Recognizin' the Game (Why Mark Cuban tried to warn these boyz about messin' with Donald Sterling)

"Y'all wanna mess with me bruh? I got somethin' for ya!"
William Shakespeare once said, “If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, stood up and shouted, “It is impossible to suffer without making someone pay for it; every complaint already contains revenge.” Then Tupac’s homeboy Niccolo Machiavelli, the 16th century Italian philosopher, spit that fire when he said, “Men should be either treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injuries – for heavy ones they cannot.”

Well playboy…either the NBA didn’t listen to Machiavelli or they didn’t understand to what level of destruction was necessary to get the job done on Donald Sterling. Adam Silver and the homies thought that bannin’ ole boy for life and snatchin’ his team was good enough to make him go away.

Well in my Lee Corso voice, “Not so fast my friend!” Not only is he suing Adam and the league for $1 billion but now he’s gone out and hired a team of private investigators to dig up dirt on Silver, David Stern and the other 29 owners! Mark Cuban tried to tell these boyz that they were skatin’ on cracked ice messin’ with this fool but they wouldn’t listen.

He told them specifically, “This is a slippery slope!” But boyz sit up and look at ole Mark as bein’ some crazy dude that doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about half the time! I think Cuban grew up in the hood with some gangstas on the low because he’s the only cat that recognized game from the jump.

Now did the league have a choice in how they should  have handled Sterling? Not at all, because the fans and the players would have demanded that they handle it the way that they did. But even when you gotta get at a boy you gotta send the right cats in to handle the dirty work and they didn't send in the experienced hostage negotiators. You gotta send in a boy in that could successfully talk him down.

You fired that dun while he still had the gun in one hand and his manhood in the other. Now everybody's in danger!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Donald Sterling is an 80 year old fart with billions of dollars that’s got cancer and early onset Alzheimer’s. That means that this dun is pretty much bout to die and won’t know his name this time next year if he’s still alive. So he’s gonna blow a hole in the freakin’ NBA immediately so that he can see it go up in flames. That’s why he paid the private investigators more than a 100 stacks to complete the investigation within 30 days. Why? So that he could see the joint burn to the ground in time enough for him to remember it and reminisce over it like Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth.

He's the cat trapped with explosives on the Titanic shootin' holes in all of the life boats, cuttin' all of the life preservers to pieces, throwin' blood in the water as he fires a cannon into the hull of the ship. If he's goin' down... everybody's goin' down bruh!

Think about it bruh…all he’s got to do is pull up some foolishness on any of the owners, Sliver or Stern. For a 100 stacks he’s gonna even get some lies too. They’ll start makin’ stuff up just to put on the invoice bruh! Why? Because Sterling wants answers and for a 100 stacks he’s gonna get them regardless of how valid they are.

It’s almost like the defense attorney throwin’ somethin' out in a trial that he or she knows is bogus and the judge overrules it. As long as it’s been thrown in the air the jury never forgets it playa. Why! Because he's got nothin' to prove. Doubt is cool if Sterling can’t find some demons and skeletons but it’s virtually impossible not to find what you’re looking for when you’re dealin’ with wealthy business owners.

Heck if you dig hard enough you’ll find foolishness on a dun with a pocket full of old school food stamps, an EBT card drivin’ a hooptie rockin’ Skips. So you already know that some freakin’ dinosaurs are bout to fall out of boyz closets when Sterling finishes with these boyz.

Everybody and their momma wants to know why Stern really blocked the Chris Paul trade to the Lakers. Boyz wanna know if ole boy Tim Donahey, the NBA official that went to jail for bettin’ on games that he was officiatin’, was actin’ alone or with anybody else in the league etc. They wanna know if other owners have been involved in shady deals or even has the same views as Sterling. Well… for a 100 stacks for 30 days of work they’re gonna find out somethin'.

That’s why Cuban was tellin’ boyz to chill because where there’s smoke there’s fire and where there’s fire there’s always some dun like Donald Sterling rubbin’ two sticks together.

Don’t think for one minute that none of the other owners aren’t involved in some foolishness too. On some real talk, you can’t legally come into a boyz crib and secretly record him and use it against him. Regardless of the foolishness that came out of his mouth. He was at the crib butt naked talkin’ crazy like 90 percent of boyz out do out here black or white. Does it make it right? Not at all! But when you start allowin’ broads to set cats up and then start makin’ it legal to use the recordings against them all kinds of businesses will start fallin’ apart. Why? Because that ‘lil patch of hair has been sinkin’ ships and destroyin’ kingdoms since the beginnin’ of time playboy. I’m just sayin’!

He was dead wrong in his philosophy but again he was layin’ on his back talkin’ crazy at the crib. In a court of law those recordings would have been thrown out because they were illegally obtained.

So now you’ve got this dun’s dandruff up and he’s out to destroy the league and anybody standin’ in his way because he’s got nothin’ to lose and Mark Cuban tried to warn you. So guess what? Cuban is safe because he didn’t throw ole boy under the bus when they asked him his opinion of the situation when it first broke.

Y’all better start listenin’ to Cuban and stop discountin’ his logic because he grew up with the homies whether he ever tells you that he did or not. I can spot a G a mile away and he’s got the DNA of one. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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