Why you should NEVER put a mic in Adrain Peterson's face! "Blue Magic"

"Y'all already know y'all wastin' my time bruh!"

Winston Churchill once said, "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." Ishmail Haniyeh, a senior political leader of Hamas, gave it to us like this, "Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away." Then the big homie, Buddha, broke it down like a real G is supposed to when he spit, "Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."

Well playas...make that four things! Adrian freakin' Peterson! On Monday durin' a conference call with Denver media leadin' up to the Vikings-Broncos game on Sunday ole boy said, "Not to sound cocky or anything, or confident, but yeah, I do feel like I could have came out my senior year of high school and played in the NFL. I really do. And I'll just say this, people were like 'well, physically you just weren't ready.' I came in my freshman year and I was up for the Heisman, had a pretty good season, was the leading rusher."

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Under most circumstances I would tell a boy to back away from the table, put the pipe down, wipe your nose, take the needle out of your arm, return the unused packet of Blue Magic to Frank Lucas and exhale the glue but this is A.D. (All Day). So Ima tell this dun not to go to the dope house altogether because he has a tendency to go overboard. 

"Again, y'all wastin' my time!"
I was a season ticket holder at Oklahoma for 14 years and I didn't miss an OU game durin' his stint in Norman! He was a BEAST from a talent standpoint but biology and physics still apply playboy.   

He was a MONSTER comin' out of high school. However, I still believe that as good as he was he still wasn't physically ready for the pros because the NFL is full of GROWN "A" men that have been trainin' a lot longer that A.D. at 18 years old. And why take the chance on destroyin' your body before you even get started? This ain't the NBA where it's technically not a contact sport. If you've got the skill set to go pro then you can. In the NFL you've got to be prepared physically to handle it as well as have the talent.  
 The NFL is a completely different animal and to think that a kid at 18 years old could step into that league and play without sustainin' ridiculous injury is asinine, even Adrian Peterson. Yeah he was good enough but an 18 year old body comin' out of a "BS" weight trainin' program in high school (any high school bruh) would have gotten him killed up at the pro level. He was banged up at OU bruh because he was huntin' defensive backs and his body wasn't mature enough to sustain the long term punishment. 

Think about it playa, he'd be runnin' into duns that are 28, 29, 30 plus years old that have been playin' this game for a long time! And they've been eatin' right and trainin' professionally for years, not to mention their college experience too. You sound as crazy as Maurice Clarett tryin' to come out of Ohio State after one year. 

Again, I'm not sayin' that this dun didn't have the talent. His body, nobody's body, could sustain an NFL grind at 18 without the proper preparation. In college you're playin' against defenses that may have one or two pros on them. In the NFL you're playin' against defenses that have 11 pros and they go 3 deep at every position. Stop it! You sound crazy! 

Sure, A.D. could have ran out there for about 3 weeks. Then the grind kicks in and those blows would start addin' up about week 6 and college, all of a sudden, doesn't sound like a bad idea. 

The next time you stick a microphone in a boy'z face and you want a logical answer please consider the source. This is the same dun that thought that beatin' the brakes off of a 4 year old with a switch to the point of him bleeding and damaging his scrotum made sense. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) G: noun - gangsta
2) Spit: verb - to say
3) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about bruh and it's non-gender specific.
4) Blue Magic: noun - the heroin that Frank Lucas the "American Gangster" was sellin' boyz up in Harlem back in the 1960's and '70's.

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The captions under the photos aren't real but they're REAL talk! And by no means am I suggesting that A.D. is on drugs. It's a figure of speech playa.


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