Actin' Brand New (Why boyz are killin' me acting like they didn't know who Donald Sterling was)

Oh yeah you can believe that playa! I'm up outta here!"
Soren Kiekegaard, the 19th century Danish philosopher and poet, once said, “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” Edgar Allen Poe gave it to us like this, “Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.” Then Malcom X shut the building down with, “You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.”

The reality playboy is that racism is still alive and well in this country. Boyz try their best to convince themselves that it’s a thing of the past but every now and then the farting elephant that most black folks see EVERY day jumps out of the birthday cake with a hot pink thong on. Well…over the weekend that dun was dancin’ for the world to see.

Donald Sterling, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, just reminded us that it’s real out here. I don’t need to repeat what that fool said because you’ve already read it or heard it a 100 times already.

What blew me away about this whole thing was not that he said it but the reaction to what he said from both black and white folks. Because on some real talk, if some cat recorded you at the crib talking with your girl or partners you’d be in hot water too. It may not be on the topic of race but people can have some ignorant conversions behind closed doors bruh. Now was this dun completely ignorant and out of line? Absolutely! Should he be forced to give up the team? You darn right! And that’s the edited version bruh.

What tripped me out was all of the cats saying that the Clippers should have boycotted the game on Sunday in protest of what Sterling said. First of all, this ain’t the first time that this clown has said something ignorant on the topic of race. Everybody in the NBA knew that he was a racist fart including his players and coaches. So stop acting brand new! He’s treated players like crap for years now boyz wanna act upset.

He’s the four year old kid that curses and smokes cigarettes at the crib and then when he goes ham in public his mother wants to act surprised and try to discipline him in front of everybody.

Instead of fronting for the cameras the NBA should have gotten rid of that dun years ago. Now they’re sittin’ out here on Front Street and the world wants to see how they’re gonna handle it.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Why in the world would the Clippers not have played on Sunday? They’ve put in mad work to get to this point in the playoffs so it wouldn’t have made an ounce of sense not to play even though they got drug in Golden State. It’s about the team and the commitment to the guys in the locker room not ole dull Sterling.

People that are obligated to take care of families and pay their bills go to work and let the union handle the foolishness on the fray bruh. It’s no different in the NBA. They’ve got a players union for a reason.

During the civil rights movement it wasn’t the working class black folks that were doing the majority of the protests, sit-ins and marches. It was done by college students that had very little to lose. How do I know? Because my mother, father and their classmates were some of those college students in the south in the 1950’s. Their parents couldn’t afford to lose their jobs by jumpin’ out there so they didn't.

Let the players union handle this foolishness and keep playing the game with class and dignity. The Clippers are full of brothers with a black head coach. They can make more of a stand by playing because it further showcases the ignorance of Sterling by keeping these dignified brothers in front of the cameras during the playoffs.

When MLK adopted the teachings of nonviolence from Mahatma Gandhi it made angry and aggressive racist white folks look stupid because they were attacking black folks that wouldn’t retaliate.

By playing, these cats are showing the world that they are responsible human beings that respect the culture of team and commitment. If they happen to lose the rest of their playoff games because of this distraction you still have to respect them.

Will somebody please tell me why Magic Johnson told us that he wasn’t ever going back to a Clippers game? That dun doesn’t pay to get in anyway! He hasn’t paid to see an NBA game in his freakin’ life so that’s not gonna hurt ole dull Sterling’s feelings or his pockets. On some real talk, that’s what he wanted anyway.

Also will somebody tell Snoop to go somewhere and sit his butt down. He's got the nerve to go off about Sterling and he's been a detriment to black culture for more than twenty years. All he's ever done is call our women B's and garden utensils and advocated drug abuse since he stepped on the scene. We don't need to hear from him on this subject, especially if he doesn't have anything intelligent to say. Add to the conversation don't take from it playboy. Being belligerent only perpetuates the freakin' stereotype bruh.

I wanna hear of all the advertisers pulling out of the arena and the fans not renewing season tickets. If that doesn’t happen then it further proves our point on the existence of racism being alive and well in America. I’m not trippin’ off of Donald Sterling because at least he told us who he was.

I’ve got more respect for him than I do for boyz in the Klan because at least he’s not hiding his face. They’re all some suckas but at least I know who I’m dealing with when it comes to Sterling.

Now show me that boyz can do the right thing and stop messin’ with the Clippers completely. The NBA should take control of the team ASAP. It’s up to them to figure out how to pay that dun or not. As long as Sterling owns the joint the current players should be allowed to bounce without penalty even if they’re under contract. Doc Rivers needs to finish the season, quit and leave that fool to pick up the pieces.

The only way you’re going to hurt Sterling is to hit him in the pocket. Otherwise, he will keep on talking crazy and we’ll be revisiting this subject in two years. But boyz need to stop actin’ brand new first! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk! 

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