Turnt Up? (Why Johnny Football is no different than duns like Barkley, Jordan or Magic)

"Look here playa Ima do me whether you like it or not!"
As I pulled up to the car wash deep in the hood these two cats holdin’ the bench down out front were arguin’ about perspective. John Sununu, the former governor of New Hampshire, said, “Perspective gives us the ability to accurately contrast the large with the small, and the important with the less important. Without it we are lost in a world where all ideas, news, and information look the same. We cannot prioritize, and we cannot make good choices.” Then Marcus Aurelius, the ancient Roman Emperor, jumped in his whip as they sprayed the smell-good on the seats and said, “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”

So will somebody please tell all of these media type cats to relax on divin’ on Johnny Football for hangin’ out bruh! Like ole boy said a minute ago, “it’s all opinion, not fact.” Cats are up in arms because Manziel told them last Friday that he wasn’t gonna change who he was for anybody.

He attended the NFL’s rookie symposium for three days, stopped by the Pro Football Hall of Fame on Saturday before spendin’ Sunday in Cleveland filmin’ a TV commercial. But on Monday ole boy flew to LA to get it in with Justin Bieber, Floyd Mayweather and Tyrese at Biebs crib. While they’re hangin’ out Biebs takes a selfie of the crew and tweets it so Johnny retweets the joint and these ole lame sports media cats lose their minds over it.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! This dun is off! He’s not in season yet so he can hang out all he wants bruh! Stop with this foolishness! If he’s off he’s free to kick it with whoever he wants!! Y’all act like the dun took a picture runnin’ out of a crack house with his pants down to his knees with heroin drippin’ from his freakin’ veins with cocaine fallin’ out of his nose drinkin’ St. Ides out of a forty ounce bottle wearin’ a Cross Colors T-shirt, some parachute pants and Kangeroos. And y’all know Walter Payton was the only dun in the history of mankind that had the courage to put those joints on because they were punchin’ kids in the mouth for even thinkin’ about puttin' on some Kangeroos where I grew up. So you gotta keep it in perspective playa!

Leonardo da Vinci was waitin' on his whip too when he chimed in and said, “Shadow is the obstruction of light. Shadows appear to be of supreme importance in perspective, because, without them opaque and solid bodies will be ill defined; that which is contained within their outlines and their boundaries themselves will be ill-understood unless they are shown against a background of a different tone from themselves.” In other words playboy, for all of you simple minded individuals, you gotta give a boy all the details and circumstances in order to really understand what’s happenin’! And it still depends on what angle you're lookin' at it from.

If the dun was in the middle of the freakin’ season and he was showin’ up to practice or games late, hung over, not bein’ able to read defenses and throwin’ picks all over the field you would have a point. But it’s the off-season and he’s within his right to get "turnt up" if he wants to.

You sound like a fool suggestin’ that a RICH, 21 year old Heisman Trophy winnin’, first round draft pick in the National Football League should sit at the crib and not get it in before the season starts! Everybody that believes that stand on your head and spin around forty times!

I was about to throw my freakin’ radio out of the window on I-65 yesterday listenin’ to ESPN’s Colin Coward talkin’ like a complete maniac about this cat. He comes up with a list a train wrecks and tries to say Johnny would be like them. He gives examples of Michael Vick, T.O., Dennis Rodman, Vince Young etc.

Well first of all playa, Dennis Rodman is a darn Hall of Famer! And that’s the edited version! So whatever he did off the floor had no affect of his production. T.O. is a Hall of Famer that’s just not in the Hall of Fame yet! Pull the stats bruh! Yes, he was a complete rectum on the field and in the locker room but he put up ridiculous numbers! And that’s the edited version too! Vick was a beast in Atlanta before he was stupid enough to get caught up on the dog fightin' joint. Hangin' out had nothin' to do with his production as a player! He just couldn't let the ghetto go in that respect.

Vince Young was a momma’s boy that couldn’t stomach takin’ direction from another man and he flat out couldn’t throw the football. Hangin’ out wasn’t his problem. Either you can play or you can’t pimpin’ just ask Tim Tebow if I’m lyin’ and he didn’t go anywhere!

This is what these cats like Colin don’t understand bruh. For every fool that you come up with I can name a Hall of Famer that hung out all of the time and still took care of business. Not that I think that Johnny Football will become a Hall of Famer or anything close to it but you don’t know what he’s gonna be able to do. Hangin’ out isn’t gonna keep him for ballin’ if he can ball bruh.

Cats like Michael Irving and Lawrence Taylor would hang out all night, come straight from the club to practice and out work everybody on the field the next mornin'! If you can ball, you can ball. You don't know what this cat is gonna be able to do but to tell him not to go out and he's off is asinine.

Duns like Jordan, Barkley, Magic and yes Tiger Woods all got it in durin’ their playin’ days pimpin’! The only difference between now and then is somethin’ called social media! Now everybody has a cell phone that can take a picture of a boy at the club or the bar and send it around the world in the blink of an eye.

Can you imagine if a boy would have been in the club with a cell phone and an Instagram or Facebook app the night Barkley threw that dun through a plate glass window? Can you imagine the uproar that would have occured if boyz had been filmin’ Jordan out gamblin’ and smokin’ cigars at 3 A.M. in New Jersey with his old man the mornin’ of a playoff game against New York when they eventually freakin’ lost that game? Hold up dawg, can you imagine if broads were takin' pictures of Magic when he was doin' episodes with 6 chicks at a time? Are you freakin' serious? Whatttt!!!!

So get off of Johnny Football because he lives in a social media world and you got access to him like that. And stop tryin’ to compare everybody to Eli and Peyton Manning! Not everybody is gonna be a nerd and not go out. That’s just what most cats do bruh!   

Colin has a tendency of throwin’ Russell Wilson in with Peyton and Eli but that dun just won the Super Bowl and just divorced his wife. So he’s about to be in the club with Johnny too! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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