Stiff Competition (How Cam Newton's ego allowed him to get suckered bya selfish teammate)

"You want some? Come get some bruh! Even if I shouldn't be doin' this!"

Aristotle once said, “The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.” Samuel Ullman, the famous businessman and poet, gave it to us like this, “Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations.” Then John C. Maxwell, the author and speaker, put the silencer on the gun when he shot this at boyz, “There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. ‘Good pride’ represents our dignity and self-respect. ‘Bad pride’ is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance.”

Well playas…the ‘Bad pride’ put Cam Newton in a Full Nelson on Monday and darn near choked him to death when he got into a squab with teammate Josh Norman. Over the past few days both Newton and Norman have been talkin’ mad noise to one another. It finally came to a head when Norman picked that dun off and took it back down the field. Cam bein’ the football player that he is chased ole boy down. However, when he ran up on him he got stiff armed. That’s where the fat lady stopped singin’ and threw up all over the field bruh!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The fight wasn’t over ole boy pickin’ him. It wasn’t even over them jawin’ at each other! It was because Cam’s pride/ego got in the way when a dun that he looks at as bein’ inferior to him embarrassed him in front of the world by pickin’ him and then mushin’ him in the face.

Think about it pimpin’, Cam is the $100 million man and the face of the franchise and Josh Norman is well…Josh Norman. A cat that makes $574.8K that would have to wear his jersey to dinner for boyz to figure out who he was. That’s why Cam snapped! He essentially got pimp slapped in front of the cheerleaders at the homecomin’ dance in high school bruh.

What’s so crazy is that his ego got in the way of his rational thinkin’. What if while he’s tryin’ to save face, some fool would have stepped on his hand or broken his arm while he’s at the bottom of the pile? What if he would have torn an ACL or re-injured his back or something? Then what?

That’s why you can’t be out there talkin’ crazy to some dun that’s essentially makin’ peanuts. You’re out there gettin’ lured right down the freakin’ rabbit hole by a dun that doesn’t care. Josh Norman’s got nothin’ to lose by wrestlin’ with yo dumb butt! And that’s the edited version. All he’s tryin’ to do is make a name for himself at the expense of you and the Carolina Panthers. He doesn’t care about the team. He’s in a contract year playa and that’s all that’s on his mind. If he cared about the team he wouldn’t have stiff armed the $100 million quarterback.

The Carolina Panthers are only gonna go as far as Cam Newton can take them, not Josh Norman. Josh Norman could disappear tonight and they wouldn’t win any more or less games without him. Cam’s gotta understand who he is and what he means to the franchise.

Let that dun talk and you continue to be the leader of the team. If you let him get inside your head you’ve given every DB in the league the combination and they’re about to rob you blind bruh! The next time he picks you, because he will, just let him run it back and keep your dignity. Because if you chase after him he’s gonna Heisman Trophy you again playa. Why? Because he’s inside the safe and there’s nothin’ you can do about it and all he wants is his bread next year. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:  
1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about bruh and its non-gender specific.
2) Pimpin’: noun – the person that I’m passionately tryin’ to get my point across to.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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