Why the double standard that kept Steve Sarkisian employed blows mymind! "Ole Eddie Cane"

"Tell Rollo nem to hold up bruh! I'll be through in a minute!"
William Osler, one of the founding professors of Johns Hopkins Hospital, once said, "The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next, and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow." Sacha Guitry, the French stage actor, gave it to us like this, "Our wisdom comes from our experience, and our experience comes from our foolishness." Then Jean de la Bruyere, the 17th century French philosopher, shut the joint down when he spit, "As favor and riches foresake a man, we discover in him the foolishness they concealed, and which no one perceived before."

Well playas...favor and riches didn't have to foresake Steve Sarkisian for us to see the foolishness in him. On Sunday that dun showed up to team meetings full of that snake oil and boyz wouldn't let him go on the field with the team. Then they called the athletic director, Pat Haden, who was at a basketball event. When ole boy got Sark on the phone it was clear that he was old school "Tore up from the floor up!" So USC told that dun that he needed to take a leave of absence and it wasn't optional. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st. That dun showed up in August sloppy drunk at the Annual Kick Off dinner cussin' and talkin' crazy to all of the big time alumni and the boosters! And he told a boy that he mixed his Mad 20/20 with his Cialis and that made him trip the way he did. Now I have no idea what type of liquor or pills Sark mixed before the kick off event but Mad Dog 20/20 and Cialis was too funny to pass up playa.

So it's not like that dun is just now walkin' in with his skirt showin'! That dun didn't just start drinkin' in August! He's an alcoholic for cryin' out loud! He's been showin' up drunk but boyz has just been tryin' to hide it. Now he's out in the middle of the street with his pants down.

No way should he have been still employed after the kick off dinner incident. He's coachin' student athletes at a major PRIVATE institution not cats down at the Rec center in the projects! 

See this is the double standard that goes on in America that simply drives me NUTS! If Sarkisian's name was Charlie Strong or David Shaw or had parents that even looked like Charlie Strong or David Shaw he would have been fired before the season even started. As a matter of fact they wouldn't have even hired the dun because they would have known he has a drinkin' problem when it was at Washington. Hell, they would have known when he was a coordinator at USC the first time playa. So what does that really say about Pat Haden! He's the dun that hired him and the same dun that has been hidin' his skirt.

As a black coach if he'd shown up twisted anywhere on campus or not that dun would have been black-balled for the rest of his life. He wouldn't even be coachin' little league football. Do you really think he would have been able to tell the A.D. that he's gonna just ban alcohol in the staff locker room and that would have been enough? He's an alcoholic! A Drunk doesn't just drink at work bruh! They drink everywhere there's Oxygen and Hydrogen. For all of you simple minded individuals, that's anywhere there's water and air!

I'm even more appalled that these ole dull media types kept USC in the preseason Top 10 even after Sark showed up lookin' like Old Eddie Cane Jr. in August. "You can't hang with ole Eddie Cane!" Now these duns are 3-2 like I told you they would be in my preseason rant because the dun runnin' the program was unstable. If you don't believe me here it is bruh. "College Football Preseason Top 10 Preview."

Can you just see Pat Haden runnin' over to the football facility and seein' Sark over there lookin' he's been out all night with Rollo, Bubba and Grady? He's still got on his game clothes from Saturday and a pair of Jim Harbaugh's kakis' with his shoes on the wrong feet smellin' like Ned the Whino!

There's no sense in tellin' the media that he's not healthy and not wantin' to go into details because EVERYBODY knows that he's was full of that snake oil! One of his players even told ESPN via text that Sarkisian "showed up lit to meetings again today."

The word "again" is an adverb that means to return to a previous position or condition! In other words, for all you simple minded individuals that means that this ain't the first time it's happened playboy. But he still had a freakin' job!!! That's what blows my mind!

Pat Haden keeps tryin' not to call it what it is by tellin' the media that it was "clear to me that he was not healthy." Naw playa, it was clear that dun had been in the ride drinkin' with Rollo nem and they just dropped him off in front of the joint with his shoes on the wrong feet with his pants on backwards singin' "Kris Kross a make ya Jump-Jump".

The double standard drives me crazy and all of the folks tryin' to cover up for him don't have the 100+ players on his team's best interest in mind. Stop me when I start lyin'!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and it's non-gender specific.
3) Rollo, Bubba and Grady: nouns - characters in the '70's sitcom "Sandford and Son."
4) Ole Eddie Cane Jr.: noun - character in the movie "The Five Heartbeats" that got strung out on drugs and alcohol but didn't want to get help and kept showin' up gettin' in the way.

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!

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