Bullyin' (How Michael Sam is bullyin' the NFL & the Rams & Tony Dungy got cold cocked)

Sam: "It's goin' just as I'd planned bruh! Dungy: "Yep!"
Neal Boortz, the former radio host, once said, “Free speech is meant to protect unpopular speech. Popular speech, by definition, needs no protection.” Frederick Douglass gave it to us like this, “To suppress free speech is a double wrong.” It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.” Then Liu Xiaobo, the famous Chinese literary critic, shut the buildin' down with, “Free expression is the base of human nature and the mother of truth. To kill free speech is to insult human nature and to suppress truth.”

Well playboy the truth is, everybody has a right to his or her own opinion. Therefore, Tony Dungy should be able to speak his mind on whether he would have drafted Michael Sam or not. When simply asked if he would have drafted ole boy, Tony was honest in sayin’ that he wouldn’t have because of the distraction of all of the freakin’ media attention.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Everybody and their momma knows that Tony only said what the other 31 teams were thinkin’ because none of them dared to draft him either. Why? Because as a 7th round pick he wasn’t worth the headache. All of these media cats that are tryin’ to make this a bigotry type situation need to stop. Unless you’ve been on the freakin’ moon sound asleep for the past 5 months you know that that dun had the worst combine known to man! He’s undersized for his position and he’s as slow as molasses. He ran a 5 flat forty for cryin’ out loud! He was as stiff as a board tryin’ to run in a straight line. In a coaches mind he’s not worth the headache based on his potential bruh.

His chances of makin’ that team under normal circumstances would be slim to none. That’s why Dungy said he wouldn’t have drafted him because now he’s gotta deal with the media bullyin’ he and his staff about whether the freakin’ guy is gonna make the team or not.

Yeah I said it bruh, bullyin’! Michael Sam just bullied his way into the NFL without even havin’ to try out for the freakin’ team. This dun knew that his measurables were terrible before the combine so he let the cat out of the bag. That gave him leverage to bully these boyz out the gate.

When he showed up at the combine he said, “I want to be known as Michael Sam the football player not Michael Sam the gay football player!” What!!!! He’s the one that told us he was gay! Nobody would have even known that had it not been for him! So right then and there I knew that the hustle was on even before seein’ him workout.

Now don’t get it twisted playboy, I’m all for inclusion and as a black man it would be ignorant for me to think otherwise. However, I wouldn’t want to see someone black get a job on the basis of just bein’ black alone! Most importantly a boy has to be qualified! More than qualified!

Jackie Robinson didn’t get to the Major Leagues just because he was black. He was the best freakin’ cat in the league. His ability allowed him to play not because folks were bullyin’ boyz because they finally wanted to see a brotha play.

Tony Dungy answered the question with his coach’s hat on not the politically correct hat on. No coach wants to deal with distractions no matter what they may be. But they'll put up with some foolishness if the dun can play. The better a player is the more a coach will tolerate. It is what it is pimpin’!

I wouldn’t have wanted Tim Tebow on my team if I were the New York Jets a couple of years ago. That dun came into camp as the third string quarterback and held a major press conference! Wheredeydodatat? Think about all of the attention that Johnny Football has gotten just in OTA’s alone and boyz on his team were pissed about that and Johnny can play! Both Tebow and Manziel were both first round picks that had Heismans and boyz were still trippin'!

So now think about havin’ to show up to camp with a cat that barely got drafted, that has the No. 1 sellin’ jersey in the freakin’ league, that on merit alone he may not even make team and he's gettin’ more attention than EVERYBODY! That’s a problem bruh.

Therefore, when Tony said that it may not go well, he was right. He’s been in locker rooms his entire life playboy. He knows that it ain’t gonna fly. A rookie that barely got drafted gettin’ all of the attention over veteran players? In my Huggy Low Down voice, “Waaait for it!”

These clueless cats in the media are killin' me divin’ on Dungy because he didn’t want the distraction of Sam but wanted to mentor Michael Vick. First of all pimpin’, he wasn’t coachin’ Vick. He was mentorin’ the guy after gettin’ out of jail. He wasn’t asked if he would draft him because I’m quite sure he’d say the same thing if he were a 7th round pick that had just gotten released from prison for dog fightin’. He would probably pass on him too. Why? Because he wouldn’t be worth the distraction. However, Vick at the time was a fallen superstar in the league that Dungy wasn’t coachin’. He was merely mentorin' him. There is a huge difference between the two.

What blows my mind about this whole thing is that cats are always hollerin’ tolerance. Well listen up playa! Tolerance goes both ways! If you want people to respect the fact that you’re gay or lesbian then you’ve got to be willin’ to respect the fact that there are people that don’t agree with your lifestyle. That’s tolerance. People can agreeably disagree and still have love for each other.

So if Tony was speakin’ from his Christian faith then you’ve got to be tolerant of the fact that his was. Just because a person may or may not agree with what you’re into doesn’t mean that they don’t have love or respect for you. We’ve got to learn how to love everyone for who they are because none of us has a heaven or a hell to put anyone in.

I don’t drink or smoke that doesn’t mean that I dislike people that do. It's just not for me. It’s just that simple. I’m not runnin’ around bullyin’ boyz because they disagree with me.

If Michael Sam likes guys that’s his business and nobody cares as long as he can play ball. But to continuously be over the top with it is ridiculous. Every time you see that dun he’s cryin’ and kissin’ his boyfriend. You don’t see other players doin’ that with their girlfriends. I’m just sayin!

However, if someone says that they don’t agree with it they’ll get mushed in the face and pushed down the stairs by the gay community. That’s not right. So therefore, Sam is like the kid that’s talkin’ stuff in the front yard (and that’s the edited version) because he knows that his mom is standin’ on the porch to protect him and nobody can touch him.

He’s untouchable at this point because no way are the Rams gonna cut him even if he isn’t good enough. He’s got too big of a followin’, everybody wants to be politically correct, the NFL loves the attention and his jersey is No.1 in sales and he hasn’t even reported to trainin’ camp yet. He's a freakin' cash cow at this point bruh. The Rams have even sold out of season tickets because of him. He ain't goin' nowhere like P. Diddy!

Now some real talk, the Rams got in on the hustle minute they drafted him. They were one of the worst teams in the league and just as irrelevant. Now all of a sudden they're national news and at the forefront of the social awareness. Here's the problem though pimpin'! Once they got in the ride with ole boy he locked the doors and floored it. Now they can't get out if they wanted to without crashin' and burnin'! I grew up with hustlas and thieves and I can spot game a mile away bruh.

If Michael Sam can play then he should by all means be on the 53 man roster when the season starts. But if that dun is suspect they should take his playbook like everybody else and send him to the airport like everybody else.

But this cat is bullyin’ the NFL and the Rams into keepin’ him just because he’s the first cat to tell boyz that he was openly gay. Fair is fair and he should make that team on his talent alone not because he’s got the league by the throat with his homeboyz behind him robbin’ cats of their freedom of religion and speech. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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