Syrup Sandwiches (Why the Pacers may have played themselves in theLance Sweepstakes)

Taylor Swift once said, “Even if you’re happy with the life you’ve chosen, you’re still curious about the other options.” Simon Sinek, the famous author, was real when he said, “Panic causes tunnel vision. Calm acceptance of danger allows us to more easily assess the situation and see the options.” Then Chris Rock gave us one of the hottest joints ever spoken, “A man is only as faithful as his options.”

Well playboy…the Indiana Pacers tried to play the homie Lance Stephenson like a sucka with no options. Even before the playoffs were even cold and in the coroner’s truck Larry Bird told the media types that he wanted to re-sign ole boy but only for the right price. By simply sayin’ that he essentially told the world, “Ima offer this dun what Ima offer him and that’s it. We ain’t tryin’ to negotiate nothin’! He can take it or leave it! But oh by the way, I really want him on my team.”

So instead of these duns really tryin’ to negotiate with a boy they put together a corny movie tribute of his life and a presentation to try to pull at his heart strings and then they tossed a five-year $44 million contract at him and bounced. Now don’t get it twisted, I realize that they’ve already got tall bread wrapped up in PG ($15.8 million), ole dull car sittin’ Roy ($14.9 million) and the homie D. West ($12 million). I get it bruh but at least act like you want some.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! #BornReady doesn’t need to see a freakin’ movie tribute about his life because he’s already lived it playa! He doesn’t need to be reminded of growin’ up poor in Coney Island, Brooklyn! Are you kiddin’ me?

Who wants to be reminded of havin’ to put water in the ketchup bottle to stretch that joint ‘til pay day? Who wants to remember eatin’, sugar, mustard, ketchup or syrup sandwiches? Like a boy wants to think about proppin’ the dinin’ room chair up against the front door because the lock is broken to keep a boy from comin’ in on him. There was no such thing as goin’ on vacations in the ghetto bruh! Vacation was goin’ to Big Momma’s house in the summer time. Bubble baths were puttin’ the dish washin’ liquid in the bath tub and bein’ safe was sleepin’ on the floor because bullets don’t have radar or names on them in the middle of the night.

So what these cats essentially told him by puttin’ the freakin’ movie together was that you should be lucky that we’re offerin’ you this type of bread because look where you’ve come from. Reflect on your life and then look at all of these zeros we’re about to give you. You better take this money!

What these naïve cats in Indiana don’t realize is that ole boy has options and he’s gonna exhaust them. Now the Lakers, Bulls and Charlotte are hollerin’ at him. On some real talk, if either of those cats make a similar offer he should bounce not because he has a better chance of winnin’ but because Indiana has been disrespectful to him ever since the Eastern Conference Finals.

Like I’ve been sayin’ all year, Lance The Don Dada Mr. #BornReady himself is the most important player on that team! Not the most talented but the most important! Why? Because he brings the edge to the arena and his energy carried the rest of those cats all year. He was the only player on the floor that said, “Screw LeBron! Let’s ball!” And that’s the edited version playboy!

You can talk about his antics all day but he gave you everything he had every night! While duns like Roy Hibbert sat in the ride whistlin’ Dixie more often than not. This dun led the league in triple doubles while averagin’ 13.8 points, 7.2 rebounds and 4.6 dimes per game all while showin’ up EVERY night with his manhood sittin' on his shoulder.

Paul George, Frank Vogel and Larry Bird throws him under the bus durin’ the playoffs by publically criticizin’ him in front of the media. Then PG completely squatted on him in the post-game presser of Game 6 of the Eastern Conference Finals when asked if he wanted to play with him next season. And that's the edited version too playboy!

Let me put it where the goats can get it for you playa! There is a reason why LA, Chicago and Charlotte are hollerin’ at him. Both the Lakers and the Bulls already understand how to win with duns that are somewhat aggressive and to some degree on the edge. The Bulls won three titles with Dennis Rodman bruh and they already have a stud named Joakim on the floor that’s always wound up as tight as a drum.

The Lakers won a title with Ron Artest/Metta World Peace! So they know how to win with a boy like Lance and last but not least Michael Jeffery Jordan completely respects the fact that a boy plays with an edge. Lance is a puppy with no teeth compared to Rodman in Jordan’s eyes and he needs a dun like that to light a fire in Charlotte. Can you imagine Lance hookin' up with the intensity of Jordan everyday? He'll learn how to cage that fire and understand when and how to release it.

So while the Pacers are actin’ like Lance owes them somethin’ they’re gonna mess around and watch this cat walk because it’s about respect at this point. He can get $44 million from any of these cats because the Pacers low balled him and told him to essentially take it or leave it. The market already says that he's worth at least $10 million per not the freakin' $8.8 the Pacers just threw at him and he knows it.

Let me explain somethin’ to ya bruh! Lance is from the GHETTO! So you can throw that “you can win a championship here” speech out of the window! Winnin’ to duns like that is about gettin’ that first big contract pimpin’. So for all of you boyz hollerin’ the Pacers are a better situation for him than the other teams because they’re just better is foolishness. Because he’s lookin’ to get paid and on some real talk the Bulls got horses.

If he goes to the Chi the city won’t turncoat on him like these cats out here in Indianapolis did because they understand the streets and the attitude that it takes to survive in the streets. So Lance would be one of their own not an outcast like he is in Indy. I’m just sayin’! So don’t be surprised if he tells Larry Legend to keep his $44 million and kick rocks! Now how silly would the Pacers look allowin' their most important player to sign with a divisional opponent just up the street because they wanted to prove a point?

That dun already plays with a chip on his shoulder bruh. What happens when he signs with possibly the Bulls and has to come in and put in work against some cats that he already understands ain't ready for him? That's gonna be a problem playa.

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st one mo-gain! The Pacers NEED Lance but they don't want him! So they've painted the picture as if they're really tryin' to sign him and if he does cool we got him on the cheap, relatively speakin'! But if he walks away he looks like the devil and Larry Bird can save face. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!


1 comment:

  1. I don't think it had anything to do with respect. The Pacers are totally capped. Also, Larry loves Lance and we brought him along to the point to where he can even ask for a big-time contract. Eventually a young man leaves home to start his own family. I wish him the best. And as a Pacer fan in BK he'll always be one of my favorite players in the league.


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