A Stone Cold Gas ( Happy New Year & thanks for keepin' it REAL in 2013)

Thanks for ridin' with Ya Boy in 2013 & let's boot up for 2014

Happy New year to all the playas and playettes out there! Thanks for ridin' with Ya Boy in 2013 and let's do it big in 2014! My job is to give you sports the way you're supposed to get it, rough, rugged and raw playboy! So many of these media type cats want to give you sports from a corporate perspective like we're sitting in a board room on Wall Street!

Well...listen up playa, we're not at work while we're watchin' sports! We're relaxing somewhere with the fellas or with our family and friends having a good time. So we're watching the freakin' game as an outlet from the real world and when you're talking about it you're somewhere chillin' with no inhibitions. Why would you want to hear some cat talk to you about it in corporate terms? Where do most boyz talk sports? In the freakin' barber shop!

If some cat walked in the shop talkin' corporate about the game last night or about what some famous dun did he'd get thrown out of the joint, right?  So why would you want to read an editorial on the subject written the same way. We're all educated here but when we're at the crib we wanna be REAL!

That's why you've got Ya Boy! Ima keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I'm gonna talk to you like one of the fellas at the barber shop when I break down the Hot Joint of the day! If sports is supposed to be entertainment then the editorial should be too. If this is an outlet to your everyday life then it's my job to make you think and most importantly, laugh. If you aren't doing that when you're reading TheJayGravesReport then I'm not doing my job pimpin'!

Thanks for understanding that it's all entertainment but it's all REAL too! My background is in pharmaceutical sales and clinical data is my specialty. So don't get it twisted playboy, I know my stuff and that's the edited version! My opinion is always based on the facts. I'm not just saying something just to say it. I've done my research in advance to come to the opinion that I'm spittin'.

Now what I might say may sound crazy to you or different from what some dun on TV or radio just said because I'm the only one of us that has pulled up the facts! Most of these media type cats are only repeating what they heard some dun say earlier. Nobody is thinking for themselves.

The famous clinical psychologist and author Na'im Akbar once said, "There is a difference between a student and a scholar. The student takes the information given to him and simply repeats it. The scholar, on the other hand, takes that same information, tests the validity of it and finds the useful purpose of it." There are very few scholars in the world playa! The question is, are you one of them?

So when I sound like I'm talking crazy, understand that I've done my research and I know something that the dun on TV or radio doesn't and that's the truth, literally! So keep ridin' with Ya Boy in 2014 because in my Don Cornelius voice, "You can bet ya last money! It's gonna be a stone cold gas, honey!" 

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheJayGravesReport
Instagram: JayGravesReport

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