Frontal Lobe (How Chris Borland just hustled the media into believin'his retirement excuse)

"My old man's got bread so I'm cool!"
John Ruskin, the 19th century English art critic, once said, “The essence of lying is in deception, not in words.” Leonardo da Vinci broke it down like this, “The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.” Then the big homie, Maximillian Degenerez, the Portuguese artist, shut the buildin’ down with, “Insight into character comes from listening intently to the spoken word. The physical person, their charisma, charm and dramatic flair is more often used to persuade audiences, as they use these stealth tools of disguise and deception.”

Well playas… ole Chris Borland just used his charisma, charm and dramatic flair to hustle all of these suckas into believin’ that he retired from the NFL after one season over concerns about the long-term effects of repetitive head trauma. This dun is 24 years old playa and he’s talkin’ about long-term health? Stop it! Just stop it bruh! 

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Chris Borland just didn’t want to play football anymore and tellin’ a boy that he was concerned about head trauma was an easy way out without havin’ to explain to a boy that his heart just wasn’t in it anymore. I’m a long-term hustla pimpin’ and I can see game bein’ run a mile away.

You can’t get me to believe that a dun that’s 24 years old is long term plannin’ about head trauma and he chose to play the game of football professionally. You know how I know why he’s not thinkin’ like that because 24 year olds don’t think like that. They don't have the capacity to think like that playa.

The frontal lobe on a male human being doesn’t completely develop until they are at least 26 years old. It’s what gives you the ability to project future consequences from current actions, the choices between good and bad actions etc. It gives you the determination of similarities and differences between things and events. For all of you simple minded individuals that mean’s that a cat that young ain’t makin’ decisions about long-term nothin’ playa because his brain doesn't process information that way! That’s why you always see young cats doin’ stuff because they don’t have the ability to reason consequences! And that’s the edited version.

Let me put it where the goats can get it. Accordin’ to reports and my mans and nem, ole boy’s family is loaded so he doesn’t need the bread. He probably sat down with his old man and told him that he was burned out. His dad came up with the head trauma foolishness because that’s somethin’ that a dun his age would come up with. A boy 24’s mind doesn’t even scratch the surface of that regardless of his intelligence because the frontal lobe is still mush and he’s only thinkin’ about the Young Man's Combo: broads and bread at 24.

What’s so crazy is that these media type cats took that dun on his word because he said it and now they’re talkin’ crazy. They’re already divin’ off of the deep end talkin’ about how boyz may start a mass exodus of retirin’ early for the same reasons. ARE YOU MAD AND FOAMIN’ AT THE MOUTH BRUH? Chris Borland’s family has the bread for him to shut it down and walk away if that’s what he wants to do. Everybody doesn’t have that option!

I can guarantee you that the duns that grew up in the PROJECTS or anywhere that closely resembles it “Ain’t Go-in’ No-Where” like P. Diddy! Boyz are makin’ millions playin’ this game bruh and they aren’t gonna shut it down after a year of makin’ only $500K trust me on that one pimpin’! There are cats playin’ right now that came out of the bottom that don’t wanna go back. So they’re gonna deal with whatever headaches, head trauma or head mush that a boy runs into because the bread is too long to pass up.

What kills me is the amount of media types that act like what these cats in the NFL are doin’ through is abnormal! Duns work jobs every day that are far more dangerous and they’re paid far less money and nobody is standin’ on the roof screamin’ about their safety. Chris Borland made 500 stacks last year playin’ a freakin’ game. Where I’m from, Gary, In., everybody’s dad worked in the steel mill and boyz risked their lives every time they walked into the joint.

I had friends whose old man never walked out of the mill after goin’ in for the midnight shift and they were only makin’ 30 or 40 stacks! I know cats that worked in the joint for 30 years only to retire to find out that they’ve got chemical poisonin’ or cancer from workin’ around all of that foolishness for all of those years. I can’t tell you the amount of folks that lost limbs or suffered life threatenin’ burns just goin’ to work!

Cats knew what the risks were when they took the job but they had families to take care of. Policeman and firefighters put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve for peanuts and you’re tellin’ me to worry about what long-term effects a boy may have from playin’ a game makin’ millions of dollars. In my Ochocinco voice, “Child Please!” 

Keep this real playa, most of the duns complainin' about havin' problems in their late 40's and 50's are cats that played for 14, 15 years or more. I keep hearin' boyz reference Junior Seau but nobody blames Junior for playin' linebacker the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE for 20 freakin' years. He committed suicide well before he actually committed suicide pimpin'! 

The average length of an NFL career is 3 and a half years but this dun played for 20 not includin' the 10 or 11 years that he played growin' up and into college. His brain was supposed to be shot after all of that foolishness. It's a wonder his joint wasn't uzzin' out of his ears by the time he was 40. That's on him not the NFL bruh! You don't see cats like Jim Brown or Barry Sanders complainin' about their bodies bein' shot! Why? Because they were smart enough to dip before the game took over their lives and bodies.

The average salary in America is $29K and the average salary in the NFL is $1.9 million playboy. There aren’t too many cats walkin’ away from that type of bread even if they’re old enough to rationalize the long-term risks. However, once you make enough bread to retire on then you gotta dip and 500 stacks isn't enough playa. So Chris Borland can go head on with that “I’m retirin’ because I’m concerned about my long-term health.” That dun just didn’t want to play anymore because his heart wasn’t in it and that's cool. Just don't run try to run game on a hustla because I'm not buyin' it. Deception is always easy when you have suckas willin’ to believe anything. I’m just sayin’ and stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: the person in question, dude, guy, etc.
2) 100: verb – to give you 100 percent of what I know playa.
3) Pimpin’: noun – to person that I’m passionately tryin’ to get my point across to.
4) Let me put it where the goats can get it.: To make it as simple as possible for you. Goats eat off of the ground so I’m essentially puttin’ it on the ground for you. Makin’ it as clear as Vodka for you.
5) My mans and nem: noun- unnamed sources
6) “Ain’t Go-in No-Where”: Lyrics from the song “Bad Boy For Life” by P.Diddy released in 2001.
7) The Bottom: noun – the gutter, projects, muck, slums. Put it like this bruh, that dun was busted and he ain’t goin’ back so if he’s gotta deal with some head trauma he’s cool with that.
8) Stack: noun – one thousand dollars

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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