How Steph Curry's puttin' pressure on boyz like Caroline Mason bruh! "Ballin"

"Oh, I ain't goin' nowhere playa!"
Vince Lombardi once said, "I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious." Then Maya Angelou looked a boy square in the eye and said, "Whatever you want to do, if you want to be great at it, you have to love it and be able to make sacrifices for it.   Then William Arthur Ward, the great writer, broke it down like a G at a pimp convention sellin' purple gators when he spit, "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."

Well playas...ole Steph Curry was teachin', explainin', demonstratin' and inspirin' on Tuesday night bruh! As the NBA season officially kicked off ole boy jumped out of the whip playin' the same music he was playin' in June!  "All I do is win, win, win no matter what, what, what!" As he and the fellas ran circles around the freakin' Pelicans he put on a shootin' clinic droppin' 40 points to lead the Warriors to a 111-95 win. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Steph looked better last night than he did last year. I know that he's put in mad work over the summer but can a boy get any better as a shooter? Now I know it was the freakin' Pelicans but it's still the NBA! This cat put up 40 points and threw 7 dimes before puttin' in garbage minutes just to justify bein' at work. He played a total of 36 minutes just to tell the wife that he put in a full days work. 

You know how it is if you come home from work early. The wife will ask you a million questions in a panic as to why you're not still at work after they saw Soul Food. Lem messed it up for the brothers and now everybody's wife is paranoid and actin' like Bird.

Steph did work and put EVERYBODY in the league on notice playboy! This ain't no fluke and I'm gunnin' again for the MVP and title. Who's gonna stop me? I'm just sayin'! Is he the best player in the league? I doubt it but he's knockin' on the door butt naked with an overcoat on like Jacqueline in Boomerang. "You came over here butt naked because you know you were wrong." WRONG? Wrong for droppin' 40 on a boy in 29 minutes after pickin' up his NBA Championship ring on Tuesday night and not bein' satisfied. That's wrong!!! Well...the duns he droppin' 40 on anyway. 

Accordin' to all of the boyz that get paid to know this game, the GM's survey, and not the duns in the barber shop. Steph is still the fourth best player in the league behind LeBron, Anthony Davis and Kevin Durant but he's puttin' pressure on a boy like First 48's Caroline Mason! LeBron can still do everything on the floor and can completely carry a team so that keeps Steph at bay with him. Anthony Davis is a monster because he's so versatile but in my opinion Steph's breathin' down his back and if I had a vote I'd put Steph ahead of Davis. KD has foot problems pimpin', that means that he's peaked and is just about done playa. What am I sayin'? We've seen the best of KD! Book it like the old timers used to say! Steph has taken his book bag on the bus and emptied it out in the aisle. He's got his sneakers on and is sittin' with his girl at this point. 

Steph Curry has arrived and boyz better be worried about him too. He's only 27 years old and he's still gettin' better! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) G: noun - gangsta
2) Spit: verb - to say
3) Gators: noun - alligator shoes
4) Dime: verb - to throw an assist
5) Soul Food: noun - classic movie about the black family and how Sunday soul food dinners always brings the family together. 
6) Lem and Bird: noun - married couple in Soul Food and Lem couldn't keep a job because of a felony so his wife would freak out when he was home early. 
7) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 

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