Agent Stupid (Gilbert Arenas showed us how ignorant he REALLY is by blastin' Al Sharpton)

"Yeah that was stupid of me wasn't it bruh?"
Confucius once said, “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” George Bernard Shaw kept it where boyz could understand it with, “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” Then the big homie Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

Well playboy, earlier this week Gilbert Arenas showed the world just how conscientiously stupid and ignorant he really is. Ole boy took to Instagram to blast Al Sharpton for showin’ up in Ferguson, Missouri on behalf of Mike Brown, the unarmed teen that was gunned down by the police. Agent Zero said that “Caesar the monkey” or a “Planet of the Apes” character could get better justice for the family than Al.

He then goes on this freakin’ rant of cursin’ and talkin’ crazy like his momma or grandparents have never sat down and explained to him from whence he’s come. He brings up the Trayvon Martin and Jena 6 situations as examples of ole boy showin’ up and no justice bein’ won. He says that Sharpton made those situations worse.

Well since your family failed you playa let me put it where the goats can get it so that you can understand how this thing REALLY works. Ima keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The only reason that the world ever knows about these types of situations is because of duns like Al Sharpton playboy. When the Jena 6 joint popped off nobody cared about the story until ole Al showed up and brought all of the cameras. When Trayvon was shot and killed nobody cared that another black unarmed child was killed until Al and his boyz rode into town.

Nobody knew or even cared that Bernhard Goetz shot and killed four black kids in 1984. Nobody cared about the Howard Beach situation where three brothers were beaten half to death in 1986. The world didn’t trip when four black kids were beaten in Bensonhurst by a mob of 30 white folks. Nobody batted an eye when New York City police shot Amadu Diallo 19 times on his front porch and so on and so forth until Al showed up with the cameras. 

So if that’s all he does, I’m cool with it. Because otherwise, the world wouldn’t know about these incidents nor would they care. Why? Because mainstream media will gloss right over it and keep it movin'! It's just like when black children are abducted in this country and the news media never cares. But if a little white kid comes up missin' its on Good Morning America the next day. Don't trip playa! It is what it is.

He’s the guard dog that barks to let the duns in the house know that somebody is outside on some foolishness. He’s doin’ the exact same thing that Martin Luther King Jr. did in the mid to late 1950’s and ‘60’s playboy. Nobody liked him either because he was what white folks called a “trouble maker.” Why? Because he showed up and barked until the cameras showed up bruh.

But you would know these things if you had sat down with your Ma Dukes, Big Momma or Grandpa Luke when you were a shorty. They would have told you that history has a tendency of  repeatin' itself. People hated Martin Luther King Jr. so much that they killed him! Or did you even know that? People hated Martin when he was in his prime just like they hated Muhammad Ali. Now they are beloved by all but when they were runnin' their mouths back in their day they were public enemy No.1! Just like ole Al is today. 

Sit down you young snotty nosed punk! I'm just gettin' started!

What Al Sharpton is doin’ is no different than what Martin did. Half of you clowns out there had never even heard of Jena, Louisiana or Ferguson, Missouri until he showed up.

Here’s my clown cat that wants to jump out of the birthday cake and say, “Well...what about the Duke Lacrosse scandal? He ran down there and it blew up in his face!” You’re exactly right!

But listen up playa, because he’s the guard dog every now and then the paper boy is gonna get bit. But I’d rather have him out there in the freakin’ yard protectin’ the crib and accidentally bite the paper boy once every ten years than to not have him out there at all.

Gilbert blew my mind by sayin’ that he’s made the situations worse because he didn’t win the Jena 6 or Trayvon cases. Listen you idiot, he’s not the judge or the lawyer tryin’ the case. Just because the legal system dropped the ball by allowin’ George Zimmerman and the cops in the Sean Bell case and so on and so forth to walk isn’t a reflection of the people that protested the murders.

So are you gonna blame LeBron and the Miami Heat for makin’ the Trayvon situation worse because they posed for a picture in hoodies after he was shot because ole boy didn’t get arrested? That protest on Instagram blew up and most people that heard about that situation for the first time found out about it because of LeBron and the Heat.

You sound like a fool! What duns like MLK, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Dick Gregory, Malcolm X, NWA, Lebron, Kareem, Jim Brown, Bill Russell and so many others with notoriety have done was to shine the light on the situation so that the world could see the foolishness that still goes on in America.

Unfortunately, so many times if your child doesn’t look like Mike Brown or Trayvon Martin you don’t internalize the pain of those mothers and fathers that have lost their children to this violence and you simply turn the channel. That’s why duns like MLK and Al show up and make you watch it because it’s now on every channel. So Gilbert… you need to spend less time playin’ with guns and more time studyin’ your history. That way you won’t let the world know just how ignorant you REALLY are and remind us of the reason why you’re no longer in the NBA. I’m just sayin’! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!    

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