Y'all Ain't Listenin'! (Why the dull media tried to carjack the BCS & got jacked by Auburn)

"JayGravesReport tried to tell you playboy but you wouldn't listen!"
Epictetus, the Greek philosopher, once said, “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” Winston Churchill leaned over in a boy’s ear and said, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” Then the big homie, Ernest Hemingway, stood up and said, “I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.”

In my Kevin Hart voice, “Y’all gone learn now!” Stop listening to these dull media cats out here and start listening to Ya Boy! I’m the only one that’s gonna keep it real with you but you should know that by now. Pull the tape playa! I told you at the beginning of November that it was upset time in college football.

These dull talking heads started trying to convince you that 5 or 6 teams were going to pull into the gate undefeated and create BCS Armageddon like they always do. I told you boyz that Oregon was going down vs. Stanford and you wouldn’t listen. I told you that Baylor was gonna hit the bricks against Oklahoma State but you blew me off. Then I told you that Bama was going down in the Iron Bowl and you laughed. If you think I’m lyin’ pull the tape pimpin’! Here you go bruh pop the hood to "College Football Weekly Previews" and check out a real playa work!

It’s college football playboy! It’s the greatest game known to man for one reason. Why? Because of the upsets that occur in November!! The best predictor of future behavior is to look at past behavior. If you’ve been around this game for more than a year you would already know that bruh.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Stop listening to duns that make a living off of creating hypothetical foolishness. As long as they get you to believe that the BCS is garbage, you’ll keep listening to their foolish reasons as to why certain teams shouldn’t play in the title game i.e. Ohio State.

As long as they’ve got you sucker punched, you’ll believe that a team that hasn’t lost a game in two years playing in a major conference shouldn’t play for a national title if they beat Michigan state next week.

The danger isn’t in the art of listening. It’s in listening to fools that know nothing about what their talking about. The only difference between Florida being 4-8 and Ohio State being 24-0 is Urban Meyer! Not the Big 10 vs. the SEC because he was stuntin’ boyz while he was down there too.

The reason that Alabama has been dragging boyz all over the field for the past 5 years isn’t because of Alabama! It’s because of Nick “freakin” Saban bruh! When he leaves, the faucet will shut off for a few years until they come up on another genius. This thing is cyclical playa. You can't win forever!

These media cats will sell you wooden nickels in a minute. For example, now that A. J. McCarron has gone down these media types are on a mad search to find somebody else to give the freakin’ Heisman to this morning. Who came up with the ignorant rule that if you lose a ball game you’re now longer a great player?

Johnny Football is by far the most outstanding player in college football. He has better numbers this year than he had last year. However, he doesn’t play defense. When he lost to Bama earlier in the season, even though he destroyed Bama offensively, he didn’t play defense. Boyz grabbed the trophy and sprinted down to Tallahassee to give it Famous Jameis. Then they put the horse head in his bed and the powers that be are slow walking the decision to charge him or not until the voting is darn near over to keep him from winning the joint. Even though in this country you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

Then they ran down to Tuscaloosa to give it to A.J. but he wasn’t on the field goal unit to stop a boy from going 109 yards to upset the Tide at dull Toomer’s Corner. So know they're trying to sell you on ole boy Andre Williams from Boston College.

They didn’t even know that duns name two weeks ago but know he’s a Heisman finalist. My bad, he got hurt yesterday so now they’re looking for somebody else to give it to. I guess they'll run down to Orlando to see if Mickey Mouse wants it now. 

Now that everybody has lost a game are they gonna reshuffle the deck and start over? Absolutely! Why? Because the whole Heisman situation is foolishness because you’ve got duns voting that know nothing about the game and what a great football player actually looks like.

The only cats that should have a Heisman vote are the duns that actually own one and a select few retired coaches. Why are there more than 900 people voting for the Heisman and half of them couldn’t tell you the difference between trips to the right and an I-formation? Because the media controls the minds of the masses not just in sports but is every aspect of life. Why? Because very few people think for themselves and will listen to any fool with a mic. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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