The Elephant (The REAL reason the Pacers aren't ready to dethrone the Heat)

"Good lookin' out dawg!  I needed that!"
On my flight to Toronto I got stuck sitting with these cats arguing about the obvious. George Bernard Shaw said, “No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious.” Khalil Gibran, the Lebanese artist and poet, spilled his drink as he was saying, “The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply. Then the big homie George Orwell pushed his tray table back and shouted, “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. “

Everywhere I go in Naptown boyz are telling me that the Pacers are going to the Finals simply because they’ve got the best record in the league at 25-6. Well, actually they're tied with OKC. My response continues to be, “Slow ya roll playboy!” They've got crazy work to do before they’re ready for the Finals.

Why? Because there’s an 800 pound elephant sittin' in the room rockin’ a wife beater, some True Religion jeans, some blue and gold UGG boots, continuously farting with a Miami Heat tattoo on his forehead and his name is Terry Turnover!

The Pacers went up to Toronto last night and turned the rock over 22 times and lost 95-82! Against hungry teams you can’t turn the joint over like that bruh! The Raptors are red hot right now especially after the Rudy Gray trade. They’ve won 8 of 10 games since Dec. 13, when the majority of the duns acquired from Sacramento came in.

Don’t get it twisted playboy, the Pacers are still a beast in the East. However, turning the joint over has been a problem all season and boyz try to act like it doesn’t exist. The last two times they’ve played Brooklyn they’ve turned it over 17 and 18 times respectively but still managed to win by 17 and 14 points. They played Houston a few weeks ago and gave it away 17 times but won by 33 points! Against cats like that the giveaways don’t hurt them because they’re just a better team.

Ima keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! You can’t give it away against the Miami Heat and they’re the only freakin’ team that counts! They are the best transition team in the league and those joints turn into points real quick against them playa!

So for all of the duns out there reppin’ the Pacers, just pay close attention to the giveaways the rest of the way. The goal isn’t to just beat the team sitting in front of them on any particular night. The goal is to be able to beat the Heat come late May early June and it’s gonna be very difficult to do if boyz are having nights light this. In the playoffs you can’t afford to have 17, 18 or 22 turnovers in a 7 game series against LeBron and Co. So get the bugs out now, otherwise it’s gonna be a problem.

Also Roy Hibbert is the X-factor bruh and he’s got to be more consistent. He had 15 points, 12 rebounds and 3 blocks last night even with fouling out. But some nights that dun won’t even get out of the limo like he did the last time they went to Miami for example. He had 6 points and 2 freakin' rebounds all night! His ability to rebound and bang in the paint CONSISTENTLY is going to be critical if the Pacers are going to get past the Heat.

Boyz ain’t thinking about the rest of these cats on the schedule because the East is so bad. At this point, neither the Pacers nor the Heat are really trippin’ about the playoffs because they know that it all comes down to the two of them.

My point is this, stop assuming that boyz are gonna make it to the Finals in freakin’ January because they share the best record in the league with OKC. The turnover problem has to be addressed because the duns from South Beach will run that joint down their throats if they aren’t careful. Pass the collection plate because I'm preachin'!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport    

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