Crooked Cop (Why NFL players sound REAL stupid complainin' about Goodell's power)

"Y'all sound crazy bein' mad at me bruh! Stop actin' a fool!"
Stephen Hawking, the English theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author, once said, “People won’t have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.” Dennis Prager, the politically conservative radio host, jumped out of the Shorty Boy Caddy and said, “Complaining not only ruins everybody else’s day, it ruins the complainer’s day, too. The more we complain, the more unhappy we get.” Then Zig Ziglar slammed the door on the big body Chevy when he spit, “Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining - it bores everybody else, does you no good, and doesn’t solve any problems.”

Well playas…that’s the message to all of these duns in the National Football League that think Tom Brady and the Patriots are gettin’ shafted by Roger Goodell. Stop freakin’ complainin’! ESPN’s NFL Nation reporters and ESPN’s The Magazine contributors polled more than 100 players on the Deflategate foolishness and got the most ignorant of answers.

Listen to this bruh, 72 percent of these duns believed that the Patriots were responsible for the lowerin’ air pressure of the balls, only 16 percent were “upset” because 68 percent say that think other teams are doin’ the same thing. However, 60 percent of these cats say that ole Tom and Co. aren’t cheaters. Now the most ignorant of all of the responses were that 88 percent of boyz believe that Roger Goodell has too much power to discipline and that he shouldn’t solely determine punishment. What!!!??

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! These fools voted to give Roger Goodell the very power to solely discipline under the new Collective Bargaining Agreement! So if you put a gun in a boyz hand and tells him that he can shoot you whenever you do something stupid. You can’t be mad when he pulls the trigger when you brain fart bruh.

They chose the things that were most important to them which was more bread etc. and left the disciplinary piece on the table for a boy to do as he pleases.

Now here’s the simple solution playboy, if yo dumb “A” would stay out of trouble Roger Goodell’s ability to discipline with an iron fist would become irrelevant! I don’t have the slightest idea what the drug laws are for gettin’ caught with a bag of weed or cocaine. Why? Because I’m not sellin’ or doin’ drugs. I have no idea nor do I care what the punishment is for breakin’ and enterin’ or assault with a deadly weapon. Why? Because I’m not involved in any of that type of foolishness.

Boyz kill me gettin’ upset with Goodell because he’s punkin’ them but they agreed to allow him to do the punkin’! So if other things were more important to you durin’ the negotiation then either stop actin’ a fool or take the punishments like a G.

Sixty-eight percent of these clowns said that they think that other teams are doin’ it so that’s why only 16 percent are “upset” about it. Yeah bruh, but that doesn’t make it legal. The Patriots just got caught! It is what it is! On a daily basis 98 percent of duns are speedin’ and only 2 or 3 percent of boyz are gonna get pulled over and hit with a massive fine. The dun that gets caught can’t complain that everybody else is doin’ it so he shouldn’t have to pay the fine to the boy that he voted to give all the power to.

That’s like the cats livin’ in Ferguson bein’ upset with the police department for bein’ 97 percent white in a town that is darn near 70 percent black when only 3 percent of black folks voted. You keep allowin’ this foolishness to take place because you won’t participate in the votin’ process to determine who makes the decisions to hire these boyz. Then when something goes south because they've got "some" crooked white cops you’re fired up that “ain’t no brothers on the wall.”

My point here is this, you can’t complain about how it goes down on the back end if you aren’t willin’ to participate in the process on the front end. Because if you don’t participate in the process on the front end the dun you’re sittin’ down with is already lookin’ for ways to get you on the back end and that includes Roger Goodell too.

And please down get it twisted, the cop that killed Michael Brown should have been at the very least brought to trial for killin’ an unarmed man. However, the dun that made the decision not to file charges was voted in because only 3 percent of black folks voted in the election that allowed that dun into power.

Back to these fools complainin’ in the NFL. You wanted all of the bread instead of the power to control the disciplinary process so now you gotta deal with the crooked cop. So shut up and get out of the car. And unfortunately, NWA can’t help you playboy but I am goin’ to see the movie this weekend bruh. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Shorty Boy Caddy: noun the 1979 Cadillac Seville
2) Big Body Chevy: noun – Chevy Caprice from 1985 to 1990
3) “Ain’t no brothers on the wall”: reference to Spike Lee’s “Do the Right Thing” when the brother kept goin’ into Sal’s Pizzeria askin’ the owner why ain’t no brothers on the wall. His response was simple, “I own the joint! When you own the joint you can put whoever you want on the wall.”
Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!

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