The Outhouse (How Brady Hoke has turned Michigan Stadium into a Section 8 property)

Boyz used to be afraid to knock on the door now they just kick it in!
Jackie Robinson once said, “I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me… All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.” Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese philosopher and poet, gave it to us like this, “When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.” Then the big homie Baltasar Gracian, the 17th century Spanish writer and philosopher, was profound with, “Respect yourself if you would have others respect you.”

Well that’s the problem playboy…The University of Michigan is gettin’ pimp slapped because they don’t have any respect for themselves. It’s bad up in Ann Arbor right now playa. They’re 2-3 before the end of September which is the first time in school history that they’ve lost three ball games before the end of the first month of the season. That's so dull!

They weren’t this bad under ole dull Rich Rod bruh! Then Brady Hoke and staff are takin’ it on the chin and rightfully so for lettin’ ole boy Shane Morris back into the game on Saturday after he was clearly concussed. Blind Mellow Jelly, Stevie Wonder and Helen Keller were all in the freakin’ press box sayin’, “Don't you see that dun wobblin’ out there bruh?”

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! It’s so bad in the Big House that boyz are like the dun on the Allstate commercial ridin’ the lawn mower shootin’ rocks up against the house breakin’ all of the windows. It so bad that boyz have kicked in the front door, turned all the furniture over and squatted in the livin’ room floor like ole girl in Teddy. It’s bad bruh!

Whenever Utah comes into the joint and urinates on the walls 26-10 and then the followin’ week Minnesota comes in and starts doin’ donuts in the front yard butt naked eatin’ Cheerios 30-14 you got problems!!

When Brady says that he didn’t see Shane out there wobblin’ around I believe him whole heartedly. Michigan is so bad I wouldn’t have been watchin’ them either. Think about it bruh, he’s gotta watch these duns all week! So he was just takin’ a break and checkin’ out the hot co-eds in the stands playa.

Now on some real talk, he should be ashamed of himself for even thinkin’ that the excuse of not seein’ Morris out there in bad shape was gonna fly. Even if he was preparin’ for the next play etc. where were the freakin’ trainers or assistants? I mean there are at least 25 duns on the coachin’ and medical staffs in the buildin’ that could have said, “Hey bruh he’s hurt. He can’t go back in until he’s been evaluated.” It shouldn’t have even been on the coachin’ staff to send that kid back into the game.

But let’s be honest, the only reason the students at Michigan are outraged this week is because they suck! If the Wolverines were 5-0 nobody would have cared that ole boy was shook up out there. This is grand standin’ at its finest. When have you ever heard of students protestin’ on the president’s lawn askin’ for the athletic director to be fired? Give me a break. Now was he a sucka for waitin’ until 1am Tuesday to put out a statement? Sure he was! Is that a fireable offense? Absolutely not. Get out of here with that foolishness.

Yeah they screwed up as a staff but ole boy gettin’ back on the field after bein’ injured isn’t on the AD bruh. It’s on the freakin’ head coach, the medical personnel and the idiot trainin’ staff. The AD isn’t even payin’ attention to what’s goin’ on out there half of the time. He’s in a luxury suite tryin’ to get some rich booster to come out of more bread.

If you ride past the Big House today it probably looks like the old Robert Taylor Homes in the Chi. That’s the projects bruh! Better yet, it's Section 8 at this point bruh! The Big House used to be revered but now it’s been tagged with Utah and Minnesota graffiti, the yard is shot, the curtains are hangin’ out of the freakin’ windows and it reeks of urine. By the end of the season, it’s not gonna even have walls. Penn State, Indiana and Maryland still have to come through for a game of bid whist and as bad as they are right now they could lose all three games.

Now obviously Shane Morris isn’t goin’ to play at Rutgers this weekend so they’re goin’ to start ole dull Devin Gardner. I told you boyz last year that Michigan was in trouble if Devin Gardner was their starter because he agreed to wear No.98. Remember when I did a video rant on that dun? Ole boy decided to wear Tom Harmon’s No.98 which was their very first Heisman Trophy winner in 1940.

The fact that he allowed some clown in the buildin’ to talk him into wearin’ another dun’s number with a commemorative patch on the jersey told me everything that I needed to know about his ability to compete. If you’re the startin’ quarterback at the University of Michigan then you should be a competitor lookin’ to create your own legacy. Not to extend someone else’s.

Your number is your face in football bruh! You’re identity! Why are you out here with another man’s face on if you’re lookin’ to be great yourself. Yeah I know that so many great players have come through the joint that at some point great numbers will get repeated. But if you’re goin’ to repeat a great number it should at least be one that you should be wearin’ like a quarterback’s number not a fat stanky lineman’s number. That’s ignorant.

All of the great wide receivers at Michigan have worn No.1! Okay, that makes sense! But to run out and put on No.98? You look like a fool and again, it tells me where the program is mentally. No way would Bo Schembechler have run a boy out at quarterback wearin’ a freakin’ lineman’s number. The Big House has suddenly become the outhouse because they don’t even respect themselves or the Michigan way. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!


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