The Business (Why fans that hit players should be dealt with by theplayers)

"Gimme some of that bruh!"
David Tennant, the Scottish actor, once said, “When you’re older, you want to be scared because you understand more where the boundaries between fantasy and reality are, and I suppose they are more blurred the younger you are.” Edgar allen Poe got real when he said, “The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?” Then Edwin Louis Cole, the founder of the Men’s Christian Network, shut the buildin’ down with, “Boundaries are to protect life, not to limit pleasures.”

On Tuesday the fence was definitely the boundary protectin’ life that kept Dallas Cowboys’ cornerback B.W. Webb from beatin’ the brakes off of an Oakland Raiders fan. Durin’ a joint practice between the two teams a fight broke out because Dallas cornerback Morris Claiborne tackled Oakland tight end Mychal Rivera near the sideline. The agreement between the two teams was that there would be no tacklin’ durin’ the workout.

However, Rivera lowered his shoulder after catchin’ the rock and ole boy tackled him. He wasn’t about to just get run over. So I get it. Once Claiborne blasted him the rest of the Raiders team ran out on the field and started squabbin’. Okay, no big deal right? It happens all of the time in trainin’ camp. But when a fan thinks he’s in the ride with the fellas and can take a swing at a boy he’s crossed the line.

This dun hit Webb twice in the back and then hit him with a helmet. Webb finally swiped at him just to back him up off of him just as the fight broke up. Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! These ole dull fans need to understand that just because they’ve bought a freakin’ jersey doesn’t mean that they’re on the team bruh. You’re a fan! Not a player! No matter how much you love your team playboy you ain't on the team!

So sit yo butt down and watch the game or practice because you can’t participate in what’s goin’ on out there. Let’s be real for a second bruh. What if ole boy would have turned around and gave that fan the business? I mean what if he had turned around and blasted that dun with everything he’s got simply out of pure reaction to the situation? We’d be talkin’ about a Raiders fan in critical condition this mornin’ and fans all over the freakin’ country would be upset sayin’ that the player had no right to hit him like that. Are you freakin’ kiddin’ me?

Sometimes you’ve got to understand what that admission ticket allows you to do. It allows you to be a spectator and a spectator only. When you start tryin’ to get into the game with a boy you put yourself in danger.

See everybody playin’ doesn’t have good sense bruh. Everybody didn’t grow up in the suburbs or rural America. Most of these cats grew up in the hood where things pop off daily and protectin’ yourself is merely a natural reaction. So in the middle of a fight you start hittin’ a boy that’s fully engaged you run the serious risk of gettin’ knocked out or worse.

On some real talk, Webb had every right to turn around and knock that fan out because he jumped into the mote with the lions. I never feel sorry for the dun that climbs into the pit with the polar bears at the zoo that gets mauled. He got what he deserved because they were mindin’ their own business then he walked up, knocked over their drinks on purpose and stuck his finger in their ears. If the bear turns around and gives him the business he bought it.

When the fan threw the cup at Ron Artest at the Palace years ago he took his life into his own hands. Sure, Ron should have known better and been a professional about the situation but like I said earlier playboy, everybody playin’ doesn’t have good sense or will use good judgment. And for so many cats that grew up in the hood it’s pure reaction especially if they’re not too far removed from the war zone. Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is real playa. Most folks only think that you can get it by goin’ to war in the military. Boyz that grow up in the ghetto have been in the war zone since birth. Am I just talkin' crazy? Clinical studies have shown that kids growin' up in violent environments suffer from as much if not more PTSD than military veterans. So you can’t just walk up on a boy and start swingin’.

You wouldn’t walk up on a Vietnam or Desert Storm Veteran and start swingin’ would you? Especially, if he had only been home for a couple of years. Why? Because you already know that that dun will give you the business out of pure instinct. It’s the same way with a boy that’s seen more in the hood than most folks see at war overseas.

That’s why ole boy that threw the cup of beer at Artest got dealt with. You can’t be irresponsible and do somethin’ crazy and then expect for the dun that you just disrespected to be responsible in his response to your foolishness. We don't live in the world of what should be playa. We live in the world of what is! Y’all need to read that joint again because I just said somethin’.

The penitentiary is full of cats that will tell you that somebody disrespected them. It’s just that simple bruh! So if you don’t wanna get dealt with out here in these streets you need to sit yo butt down somewhere and leave boyz alone. That even includes when you’re at the game or at practice. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!   

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