Brain Washed (How the culture of self-hate broke Geno Smith's jaw)

"What just happened dawg?"
Laurence Sterne, the 18th century Anglo-Irish novelist, once said, “Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.” Mark Twain gave it to us like this, “When people do not respect us we are sharply offended; yet in his private heart no man respects himself.” Then Tupac Shakur broke it down so that it would forever be broken when he spit, “I think I’m a natural born leader. I know how to bow down to authority if it’s authority that I respect.”

Well playas…that’s the freakin’ problem with boyz out here. They keep pickin’ and choosin’ which authority to respect. On Tuesday mornin’ the Jets startin’ quarterback, Geno Smith, got sucker punched in the locker room by a dun that was on his TEAM over a $600 plane ticket that Geno owed him! A dun, I might add, that wasn’t even a major factor on the squad. A 6th round pick from a year ago named Ik Enemkpali that nobody and their baby’s momma’s momma has ever heard of. Keep that in mind because it’ll be important in a minute bruh. So why is a startin’ quarterback in the NFL sittin’ for the next 6 to 10 weeks with a broken jaw? Because of what boyz call self-hate in the black community! Oh it’s on and poppin’ today bruh!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I’m about to take all of you cats to school! So pull ya chairs up and open ya eyes and ya ears like the old timers used to say! There’s so much self-hate in our (black) community stemmin’ from all of the racism that we’ve been flooded with for the past 300 plus years that we don’t respect those of us that we’re supposed to respect.

Because Geno looks like 70 percent of the duns in that locker room and probably has the same background as 70 percent of them he’s not special to them and not worthy of bein’ respected. Boyz don’t give him the same respect they would give a startin’ quarterback with the same exact win/loss record if he were white. I’m not talkin’ about white folks bruh! I’m talkin’ about black folks! Unfortunately, if Geno were white the black players would put him on a higher level of respect because he’s not from where they’re from. So he’s (the white QB), to some degree, special in their eyes even though he’s the same guy. The cat that is from where they’re from doesn’t in their eyes get the same respect because he’s...well...them.

Don’t tell me that I’m talkin’ crazy because we just saw Cam Newton, the $100 million man, 24 hours before the Geno incident get stiff-armed in the face by a dun that makes $574K. Do you think for one minute that boyz would be treatin’ their white $100 million quarterback with the same foolishness? Not at all! Because they respect his position as the team leader.

Jay Cutler is probably the most hated man in Chicago besides Steve Bartman but boyz in that locker room aren’t walkin’ up on him and firin’ on him! Even if they wanted to they aren’t! Why? Because they respect his position as the team leader even if they don’t like him. The black quarterback doesn’t get that same respect from his own people.

I’m not tellin’ you what I heard playboy I’m tellin’ you what I know. I’ve been black a long time pimpin’! All you’ve gotta do is sit in the cut and watch the world around move around you. I’ve been in Corporate America for more than 25 years and I’ve seen upper level management come and go more times than I care to keep track of. When a brother or sister is in charge the other brothers and sisters don’t give them the same respect as they would their white counterparts. Even if the dun has a degree or degrees from the same top notch institution as the previous white manager, VP, etc..

I’ve seen brothers board a flight and a black pilot gets on the joint and all of a sudden boyz wanna question his credentials. I’ve even seen cats get off of the flight because they didn’t want a brother flyin’ the joint. These aren’t white folks I’m talkin’ about playa. These are black folks!

How many times has a dun been prepped for surgery and the black surgeon walked in to give them the “what for” on how it’s about to go down and duns decide they want a white surgeon instead? C’mon bruh! You know I’m spittin’ the truth!

My dad was a pharmacist and boyz would question whether he knew what he was doin’ while fillin’ their prescriptions. It ain’t just some white folks that are racist in this country and we just saw it play itself out in both Carolina and now in New York.

Boyz will scream that Geno got sucker punched by a single cat that didn’t respect him or his team and I’ll tell you that he got sucker punched by the culture that allowed him to be disrespected in the first place. If a 6th round cat has the nerve to even think that he can step to Geno it tells me everything that I need to know about how much that locker room respected him. The quarterback is like the president bruh! You can’t get in his face or even attempt to swing on him without gettin’ your head pealed open and the threat of the whoopin' will keep boyz at bay.

So duns like IK are only gonna do what they think is acceptable in that locker room. Do you think for one minute that a boy would fire on Josh McCown, Sam Bradford, Andy Dalton or Brian Hoyer? I chose those cats because they’re at the same level of success as Geno. I’m not even goin’ to talk about duns like Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and Aaron Rogers because they’ve won Super Bowls. But check this out playa, Russell Wilson has won a Super Bowl and was a play away from winnin’ a second straight Super Bowl and boyz on his team still don’t respect him. Wheredeydodatat?

I'll tell you where bruh! Where you’ve been brain-washed to believe that you aren’t good enough or anybody that looks like you isn’t good enough to be respected as the leader. In order for us to become as great as we have the potential to become we’ve got to start respectin’ those of us that have put in the work to hold the positions of authority.

That’s whether we’re a startin’ quarterback in the NFL, a lead surgeon at a major hospital, lead council at a large law firm, a pilot flyin’ a commercial airliner or a Senior VP or CEO at a Fortune 500 Company playa. If we don’t respect our brothers and sisters in positions of authority how do you expect the rest of the world to respect them? Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:  
1) Spit: verb – to say
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc.
3) Fire: verb – to hit, to punch without warning

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!    

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