Street Walkin' (How the Paul George injury finally exposes the USABasketball pimp game)

"And for what dawg?"
As I’m waitin’ on a cab outside of the Bellagio I hear these cats arguin’ about takin’ risks. Anais Nin, the famous author, said, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Jim Rohn, the author and motivational speaker, pulls up in the funky Phantom and says, “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” Then Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the 18th century Genevan philosopher whose political philosophy influenced the French Revolution, took a cut in line with, “Every man has a right to risk his own life in order to preserve it. Has it ever been said that a man who throws himself out the window to escape from a fire is guilty of suicide?”

Naw playboy, but a professional athlete that plays an unnecessary pick up game for Team USA and gets seriously injured is guilty of not thinkin’ about his career. On Friday night Paul George (PG) snapped his right lower leg involvin’ both the tibia and the fibula while tryin’ to block James Hardin’s shot. It was unreal bruh!

He was rushed immediately to the hospital where he had surgery to repair the bones. Ole boy will remain in the hospital for at least two or three days.

Now that we’ve got all of the freakin’ preliminaries out of the way. Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I’ve been tellin’ boyz for years that it makes absolutely no sense to play for Team USA if these duns aren’t payin’ you your full NBA salary. Pull the tape bruh! I’ve written it, said it and screamed it. I was on Dan Dakich’s Show here in Indy on ESPN’s 1070TheFan and the big homie Kent Sterling's joint on 1430 CBS Sports Radio just two or three weeks ago tellin’ boyz how foolish it was for D. Rose to be out there and now PG goes down.

Why take the chance of gettin’ hurt for something that means absolutely nothin’? Who freakin’ cares about USA basketball bruh? It’s like watchin’ that kick ball tournament boyz were fakin’ like they were interested in this summer. Now this dun may have literally ended his freakin’ career or at the very least stalled it over what was essentially a darn pick-up game. And that’s the edited version.

It was dumb when boyz panicked and started usin’ NBA players in the Olympics in the first place. After the Dream Team was assembled in ’92 and destroyed the world, America, as usual, start feelin’ itself. We proved that we’ve got the best players in the world by beatin’ duns by 40 and 50 points every night. There’s nothin’ else to prove homeboy. Put some D-league cats out there that are still tryin’ to make it or go get some college boyz and keep it movin’. But why in your right mind would you as an NBA superstar take the chance of endin’ your career or even stallin’ it for something that means absolutely nothin’?

That’s like a race car driver enterin’ an all out race for charity driven’ at the same speeds he does durin’ his real races for free. Why? Because somebody told him that it was an honor to do it. How much is honor goin’ to pay PG if his darn career is over? How much is honor gonna pay the Indiana Pacers for coverin’ his salary? Better yet, how much is honor gonna pay the insurance company that has to cover this foolishness? Not a darn thing! And that’s the edited version!

 Everybody’s sittin’ around pissed this mornin’. Even the dun that’s about to get laid off because Bankers Life Fieldhouse won’t be sellin’ out in February. They've got these boyz out here street walkin' makin' money for USA Basketball sellin' tickets, jerseys and ad space and their tellin' them it's an honor to put on the uniform. While Coach K is gettin' paid because you can bet your bottom dolla like Don Cornelius up in this piece that he and Jerry Colangelo ain't workin' for free. 

Here's my naïve fan screamin', "Jay you sound crazy! He could have injured himself in the gym workin' out or runnin' a regular pick-up game. Shoot, he could have just fallin' down the freakin' stairs bruh!" Here's the difference playboy, USA Basketball and all of the ancillary cats standin' around were gettin' paid and Paul George wasn't.

The duns selling hot dogs, beer and $10 nachos wasn't workin' for free either. The cat parkin' cars out front wasn't workin' for free and neither were the hotels, restaurants and bars around the venue. So why were the products that everybody was payin' to see workin' for free? They don't need USA Basketball! USA Basketball needs them. That's real talk playboy. So if he was gonna get hurt he didn't need to be puttin' bread in everybody else's pockets in the process.

I bet Derrick Rose sprinted to the airport butt naked after he saw that bruh. It absolutely made no sense for him to be in the Las Vegas city limits playin’ anything. That dun hasn’t played but like ten games in two and a half years and he’s out there runnin’ around for free on two repaired knees? Did you see his face when PG went down? He looked like he had seen the boogie monster naked.  

Ay dawg, I'm goin' to the crib! Make sense to me! Me too!"
As a matter of fact, all of the those cats should have stripped down and bounce last night. Why? Because honor doesn’t pay the bills pimpin’! Honor and country is for the dun that doesn’t have anything else to do with his summer playboy. These cats should be about their bread and not provin’ to the world that they can beat a boy by 50 points in a tournament that means absolutely nothin’.

How do you walk in the house and tell your wife that you probably ruined your career playin’ at essentially the freakin’ Rucker against some cats that have never left the projects? Because playin’ in the World Cup of Basketball is exactly what these cats are doin’.

We haven’t even thought about how this impacts the freakin’ Pacers! Larry Bird has to be as sick as dun watchin’ his ex-girlfriend show up for the first time after the break-up with a new cat with his hand on her butt palmin’ the joint. You already know how fine she looks the first time you see her after the break-up bruh.

Look, Larry Legend can’t keep anything down this mornin’ either! He’s thinkin’, No PG! No Lance! And all he can picture is ole dull Roy Hibbert sittin’ in the ride listenin’ to some Luther and Katy Perry while the rest of the team was puttin’ in work last year. He’s like, “Damn dawg! I ran Lance off tryin’ to be a hard nose when I should have paid him his bread and treated him better in the process. Jay told me that I fell for the banana in the tailpipe messin’ with Bynum’s gettin’ over tail and now this.”

The freakin’ Pacers are gonna look like the Shanghai Sharks takin’ the floor next year bruh. Think about it! Boyz are now relyin’ on Roy Hibbert to carry them and that dun, ninety percent of the time, refuses to get out of the car. Yeah I know that he’s workin’ with Kareem but Kareem ain’t the Wizard of Oz playboy. Roy needs a heart and if ole Kareem ain’t in the transplant business now he’s wastin’ his time and Roy’s.

Again, every dun on that USA Basketball roster should be back at the crib this mornin’ with a whole new outlook on their careers. Playin’ in a tournament that means jack squat should be the furthest thing from their minds forever.

Did y’all see how pitiful Mike Krzyzewski and Jerry Colangelo was lookin’ at that ignorant press conference afterwards? They were lookin’ like the babysitter that allowed the freakin’ kid to jump off of the banister head first and now they’ve got to face his parents at the hospital.

First of all, you didn’t need to do a press conference because nobody had any answers to the dumb questions that these media type cats were askin’. You make a statement of, “Thinkin’ about PG and his family and we’re headed over to the hospital right now. When we know somethin’ you’ll know somethin’.” And who were the idiots askin’ all of the dumb questions anyway? Interviewing 101 rule freakin’ 1 says, "Never ask a question that doesn’t have an answer to it!"

Every agent, general manager and team executive worth his or her weight in their salaries should be puttin’ the breaks on boyz playin’ in that foolishness from now on. It’s way too much bread on the line for the player, the team and the freakin’ NBA! Do really think duns are gonna pack Bankers Life Fieldhouse to see Roy Hibbert next year? They better have a helluva half-time show playa! That's all I gotta say because they couldn't sell it out every night when they were the No.1 seed bruh. Stop me when I start lyin’!
Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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