Uncle Mike (Why Ditka doesn't think the Redskins should change theirname but he changed his)

"I never thought about it that way Jay. Great point!"
I was hangin’ out in the barber shop yesterday when these three ole timers started arguin’ about boyz bein’ ignorant. Benjamin Franklin stood up and said, “Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.” Maximilien Robespierre, the 18th century French lawyer and politician and one of the most influential figures of the French Revolution, knocked over the dominoes and shouted, “The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” Then Richard Cecil, the 18th and 19th century Evangelical Anglican clergyman, shut the joint down with, “The first step towards knowledge is to know that we are ignorant.”

Well playboy…somebody needs to push ole Mike Ditka towards his first step because that dun made one of the most ignorant statements possible a few weeks ago. In an interview with some ole dull website that I won’t give them the pleasure of namin’, the NFL Hall of Famer said that it would be “ridiculous” to change the Washington Redskins name.

This cat said in his Mike Ditka way, “What’s all the stink over the Redskins name? It was said out of reverence, out of pride to the American Indian. Even though it was called Redskin, what are you going to call them, a Brownskin?”

Well let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! It’s easy to stand on the freakin’ sideline and not care about what they call another race of people because you don’t really have a dog in that fight. And who are you tell American Indians that it’s not a big deal because you don’t think that it is playa?

I bet if the name was offensive to the Ukrainian people ole Mike would be up in arms about Daniel Snyder changin’ the name. Oh, so y’all didn’t know that Mike was born of Ukrainian decent? He was born Michael Dyczko not Ditka playa! The dun’s family changed their name to Ditka because it was too difficult to pronounce.

So in other words playboy, they sold out the family name and just made up something to conform. I bet his grandfather or great-great grandfather didn’t approve of that. It was the family name and boyz changed it just to fit in. Think about that for a minute pimpin'.

But you wanna tell Daniel Snyder that it’s OK to keep callin’ a race of people somethin’ that many find offensive. However, you and your family changed your name just to get along. Now which one of those sounds more ridiculous?

If a boy can’t pronounce your name then you force him to pronounce it right. You don’t change it. That’s called sellin’ out bruh! To demand that someone call folks something that is offensive to many is called bein’ ignorant. And if I’m talkin’ about the same cat then that makes him an ignorant sellout.

There are a number of people in this country right now that think that the N-word is offensive. However, there are many young folks today that don’t think that it is because they grew up usin’ it in a different context than what my mother and father heard it bein’ used in growin’ up in the south. 

So if there was a team called the New York N-words some white dude from Pennsylvania couldn’t tell my folks that it wasn’t offensive because he’s accustomed to hearin’ it. That’s Mike Ditka bruh! I mean Mike Dyczko if we’re keepin’ it 100.

Let me put it where the goats can get it bruh. If there were a team named the San Francisco F-words people would be outraged. So stop actin' like it's not a big deal because it's not in your backyard. It's like folks in the suburbs not trippin' about the drug epidemic in the hood in the mid to late 1980's until it knocked on their door. Now it's a problem!

What blows my mind is that boyz will immediately agree with Mike because he’s a Hall of Famer. Like bein’ able to play the game makes him socially correct when he opens his freakin’ mouth. His statements were ignorant and selfish because he’s standin’ on the sideline with no dog in the fight. If some American Indians find it offensive then it is playa. It doesn’t matter what you think Mr. Dyczko.

I bet that dun wouldn’t feel the same way if there was a team called the Kansas City “Koguts.” Kogut pronounced “Ko-goot” is a Russian term used to call Ukrainians. That’s real talk playboy. If there are people out there that find it offensive then it’s wrong. So who are you to tell a boy that it isn’t when you can’t even stand up for your OWN name! So since I can't call him a Uncle Tom I'll call him Uncle Mike. I’m preachin’ but y’all ain’t listenin’ and you can stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!


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