The REAL reason Charlie Strong can't win at Texas right now bruh! "Reality Check"

"Keep grindin' playboy! It'll turn around!"
Winston Churchill once said, “Perhaps it is better to be irresponsible and right, than to be responsible and wrong.” Bernard Cornwell, the English author, broke it down like this, “Looking back, of course, it was irresponsible, mad, forlorn, idiotic, but if you don’t take chances then you’ll never have a winning hand, and I’ve no regrets.” Then Dave Chappelle got real on a boy when he spit, “I was doing sketches that were funny but socially irresponsible. I felt I was deliberately being encouraged and I was overwhelmed.”

Well playas…at least Dave Chappelle has admitted to bein’ an idiot that was irresponsible and reckless with his show. However, the Texas Rangers wasn’t givin’ boyz an opportunity to make wrongs right on Saturday. Shortly after a dun employed by the team tweeted “Fire Charlie #bye,” as Texas was gettin’ the brakes beat off of them by TCU, they fired that fool with the quickness.

The cup of foolishness must have been floatin’ around the state of Texas because an actual player named Kris Boyd on the Longhorn team retweeted an A&M fan about transferring at halftime when they were gettin’ blasted 37-0.

Hold a second dawg, let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I gotta go in on this fool that was dumb enough to retweet that he wanted to transfer in the middle of the freakin’ game. The same game that he was playin’ in where he recorded not a single freakin’ stat! That game bruh and that idiot!

What in your mind tells you that it makes sense to be on Twitter when you’re in the middle of a game, gettin’ tore out of the frame and then be stupid enough to say you wanna leave. It’s obvious that they don’t need you because if you’re playin’ and recordin’ 0 stats, you’re worthless to them playboy!

For all of you suckas lookin’ at Charlie Strong wonderin’ why he can’t win right away it’s because he’s got a team full of idiots like this. You can’t win with clowns like that in your locker room. And guess what playa? He didn’t recruit all of them. If I were Charlie I would have personally packed Kris Boyd’s stuff (and that’s the edited version) after the game, walked that dun to the door and pushed him into the street. You know how you push a boy and he falls with all of the stuff fallin’ out of his bag with papers flyin’ everywhere? Yeah that type of push.

No way would he ever be allowed in the buildin’ and after this semester his scholarship would be revoked. Like Big Momma used to say, “I can show you better than I can tell you.”

What blows my mind is that boyz are goin’ crazy that Charlie Strong is gettin’ blasted. He’s in his second year and the two games that they got blasted were against the No.2 and No. 6 teams in the country. TCU is ranked No.2 bruh! They were supposed to beat the brakes off of them! Who in their right mind expected Texas to play TCU close? The other two ball games they lost were because of special teams miscues at the end of the games!! They were in a position to win both of those games. Those are the things that happen early on when a coach is turnin’ a program around. I wrote about how I believe boyz are tryin' to set this dun up for failure in the Hot Joint entitled "Kickin' Rocks" last week! Things look way too shady for coincidence.

Not very many people walk into a joint that has gone to crap and turn it completely around in year 2!! The double standard out here is ridiculous! If Charlie were white we wouldn’t be havin’ the outrage across the country and especially in Texas for him to be fired in year two for gettin’ blasted by two Top 6 teams and losin' two nail biters. Stop it! You sound crazy!

The Rangers did the right thing by firin’ the dun tweetin’ about Strong’s employment status. Wishin’ for somebody to lose their job is the most ignorant thing you could ever do. Karma is a beast and that’s the edited version too. That’s that man’s livelihood bruh. He deserves an opportunity to turn the program around just like anybody else and it’s not gonna happen in year 2 with clowns on the team that don’t wanna be there. So if they don’t wanna be there let ‘um go. If by year 3 then have that discussion and on some real talk most programs give a cat of the right persuasion the full 5 years to turn it around but they sure don't run a boy out of town in year 2.

Oh am I talkin' crazy? As duns like to say, "He's pullin' the race card." Ty Willingham got ran out of South Bend with the quickness in 3 years but ole Charlie Weis got the full 5 years to destroy Notre Dame! I could sit here all day and give you example after example of the double standard but why waste time tellin' you what you act like you don't see?

Let’s not act like the disparity of black coaches in college football isn’t a problem. There are 128 FBS schools and only 11 black coaches walkin’ sidelines in 2015. By 1994 there were only 4 black coaches out of 120 programs and by 2002 the number exploded to a whoppin’ 4!!! We all know that the boosters and alumni control the hirin’ process at these institutions and it isn’t always fair. So when it's not goin' to be a surprise to anyone if they run Charlie out of town in year two.

You can’t win until the culture in the buildin’ is COMPLETELY changed and that takes more than a full season and 5 games playa. If Strong dismisses Boyd for bein’ an idiot it’ll change that kid’s life for the better and his team. Why? Because Boyd will learn from this day forth not to take life for granted. When he’s got to pay his own way to school he’ll understand that gettin’ blasted by the No.2 team in the country wasn’t the worst thing that could happen. His team would understand that it just got real! ANYBODY that doesn't wanna be here I'm signin' walkin' papers right now! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) Spit: verb – to say
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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