Mad Dog 20/20 vs. Merlot (Why Belichick should be suspended for anENTIRE season)

In my Denzel voice, "King Kong ain't got nothin' on me!"
Bob Marley once said, “The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” Douglas Adams, the English writer, gave it to us like this, “To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” Then Dwight D. Eisenhower shut the buildin’ down with, “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.”

Well playas…somebody needs to tell ole dull Bill Belichick that because he believes in success Malcolm X style. “By Any Means Necessary!” This dun is willin’ to do anything to win from spyin’ on a boyz' signals to deflatin’ footballs. Who knows what else he’s done to win games because he gotten away with it. The NFL has in fact determined that the New England Patriots deflated 11 of their 12 balls durin’ their AFC Championship win over the Colts on Sunday.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! It wouldn’t have made a bit of difference if they were playin’ with a soccer, dodge or tennis ball against the Colts they would have blasted them! Why? Because they were a far superior team.

However, what’s blowin’ my mind is the amount of people that think that what Belichick and Co. did wasn’t a big deal because they would have beaten the Colts anyway. It’s a big deal because it’s an integrity issue pimpin’! Belichick is a con-man/hustla/gangsta and I grew up with cats like that. Boyz with those types of issues keep runnin’ game as long as the odds are that they won’t get caught. That’s the problem playa.

Let me put it where the goats can get it for you bruh. He’s gonna push the envelope until somebody shuts him down. He’s been to 6 Super Bowls in a 12 year span bruh. He’s only been caught cheatin’ twice. That means that he’s coached in more than 220 games and have literally gotten away with hustlin’ a boy 218 times at the minimum. Con-men don’t con boyz every once in a while bruh. They con boyz every day. You just catch them every now and then.

Think about the amount of games just this year that they’ve hustled boyz in and won just to get to the AFC Championship game. They didn’t just decided to hustle the freakin’ Colts because they’re better than them in all phases of the game. They followed their normal routine and on Sunday they just happened to get caught.

I heard these two idiots on a national radio show yesterday say that they took the air out of one ball and didn’t see a difference between the deflated ball and the ball inflated to standards. I pulled my small intestine out and started stranglin’ myself because these are the types of fools that have radio shows around this piece. You’re not a professional athlete that handles footballs bruh! You’re a freakin’ talk show host and a terrible one at that.

That’s like me tellin’ a boy that I didn’t see the difference between some Mad Dog 20/20 and an expensive Merlot and I’m not a drinker. Even if I were a drinker I’m not a professional wine taster. They can detect little subtleties in the joint just by smellin’ it. So for cats to say that it’s no big deal is ridiculous because the rule is in place for a reason playboy. If it were no big deal there would be no reason to have the rule. Belichick and Co. have completely defied the rules and flipped the bird at the league with their actions once again.

Therefore, ole boy and anyone else involved in this foolishness up to and includin’ Tom Brady should be suspended for an entire season because they’ve been caught tamperin’ with the integrity of the game. Why Tom Brady? Because he handles the freakin’ ball on every snap and he’s probably the cat that told them to deflate the balls in the first place. All they need is a snitch and they’re easy to find for the right price.

If Sean Payton can be suspended for an entire season for Bounty Gate and duns like Ray Rice can be dismissed like Oran Juice Jones’ girl then Belichick and Co. can fall in line too.

Think about it bruh, Sean Payton didn’t cheat a boy he just let the duns in his locker room pay each other for big hits. He didn’t alter the game by messin’ with the equipment to get a unfair advantage. Ray Rice hit his girl, which was personal issue when you really break it down. As unfortunate as it was, what happened in that elevator only hurt/affected Ray and his girl. What Belichick is doin’ is affectin’ the entire National Football League and its sponsors. Why? Because the integrity of the game has been affected.

What’s so crazy is that boyz are lookin’ to hand down a punishment in a few days but you already know that it won’t have an effect on the Super Bowl. Why? Because there’s too much bread attached to that joint. That’s a billion dollar event playa. When you add up all of the ads space that’s already been sold, the duns in Vegas bettin’ on everything from what kind of sweatshirt Belichick is gonna be wearin’ to how many times Tom Brady will high five a boy it ridiculous. Can you imagine the amount of duns that would come up missin’ if they started tinkerin’ with the Super Bowl now?

Boyz are like, “You can mess with that fool after this joint is over but right now he’s untouchable playa! I got too much bread wrapped into this to be playin’ with you or Bill!” So it’ll be interestin’ to see how it all shakes out and stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) Dun: the person in question, dude, guy, etc.
2) Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st!: Let me break it down for you straight with no chaser. I’ll be as clear as Vodka right here bruh.
3) Pimpin’: My man, brother, homeboy.
4) Let me put it where the goats can get it: I’m goin’ to lay it out on the ground for you. Goats eat off of the ground in case you didn't know that. I can’t make this any simpler for you. Let me spell it out for you.
Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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