Fraud (Why Michael Sam finally had to tell boyz who he REALLY was)

"Aight dawg! You got me!"
As I’m standin’ out in front of the barber shop choppin’ it up with the fellas on a cool Friday night these two cats start arguin’ about the art of fraud. Sophocles, the ancient Greek tragedian or actor is you will, hit a boy with, “Rather fail with honor than success by fraud.” David Chang, the famous restauranteur fired back with, “I constantly think I’m a fraud – that his success is not warranted or justified.” Then Sophocles came right back like a G and hit a boy in the juggler when he said, “Things gained through unjust fraud are never secure.”

Well playas…Sophocles must have been sittin’ in the ride with ole dull Michael Sam when he wrote both of those joints. And I was sittin’ in the back seat on the phone with the rest of the world tellin’ you boyz more than a year and a half ago that the dun was a fraud but y’all wouldn’t listen to me. Well on Friday he finally told the world who he was when he decided to quit the game of football. Now these media-types will use the phrase “decided to step away” to make it sound better playa. But you already know that I don’t have time for foolishness so Ima call balls, balls and strikes, strikes. And this joint is right down the middle of the plate. Stevie Wonder and Helen Keller could see this foolishness down the street hidin’ in the bushes.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Like I told you boyz two February’s ago that Michael Sam tried to hustle or should I say bully the NFL into givin’ him a job on the sole strength of bein’ gay. Not because he could play the game of football. When the dun was at the Senior Bowl he saw where his talent stacked up to boyz and he put his plan into full effect.

When he left the Senior Bowl in January of 2014 the word on the street was that Sam would be at best a 3rd to 5th round pick. So this dun told the world that he was gay. Why? Because bein’ gay was worth more than just bein’ a football player that just happened to be gay. Who walks into a job interview and announces that they’re gay? C’mon bruh!

I knew the hustle was in when he showed up at the combine and more than 400 reporters were waitin’ to holler at a dun that was merely a 3rd to 5th round pick.

Then ole boy walks in and says out of his own mouth that, “I don’t want to be known as Michael Sam the gay football player. I want to be known as Michael Sam the football player.” Now I don’t know where you’re from but if he wanted to be “Michael Sam the football player” he never would have told boyz that he was gay. Why? Because his sexuality has absolutely nothin’ to do with his ability to do his job. Now you can stop me when I start trippin’ over here.

So ole Mike was not only hustlin’ the league but the world around him. Everybody fell for it but me. Why? Because I grew up around hustlas and thieves and I can see a hustle gettin’ out of the car down the street on a foggy day.

First of all, he was way too small to play defensive tackle and way too slow to play linebacker in the NFL. So essentially there was no position for that dun to play. Then he goes out and has probably the worst combine workout in the history of the freakin’ combine. So on draft day the St. Louis Rams hustled him by draftin’ him in the last and final round darn near at the bottom of the draft.

He wasn’t worthy of bein’ drafted but he was worth too much bread to St. Louis not to draft. They didn’t need him because at the time they had one of the best front 4’s in the league. So there wasn’t a snow balls chance in hell of him makin’ that team. Not because he was gay but because they didn’t need him.

However, they were able to sell out of season tickets even before trainin’ camp started and they sold that dun’s “make believe jersey” all summer. It was make believe because he hadn’t made the team yet. It was the No.1 sellin’ jersey in the NFL last summer and he wasn’t even on the freakin’ team. When they finished milkin’ the cow they cut him. You can stop me when I start drivin' the car into the guard rail playboy!

Then Jerry Jones got in on the hustle and signed him to the practice squad with the Dallas Cowboys. Why? Because at the time nobody thought that they were gonna be any good. Nobody saw them jumpin’ out of the gate winnin’ last year. NOBODY!!!! So Jerry wanted the circus as a Plan B if his Boys turned out to be trash. However, they were good and they didn’t need the dun after a back 6 games so they cut him. Why? Because I told you when I spotted the hustle that there is no position for him to play bruh. It like a dun that's 5'8" 300lbs showin' up to an NBA tryout!

Everybody wanted Michael Sam to be the “One” but he wasn’t and I tried to tell you boyz that. There is a gay football player out there that can ball out and he’s probably already in the league but it ain’t Mike! Sam wanted to be famous not a football player and he accomplished his goal so now he can keep it movin’.

If he were half as good as most of you cats thought that he was he would have been able to ball out in Canada when he went up there. Instead, he went up there and made a fool of himself again. When he went to Montreal he ended up leavin’ the team for two weeks because he broke up with his boyfriend. Who does that bruh? People break up with folks everyday and go to work. How does he take off for two weeks when he’s tryin’ to earn a spot on the team? Will somebody please tell me that?

He only played in 1 freakin’ game and the dun didn’t record a single tackle in the freakin’ Canadian League. Stop tellin’ me that he got the shaft in the NFL or that boyz were trippin’! He couldn’t play like I told you he couldn’t more than a year ago and you called me a homophobe. Now somebody owes me an apology and you know who you are.

I’m not a homophobe bruh, I could care less what a boy does and who he does it with. I just keep it real when everybody else is afraid to say what’s real. Michael Sam got his 30 minutes of fame and had to realize that fame comes with a cost. You gotta be good enough to sustain it. He quit because he wasn’t good enough to be famous. Kim Kardashian is the only dun that has been able to do that bruh. Now you can keep readin’ those other cats but you’ll always have to come back my way to get the truth! Stop me when I start lyin’!

 Playas Thesaurus:

1)    Dun: the person in question, dude, guy. Etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about bruh and its non-gender specific.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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