What Up Homie! (How Jim Boeheim straight punk'd Syracuse and these media-types bought into it)

"Up yours playa! I run this!"
Tennessee Williams, the famous playwright, once said, “The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite.” William Hazlitt, the 18th century English writer, gave it to us like this, “The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy.” Then Benjamin Carson , the neurosurgeon,broke it down so that it would forever be broken when he said, “Kids have what I call a built-in hypocrisy antenna that comes up and blocks out what you’re saying when you’re being a hypocrite.”

Well playas…I’m no different than a kid when it comes to spottin’ hypocrisy and tunnin’ a boy out. Syracuse University pulled the biggest hypocrite move in probably the history of the NCAA this week and nobody blinked. After all of the foolishness that just fell out of the closet at Syracuse, Jim Boeheim told a boy that he was gonna coach for 3 more years. What!!!?? Then they essentially slapped the AD, Dr. Daryl Gross, on the wrist by reassignin’ that dun to become the vice president and special assistant to the chancellor and adjunct professor in the College of Sports and Human Dynamics. Now if that ain’t the ultimate in hypocrisy, it’ll have to take its place until it gets here playa.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Just in case you missed the details of the foolishness that jumped out of the birthday cake butt naked up at Syracuse earlier this month here it is. After conductin’ a multi-year investigation datin’ back to 2001 of the Syracuse athletic programs the NCAA found academic misconduct, extra benefits, failure to follow the drug-testing policy and impermissible booster activity. As a result they suspended ole dull Jim Boeheim for 9 ACC games, took away 12scholarships and vacated 108 of his wins. They also put these duns on 5 years of probation and vacated 11football wins from 2004-06 seasons.

After all of that foolishness this cat walks into the joint and tells a boy that he’s gonna coach for 3 more years and nobody blinks. Now I didn’t expect for the clowns at Syracuse to trip because ole boy makes the school way too much bread. However, nobody for one minute thought about the fact that this “is” an ACADEMIC institution that needs to at least run the game of actin’ and playin’ like they really care that it’s an ACADEMIC institution and fire this dun. Straight gangsta homie!

They aren’t gonna even act like they care! On some real talk, I know that boyz don’t care but they at least try to act like it. Cuse is like, “What up homie!” This too shall pass and the dull media has bought in hook, line and sinker just like they always do. Suckas I say! Straight up suckas! Boyz were even on television and radio yesterday justifyin’ why ole boy stayin’ for another 3 years makes sense. Why? Because 99 percent of these media-type cats can’t and don’t think for themselves.

Now you’re justifyin’ why Boeheim should stay after he’s essentially broken every rule known to man in the world of college athletics but you wanted Jim Tressel’s head for essentially tryin’ to discipline his kids internally for tradin’ their OWN jersey’s for some freakin’ tattoos.

Here’s my idiot media-type that can’t think for himself screamin’ from the roof tops, “Hey Jay you sound stupid tryin’ to defend Jim Tressel when he knew about the players tradin’ tattoos 6 months before it came out! He should have been fired!” So over a 14 year period a dun runs a completely shady program, gets caught and then gets to tell a boy that he’s gonna coach for 3 more years to insure that the program is in good hands?

That sounds like the dun that abuses his kids, gets caught and prosecuted but tells the dun down at the county jail that he’s gonna stick around the crib for 3 more years to make sure that their mother gets a good husband to take over after he’s gone. You sound like a complete fool!

Now back to Jim Tressel for a minute you idiot! Sure, he got an email about boyz tradin’ jerseys for tattoos and he dealt with it internally like 100 percent of coaches would do. He sat those fools down and got in their butts (edited version) and probably had them on “Dawn Patrol” for the rest of that spring and it was a wrap. For all of you duns that never played sports “Dawn Patrol” is when a kid gets in trouble with the coaches and they have to get up every mornin’ with the trainers and run at 4:30 or 5:00am.

Here’s my idiot again, “No Jay he should have reported it!” You see why I keep callin’ this dun an idiot? Let me put it where the goats can get it! If your 6 year old kid got back in the car with you after shoppin’ at Wal-mart and pulled out a piece of candy that you know you didn’t pay for and he doesn’t have a job. Would you report him to the security department if you knew for a fact that they would call the police and arrest him or would you handle his butt at the crib? If you wouldn’t turn your kid in you’re freakin’ Jim Tressel! The only reason that Tressel got caught up was because the Feds just happened to be investigatin’ the tattoo spot for sellin’ drugs. If the feds had never happened up on the jerseys Jim Tressell would still be at Ohio State.

However, you’ve called him a snake, a cheat and a bum for years but you support the foolishness of Jim Boeheim stayin’ for 3 more years and he broke EVERY rule in the freakin’ book. Jim Tressel did what any father would do for his own kid and he’s a cheat and a scumbag! But I’m the idiot?

Mark my word playboy, it’s gonna bite Syracuse all in the rear end because this foolishness is Penn State all over again. They didn’t have the gonads to fire JoePa 10 years earlier than they did and it cost them dearly. Now I’m not sayin’ that Boeheim knows a guy that’s got a problem with sexual abuse scandals or that something like that would even surface (Bernie Fine) but the fact that they won’t just push that dun out of the door is ignorant and dangerous.

All you’re doin’ is prolongin’ the inevitable. If you’re gonna start over then start over. Boeheim is in the freakin’ way of progress and you’re gonna keep him around until the joint completely explodes in your face. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc.
2) Dull: adjective – to be shady and to be that dude that boyz simply shake their heads at when you even mention their name. The cat that nobody trusts.
3) Ole boy: noun – the guy that we’re talkin’ about playa. Keep up!
4) Cuse: noun – short for Syracuse
5) “What up homie!” - To flaunt it in a boyz face.
6) Crib: noun – home
7) Let me put it where the goats can get it!: To make it as simple as I possibly can for you playa. To be as clear as Vodka, to make it as elementary as I can for yo dumb butt (edited version).
8) Bernie Fine: noun- a former Syracuse men’s basketball coach that worked with Jim Boeheim that was alleged to have sexually abused two ball boys back in the 1970’s through the ‘90’s. Sounds like the foolishness at Penn State all over again playboy. And they don’t have the gonads to just fire Boeheim bruh! SMH

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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