyfriend. That's a way easier thing to say." Bruh...this broad has you on national TV lookin' like the third wheel sucka and you're supposed to be the freakin' man!!! Wheredeydodatat? 

Where is James Harden from? Mayberry somewhere? What kind of real cat would just hang around that type of foolishness? He looks like a straight up gump at this point because a real G wouldn't be the third wheel.  What kind of GROWN man acts like a side chick?

When ole boy overdosed and she needed to be there with him, the Beard was supposed to say, "Listen baby girl you've got way too much goin' on. So take care of your husband and Ima go holler at someone that's not so complicated." And why are you hollerin' at a broad with a husband in the first place? All the chicks in the world that are unattached and you followin' behind a chick with a husband that you know. Straight sucka move bruh.  

He's James freakin' Harden! He doesn't have to share a chick's emotions with another cat. C'mon bruh! That doesn't even make sense! Talk about nonsense and foolishness!!! What's up with these young cats now days? He's a professional athlete with major bread and he's willin' to share his main chick and let her make a fool of him on national TV? That's straight up Gump status no ifs, ands or buts about it! He's even worse than the average gump because he's got major paper and stop me when I start lyin'!

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific.

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!

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