Flashlights (How the American double standard even played out at Ray Allen's crib)

"They just lucky I wasn't at the crib dawg!"
William Hazlitt, the 19th century English writer, once said, “The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy.” Frederick William Robertson, the 19th century English preacher, gave it to us like this, “There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy, hypocrisy, fraud and tyranny.” Then never in a million years would I have thought to quote Don King but here we go playa, “Hypocrisy is the mother of all evil and racial prejudice is still her favorite child.”

The more I live the more I see the foolishness of hypocrisy playin’ out right before my eyes and I’m not even talkin’ about the ignorance that’s in full effect in Ferguson playboy. I’m talkin’ about how seven teenagers that just walked into Ray Allen’s crib while his wife and kids slept and didn’t initially get charged with a crime until ole Ray hit the roof about it!

They were all attendin’ a party next door to Ray’s house so accordin’ to them they decided to go into the flat because they wanted to see how an NBA player lives. Well first of all bruh, if you were attendin’ a party next door to an NBA player’s house then you already know how he’s livin’. Because whoever’s house your at is livin’ the same way pimpin’.

But let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Everybody and their momma knows that all seven of these duns were white because they weren’t charged with a crime for bein’ in a boyz crib. On some real talk, if they had been seven black teenagers the headline would have initially read “Seven black teenagers charged with attempted burglary and breaking and entering.” Regardless of whether the front freakin’ door was unlocked or not playa. And that’s the edited version.

And Ray Ray lives behind a gate bruh! So the front door bein' unlocked is irrelevant because boyz had to climb the gate first in order to even touch the front door! That's breakin' and enterin', trespassin' and bein' a complete butt wipe for starters! So what are we even talkin' about bruh?

What blows my mind is the number of white folks commentin’ on this story on ESPN.com sayin’ that more blacks murder blacks than non-black! What? That’s called shiftin’ where I’m from. That means that you’re tryin’ to change the subject. However, that is a FACT! Can’t deny that playboy! But the discussion of murder rate in the hood is not on the table right now. When we start talkin’ about black on black crime and hood murder rates I’ll holla at you. But right now we’re talkin’ about how boyz can walk off into a man’s crib without consequence.

Just because they told you that they weren’t gonna take anything doesn’t mean that they weren’t. They were equipped with flashlights bruh and just happened to get caught! That means that this foolishness was premeditated. Who has seven flashlights layin’ around the crib? And maybe just maybe they were stupid enough to think that it was acceptable to just walk off into the a boyz crib and not get their heads blown off for starters. But just because they were that stupid they deserved to be charged with the trespassin’ joints that were eventually hit with, convicted and thrown into jail. Again, some young brothers would be lookin’ at some felony burglary joints and facin’ multiple years in prison for the same behavior.

Well…if ole Ray would have been at the crib whether those duns were black or white somebody would have been carried out of that piece in a body bag or bags. I’m just sayin’.

Now I will say this playa, Ray and his wife need their butts whooped for leavin' the freakin' doors unlocked at any time. This is an example of a boy bein' rich for too long and losin' his ghetto instincts. He's lucky that it was only some young naive punks in the crib because Sean Taylor wasn't that lucky and his door was locked.

My man Daniel Price, the famous author, said it best, “Honest discussions – even and perhaps especially on topics about which we disagree – can help us resist hypocrisy and arrogance. They can also help us live up to the basic ideals, such as liberty and justice for all, on which our country was founded.” Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the quote isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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