Why Myles Jack is NOT the definition of a TEAMMATE bruh! "I, My, Me"

"I'm up out this piece playa!"
Jane Austen, the 18th century English novelist, once said, "Selfishness must always be forgiven you know, because there is no hope of a cure." Richard Bach, the famous writer, gave it to us like this, "Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of your selfishness. Listen to it carefully." Then the big homie, Martin Luther King Jr., hit boyz off with a head banger when he spit, "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness."
Well playas... Myles Jack, the injured UCLA star linebacker is walkin' alright; right out of the football facility, completely turnin' his back on his teammates in the middle of the season and right out of school in the middle of the freakin' semester! So I don't know if he's headed into the creative light of altruism or into the darkness of destructive selfishness? All I know is that this dun told boyz in a Twitter post on Tuesday that he was leavin' school to focus on his rehabilitation and to pursue his childhood dream of playin' in the NFL. Here it is playa so I don't get to lyin': 
 Now let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I'm never gonna hate on a boy for gettin' his money or for pursuin' his money! That's the only reason that we all go to school in the first place right? That's the motivation for gettin' up in the mornin' playa! To get bread! So I'm not mad at him for huntin' money. However, like the old timers would always say, "There is a way to do things." And quittin' school and the team in the middle of the semester ain't it bruh. Just because ole boy is gone for the season doesn't mean that he's not still on the team!  
By makin' the decision to bounce just because he's hurt tells EVERYBODY in that buildin' that he cared nothin' about that team in the first place. He was ONLY in it for himself. And that's cool playa if that's what it is. Just don't tell folks in your fake "A" letter that you will always "Bleed Blue and Gold." Just tell boyz that you were simply usin' them to get to where you wanted to go and know that you've reached the end of the line you're out! I've got no problem with a boy havin' that perspective just don't lie about it.
If UCLA means absolutely nothin' to you then just say it. I'm cool with that. I've just got a problem with a boy urinatin' on my leg and tellin' me that it's rainin'! By puttin' out that wack statement on Twitter that's essentially what he told everybody affiliated with that program.
Who's advisin' this cat bruh? To walk away from your team in the middle of the season to prepare to interview with another team is asinine. Why? Because the first question that dun is gonna get hit with at the NFL Combine is, "Why did you walk away from your T.E.A.M. in the middle of the season?" His response is gonna be, "Well..."I "was done for the season so there was no reason for "ME" to stay." Then they'll ask, "You didn't think that it was selfish of you to just walk away from your T.E.A.M.?" Then he's gonna say with a stupid look on his face, "No "I" was tryin' to get "MY" self ready to be drafted."
Then they'll end the joint by sayin', "So it's all about YOU huh? Just in case you didn't know playa. This is the ultimate T.E.A.M. sport and the fact that YOU walked away from your T.E.A.M. doesn't sit well with boyz around the NFL. So you better hope your measurables are off the charts because if you don't blow this thing out of the water boyz are gonna be sketchy on where to draft you. We know you can play but your loyalty is suspect. I'm just sayin'! 
Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific.
3) T.E.A.M.: noun - Acronym: Together Everyone Achieves More
Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!

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