Dead or Alive (Why neither the Rams nor the NFL owes the cops a darn thing)

"That could have been us dawg!"
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, the 19th century author and poet, once said, “To sin by silence, when we should protest, makes cowards out of men.” Nelson Mandela gave it to us like this, “What globalization means, as it so often does, that the rich and powerful now have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the poorer and weaker, we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal freedom.” Then Bayard Rustin, a leader in the Civil Rights Movement, couldn’t have said it any better than this, “When an individual is protesting society’s refusal to acknowledge his dignity as a human being, his very act of protest confers dignity on him.”

Well playboy...five St. Louis Rams players were doin’ just that on Sunday prior to them beatin’ the brakes off of the Oakland Raiders 52-0. Durin’ player introductions Jared Cook, Kenny Britt, Stedman Bailey, Chris Givens and Tavon Austin came out with their hands up in a sign of solidarity for Michael Brown and in protest against the dun that got away with killin’ him without even goin’ to trial.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Too many folks in this country want to live in the make believe world that everything is all good and completely fair when it simply isn’t. These cats in St. Louis were smart enough to know that Michael Brown could have been them, their sons, little brothers, cousins etc. And because they had the wherewithal to make the statement on a national stage boyz, specifically the St. Louis cops, got upset about it.

Most people watchin’ the events take place in nearby Ferguson have tried to separate these professional athletes that they admire so much from those communities. Well guess what playboy? They are Michael Brown and the countless others gunned down by the police that have never gone to trial for killin’ them! They’ve grown up in the same types of neighborhoods yet grace and mercy and a lot of Big Momma prayin’ has allowed them the opportunity to use those gifts that God has blessed them with. Unfortunately, kids like Michael Brown didn’t get that opportunity.

This isn't the first time boyz have used the national or global stage durin' a sportin' event to show their allegiance to the struggle playboy! Do your homework! Tommie Smith and John Carlos gave the world the Black Power Salute durin' the medal ceremony in the 1968 Olympics just four months after the assasination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. History simply repeats itself playa and boyz weren't even watchin' the Rams vs. Raiders joint. Just think of how huge the statement would be if a boy did it at the Super Bowl! In my Huggy Lowdown voice, "Waaaaait for it!"
"The Olympics don't separate us bein' in the struggle!" 
But don’t get mad at the Rams for understandin’ that they could easily have been that kid. What blows my mind is that the St. Louis Police Officers Association tried to punk the Rams and the NFL into apologizin’ to them for makin' a statement! Wheredeydodatat? This is America the last I checked bruh! It is legal for a boy to protest and the more famous a boy is the bigger the statement can be. So there it is playa.

To tell a boy that he can’t protest is to again tell him that he is of no value to you. You already sucka punched the black community and more specifically Michael Brown’s family by pullin’ the Oaky Doke when you changed the rules of the grand jury proceedings by inundating them with information that they didn’t need. You hollered at Darren Wilson (the cop in question) in front of the grand jury without a cross examination and let it ride. What did you think that he was gonna say? If there was no cross examination of the statements made he could have told you anything? I would have and everybody in that situation would have to. Why? Because ole boy is tryin’ to keep from goin’ to jail. However, it's the prosecutors job to send a boy to jail but in this instance the prosecutor became the freakin' defense attorney. Wheredeydodatat? 

Then boyz had the audacity to parade this dun around all of the national news shows to tell his side of the story. Really bruh? Now that he’s gotten off what did you think that he was gonna say? It’s easy to paint the dead as the monster because he’s dead!

All people wanted was for him to stand trial so that boyz could hear both sides of the story with all of the evidence on the table. To not even get that is a tragedy playa and it gives other racist cops a license to shoot a boy at will. Why? Because he’s not goin’ to have to answer for his actions as seen by similar incidents takin' place all over this country.

Because of those incidents bruh, parents have to do a better job of teachin’ their kids how to respond to police in these streets. See you can’t do a thing about a racist cop rollin’ up on you. I’m not tellin’ you what I’ve heard! I’m tellin’ you what I know! I’ve been pulled over so many times in my life for bein’ black, bein’ black and drivin’ luxury vehicles, bein’ black and bein’ in the wrong city or wrong side of town. Not only have I been pulled over, I’ve had guns drawn on me and told to get out of the freakin’ car!

Fortunately, I’ve always known how to handle a boy. Do exactly what he tells you to do playboy. All of that tongue wrestlin’ will only get you beat down or killed. Let me put it where the goats can get it bruh. If a gangsta rolls up on you in the hood with a gun in his hand and says, “Check yo-self fool!” What are you gonna do? You’re gonna check yo-self real quick! For all of you duns from the suburbs or rural America that don’t know what that means, it simply means to "freeze otherwise I’m gonna blow your freakin’ head off!"

Now a boy will check himself real quick when he hears that but he won’t check himself when the cop rolls up on him. But get this bruh, if the cop shoots him he’s more likely to get away with it because he has the authority to shoot “IF” he says that he felt threatened. So all I’m tryin’ to tell you young thunder cats is that it’s more important to get home alive than dead. If the cop is wrong in the way that he’s talkin’ to you or bein’ abusive, memorize his badge number and get home alive because if he shoots you there are no guarantees that he’ll go to jail for it playa. And even if he goes to jail you’re still dead. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!  

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