Hood Senses (Why Melo's ghetto pass has expired because he's trustin' the wrong cats)

"I'm fallin' off bruh, trustin' too many cats!"
Every week I’ve got to roll back through the hood to keep my ghetto pass from expirin’. So as I’m choppin’ it up with the homies in front of Mr. Lucky’s hamburger joint these three cats start arguin’ about the art of betrayal. Tennessee Williams, the famous playwright, said, “We have to distrust each other. It is our only defense against betrayal.” Sigmund Freud stood up and shouted, “He that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.” Then Catherine MacKinnon, the feminist, scholar and lawyer, shut the joint down with, “It’s particularly hard to take being stabbed in the back close to home. There’s always a feeling of betrayal when people of your own group oppose you.”

Well playas…Carmelo Anthony obviously has duns around him that have betrayal oozin’ out of them at every pore because they didn’t hesitate to throw him under the bus after the draft. Word quickly got out that Melo was furious about the Knicks pickin’ Kristaps Porzingis. Sure, Melo was hot but who wouldn’t be? That’s not the issue here playboy! The problem is, what kind of cats does Melo have in his inner circle that run to duns like Stephen A., the Daily News and friggin’ Wilona?

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The word is Melo was on the phone with Tim Hardaway Jr., who was traded to the Hawks, goin’ off about the pick. So either Hardaway told boyz about the conversation or some cat sittin’ in Melo’s house let it out. Then Stephen A. is goin’ in about Melo bein’ furious because his “sources” told him that ole boy was fire up about it too Hold on a second dawg, how does a dun have sources at 'your' house? They told Stephen A. that Melo feels like he’s been lied to, like he was sold a bill of goods. And ole boy is now willin’ to admit that he wanted his bread and that’s why he signed the deal last summer. But he didn’t know that it was gonna be this bad under Phil.

Well…ole boy didn’t have to admit that he wanted his bread because he would have been a fool to walk away from $125 million. I don’t care how bad the team is. It’s called professional basketball. You’re playin’ to get paid. Not everybody is gonna win a championship bruh. That’s all time and chance playa. You gotta be in the right place at the right time with the right supportin’ cast, coachin’ staff and the right organization. It is what it is!

We’re not even gonna get into Phil robbin’ the Knicks without a ski mask on because I told you Knicks fan when they hired that dun that he was out to screw ‘em in the first place. Yeah I will bruh, because all these suckas need to hear this. Any time a boy tells you that he wants $15 million, which is 3 times what a very highly paid NBA coach makes, to only coach HALF of the season he’s a natural born hustla. When he told LA several years ago that was his deal take it or leave it he was tellin’ boyz that he was bullyin’ whoever was willin’ to get in line and the Knicks got in line.

So don’t get upset that Porzingis is the latest move of a series of epic fails that you’ve got to sit through until he bounces.

Now back to Melo! Everybody and their baby’s momma’s momma realizes that boyz are gonna have an opinion about whoever is drafted to play with them. I’m quite sure Melo isn’t the first and sure won’t be the last dun fired up about a bad draft pick. But to have cats in your camp talkin’ to these media-types is beyond me. And wheredeydodatat?

Melo’s been rich far too long bruh and he’s not recoupin’ his hood senses enough if he’s got cats ridin’ with him tellin’ the freakin’ media what he’s sayin’ on his own phone and in his own house. Every now and then he needs to jump in the ride with me because I fall off into the hood EVERY week to re-up my hood sensibilities. I’ve got to holler at boyz in the barber shops and brown bag joints just to keep my ghetto antenna up. Because when you’re in the suburbs too long you start losin’ you survival skills. You start leavin’ the doors unlocked, pullin’ up to joints and goin’ in with your car runnin’, leavin’ your computer/cell phone in the front seat, trustin’ folks because they talk a good game, you stop keepin’ your head on a swivel and you let duns in your house that will run tell the media what you just said.

Now how in THEE world do you think the Knicks are gonna deal with the foolishness of terrible chemistry in the locker room on day 1. Oh its tension right now playboy believe that, because the franchise player and the new rookie first round draft pick are beefin’. Why? Because they’ve got testosterone in their systems that’s why. I don’t care who you are or where you’re from you’re not cool with a boy disrespectin’ you and you’re a competitor.

Let me put it where the goats can get it bruh. In this young boy’s mind he’s lookin’ at Melo sayin’, “You got the nerve to question my game and you’ve done nothin’ to help not one team you’ve played on in the NBA to win jack squat!” And that’s the edited version! “All you’ve ever done in your entire professional career is gun, take boy’z money and you’ve played as much defense as a hooker in trainin’ because he ain't tryin' to keep a boy from scorin'! Back up off of me pimpin’!” Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: noun – the person or persons in question, dude, guy, girl, etc. Whoever I’m talkin’ about.
2) Wilona: noun – Character on the hit ‘70’s sitcom “Good Times” that couldn’t keep a secret to save her life.
3) Brown Bag Joints: noun – hood take out joints. All of your food is put into a brown bag. Thus, Brown Bag Joint. Every hood in America has Brown Bag Joints. If it ain’t in a brown bag it ain’t hood.
4) Let me put it where the goats can get it: verb phrase – to break it down to its simplest form for you. To put it on the ground and spoon feed you.

Holla At Ya Boy!

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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!     

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